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1、Unit5Doyouhaveasoccerball SectionA GrammarFocus 3c A Doyouhave B Yes Yes Yes No Makeconversations IhaveaTV Idon thaveaTV DoyouhaveaTV Yes Ido No Idon t GrammarFocus Theyhaveacomputer Theydon thaveacomputer Dotheyhaveacomputer Yes theydo No theydon t Hehasatennisball Hedoesn thaveatennisball Doesheha

2、veatennisball Yes hedoes No hedoesn t DoyouhaveaTV Yes Ido No Idon t Dotheyhaveacomputer Yes theydo No theydon t Doeshehaveatennisball Yes hedoes No hedoesn t Doesshehaveasoccerball Yes shedoes No shedoesn t Doeshehaveaping pongball Yes hedoes No hedoesn t I they he she it Eric you we Ihetheyyouwesh

3、eitEric Writeeachwordinthecorrectplaceinthechart 3a Fillintheblankwithdoordoes Thenpracticetheconversationswithyourpartner 用do或does填空 然后与你的同伴练习对话 3b Fillintheblankswithdoordoes Thenpracticetheconversationswithyourpartner Do do 3b Does doesn t Does does Do do RememberthethingsinBob sroom Thencloseyou

4、rbooksandaskandanswerquestionswithapartner 记住鲍勃房间里的五篇 然后合上书与同伴对话 3c A DoesBobhaveasoccerball B Yes hedoes Let sjointhesportsclubs Example A Hi Mary Doyouplaybasketball B Yes Ido A Doyouplaybaseball B No Idon t A Doyouplayping pong B Yes Ido A Doyouwanttojointhebasketballclub B Yes Ido Youwanttojoino

5、neofyourschoolsportsclubs Completetheformandintroduceyourselftothecoach 你想参加学校的体育俱乐部 填写表格 向教练介绍你自己 4 结对活动 PAIRWORK Tom Herrold ClassOne Volleyballandtennis you acomputer Yes I No I he atennisball Yes he No he she asoccerball Yes she No she they avolleyball Yes they No they Summary 总结 soccerballtenni

6、sballbaseballbaseballbatping pongballping pongbatbasketballvolleyball Do have do don t Does have Does have does does doesn t doesn t Do have do don t Explanation 1 Doyouhaveaping pongball 这是一个一般现在时行为动词 do 的一般疑问句 其中have是实义动词 表示 某人拥有 句中do为助动词 没有实际意义 只是帮助构成句式 如 Doyouhaveawatch 你有手表吗 2 Yes Ido 这是个肯定的简略回

7、答形式 其中do为动词 用来避免动词的重复 3 No Idon t 这是个否定的简略回答形式 其中don t是do和not的缩写形式 1 have是英语中很有用的动词 基本含义是 有 如 Ihaveasoccerball have在he she it后面要变成has 即 一般现在时态第三人称单数形式 如 Hehasabasketball Doesshehaveabaseball Yes shedoes have当动词 有 的意思时 句式是 陈述句 Ihaveasoccerball 疑问句 Doyouhaveasoccerball Yes Ido No Idon t 否定句 Idon thave

8、asoccerball Shedoesn thaveabaseball 2 have与其它的词组合成词组 短语 就不表示 有 了 其意思与后面的名词接近 如 haveclasses 上课 havebreakfast 吃早饭 haveagoodtime 玩得高兴 haveadayoff 休假 等等 3 have与therebe句型的区别 therebe是表示 在某处存在某物 而have则是表示所属的意思 即 拥有 通常是人 我们来看两个句子 Thereisabookonthedesk 书桌上有一本书 Ihavemanybooks 我有很多本书 4 Let splaysoccer 咱们踢球吧 本句

9、是以let开头的祈使句 结构为 Let sdosth 意为 咱们 吧 常用于提出建议 句中的动词用原形 如 Let splaybasketball 咱们打篮球吧 5 Thatsoundsgood 1 句中的sound为系动词 其后接形容词good作表语 2 当主语是第三人称单数时 在一般现在时的肯定句中 动词后要加s 构成动词的第三人称单数形式 如 Heplaysbasketballeveryday Exercises 翻译 我有一个乒乓球 2 我有两个排球 3 我有一个足球 Ihaveaping pongball Ihaveasoccerball Ihavetwovolleyballs 4

10、你有钢笔吗 5 我有一个篮球 6 你有网球吗 Ihaveabasketball Doyouhaveapen Doyouhaveatennisball 单选 1 Doyouhaveasoccerball A Yes Idon tB No IdoC No Idoesn tD No Idon t2 Jim hishomeworkeveryevening A Do doesB Do doC Does doD Isdo3 Let s shoppingtogether A goB doesC togoD going D C A 4 Let s A toplayping pongB playingping

11、pongC playtheping pongD playping pong 解析 let s后面要与动词原形连用 所以排除A B 当play后是球类运动时 不能加定冠词the D 解析 Tom是句子的主语 属于第三人称单数 所以助动词应为Does 句中的行为动词要用原形play 5 Tom volleyballeveryday A Does playB Do playC Does playsD Do plays A 1 He notdo anyhouseworkathome 2 HegoestoplaysoccerintheparkonSundays 就划线部分提问 What he inthe

12、parkonSundays doesn tdo does do 根据提示完成句子 3 你每天都做作业吗 you yourhomeworkeveryday 解析 答案是Do do 第一个Do是助动词 帮助句子构成一般疑问句 第二个do是实义动词 意思是 做 事情 两者意思和用法各不相同 缺一不可 doone shomework做家庭作业 固定短语 e g doyour his herhomework Do do 用所给词的正确形式填空 1 That sound interesting 2 you have atennisball 3 Mybrother have abaseballbat 4 W

13、ehavemany club inourschool 5 Let swatch they onTV sounds Do have has clubs them 6 She play sportseveryday 7 Canyou bring yournewpicturebookshere 8 yourfriend like sports 9 Let we playtennis 10 That san interest computergame plays bring Does like us interesting I abasketball Ilikeplayingbasketball Itcanmakemestrong LiMing asoccerball buthe aping pongball Fangfang avolleyball WangLing abaseball Fillintheblanks have has doesn thave has has 1 抄写单词pp90 91do classmate 默写一次 2 复习今天所学的内容 用所学的句型写一小段话


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