江苏盐城盐都郭猛中学八级英语下册Unit5GoodmannersPeriod4导学案新牛津 1.doc

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1、Unit 5 Good manners Period 4 Grammar【学习目标】1. 了解各种礼仪知识。2. 能用英语谈论如何在公共场所举止得体。3. 能养成良好的行为习惯。重点:正确使用enough to和 tooto难点:正确使用enough to和 tooto【自主预习】一、生词热身1. 讨论(n.)_ 2. 讨论(v)_ 3. 表达_ 4. 大声的_ 5. 话题_ 6. 原谅_二、翻译短语。1. 劳驾_ 2. 足够的。做。_3. 排队等候_ 4. 太而不能_5. 不关水龙头_ 6. 也_【盘点收获】1.Youre never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。(永

2、远不会太老而不能学习)too to 是英语中常用的一种结构。其句型为“too形容词或副词todo”译为“太而不能”,它在形式上是肯定的,但在意义上是否定的。这一结构的具体用法如下: 1)“tooto”本身已含有否定意思,因此,不定式前一般不加not。例如:她太小了,还不能去上学。Sheistooyoungnottogotoschool() Sheistooyoungtogotoschool()2)在tooto结构中,若要指出动词不定式的逻辑主语时,则用tooforsbtodo形式。例如: Theboxistooheavyforhertocarry这个箱子太重,她抬不动。Thisquestion

3、istoohardformetoworkout这道题太难了,我算不出来。3)在tooto结构中,如too前面有not,never,only等词时,此结构表示肯定意思。例如: Oneisnevertoooldtolearn活到老,学到老。4)若too后接ready, pleased,glad等形容词时,too相当于very,“tooto”则表达肯定的意思。例如: Imtoogladtohelpyou我很乐意帮助你。Imtoopleasedtoseeyou见到你太高兴了。5)在tooto结构中,当todo后面的宾语是句中的主语时,不定式之后不应该使用代词。如果不定式中动词为不及物动词,则应在动词之

4、后再加上适当的介词。例如:Theboxistooheavyforhertocarry it()Theboxistooheavyforhertocarry()The room is too dirty to live in. 这房间太脏,不能住。(句末的介词in不可省略)enough to句型的用法 该结构的基本形式为“形容词或副词+enough to+动词原形”,其意为“足够地可以”:He is old enough to take care of himself. 他大了,能照顾自己了。Will you be kind enough to shut the door? 可否劳驾把门关上?Sh

5、e is old enough to travel by herself. 她年纪够大,可以独自旅行了。Is the river deep enough to swim in? 在这条河里游泳水够深吗? 【注】若enough前出现否定词,则不仅否定了enough,而且也否定其后的不定式:He was not strong enough to do the work. 他不够强壮,不能做这工作。He is not strong enough to lift the box. 他力气不够大提不起这个箱子。另外,该句型有时可与so suchthat结构转换:He is rich enough to

6、buy a plane. 他很有钱,可以买一架飞机。He is so rich that he can buy a plane. 他很有钱,可以买一架飞机。有时该句型也可与tooto句型转换:He is too young to go to school. 他太小,还不能上学。He is not old enough to go to school. 他还不够大,还不能上学。【展示交流】A Using enough to 1.Ask:1.What does Eddie say to Hobo before he mentions the good manners?(You are old en

7、ough to learn about manners.)Whatll British people do if youre in their way?(If youre in their way, British people will be polite enough to wait till you move.) Let ss answer the questions with the sentences in the book. Then Write down on the the blackboard.2.Encourage ss to read the sentences and

8、think about the answers. B Using tooto.1. Accordind to Comic strip, Ask: What does Hobo say to Eddie in the end? Help ss to answer it with the sentences from the text.(Youre never too old to learn.)2. Write the sentence down on the blackboard .Ask ss to translate it and pay attention to the meaning

9、of tooto.3. Read the example sentences of Page71.Encourage ss to ask questions about the two phrases.Step2. Finish the exercises on Page71,chack them.Step3. Work out the rules.【个案补充】_【反馈矫正】一、词汇1. The little boy is too young to _(推)past you.2. Some is polite enough to _ (排队等候) in public.3. Its your _

10、 (顺序) to sing for us.4. You should try to _(表达)yourself clearly.5. I didnt agree with them, so I didnt join in the _(讨论).6. What _ (其他的)things are in the box?7. The UK is too far away for Jenny to go there on her _(独自).8. Suzy was too shy to join the _ (discuss).9. Dont leave the tap _ (run) all the

11、 time.10. I think he is too old _ (learn) a foreign language.11. We should speak _ (polite) to the old people.12. Students should put the books back after _ (read) them.13. Yesterday I listened to a speech on good table _ (manner).二、单项选择( )1.As teenagers, were old enough _ with housework. We can hel

12、p set the table, wash the dishes and clean our own rooms.A, to help B. helping C. helped D. help ( )2.Dont worry.She is _ to look after your son.A.enough carefully B.carefully enough C.enough careful D.careful enough( )3.Dont worry,sir.I am sure I can run _ to catch up with them.A.fast enough B.enou

13、gh fast C.slowly enough D.enough slowly( )4.Lucy was _ excited _ say anything when she heard the good news.A.so;that B.so;to C.too;to D.too;that( )5.You are _ young to understand it.A.too B.very C.much D.so( )6.She was ill last week.But she is _ to go to school today.A.well enough B.enough well C.enough good



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