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1、Unit2Illhelptocleanupthecityparks.Period6SectionB3aSelfCheck【课型】写作与复习课学习目标1.复习巩固本单元的重点单词several,feeling,satisfaction,joy,owner,journey,notice,sign,volunteer,lonely2.复习掌握并熟练运用下列重点动词短语clean up,cheer up,call up,set up,put up,fix up,come up with,give out,hand out,give away,put off,take after,try out3.复习

2、并熟练掌握动词不定式的用法。学习过程【课前预习】根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1.My father has to put o his vacation because of the busy job.2.Jim,please help me g out food to these children.3.My brother is very s.I think he can carry this heavy box.4.What do you often do in your free time?I like being a g at the museum.5.Whats your h?I l

3、ike to play the guitar.【课堂探究】探究一:词形变换1.feel(动词)感觉(名词)感觉;感触2.own(形容词)自己的(名词)物主;主人3.train(动词)训练;培训(名词)训练;培训4.excite (动词)使兴奋(形容词)激动的;兴奋的5.kind(形容词)友好的(名词)仁慈;善良6.interest(名词)兴趣(形容词)有趣的(形容词)感兴趣的探究二:重点短语1.打扫(或清除)干净2.(使)变得更高兴;振奋起来3.分发;散发4.想出;提出(主意、计划、回答等)5.推迟6.hand out 7.call up8.used to9.care for10.try ou

4、t11.修理;装饰12.赠送;捐赠13.(外貌或行为)像14.建起;设立15.影响;有作用探究三:重点句型1.他们给我讲过去的生活经历,讲过去是什么样子的。They told me stories about the past and how things.2.我想要学到更多关于怎样照顾动物的知识。I want to learn more aboutanimals.3.她四岁的时候就可以独自阅读了。She could read four.4.现在的大部分人只是为找一份能挣许多钱的好工作而着急。Most people today are only good jobs to make lots o

5、f money.5.有了你的帮助,我才有可能拥有“幸运儿”。You helped tofor me to have Lucky.【课堂练习】一、单项选择。1.He has been since he was born,so he cant see anything.A.blindB.deafC.illD.disabled2.Tom has to sell his bike because he has all his money.A.ran outB.ran out ofC.run outD.run out of3.Could you give me a hand?I want to the

6、map on the wall.A.put upB.look upC.open upD.turn up4.Sandy is upset now.Why dont we ?Thats a good idea.A.cheer her upB.wake her upC.pick her upD.look her up5.The volunteer work will each of them several hours a week.A.costB.takeC.payD.spend二、根据所给汉语完成句子。1.他妈妈在一家敬老院工作。His mother works in an .2.没人想买这些大

7、衣,甚至白送也不要。No one wants to buy these coats.You cant even them .3.那辆汽车坏了,我修理不好。The car is broken and I cant it .4.我想去医院当一名志愿者护士。I want to a nurse in the hospital.5.你想的那个办法很管用。我现在已经解决了我的困难。The idea that you came up with and I have solved the problem.三、句型转换。1.Our teacher put off the class meeting.(改为否定句

8、)Our teacher off the class meeting.2.Mr.Green set up a call-in center for parents.(改为一般疑问句) Mr.Green a call-in center for parents?3.I want to help them by teaching them some skills.(对画线部分提问)you want to help them?4.Her cousin is good at singing pop songs.(改为同义句)Her cousin singing pop songs.5.I dont t

9、hink learning English well is very easy.(改为同义句)I dont think very easy English well.【自我反思】1.我的收获:2.我的易错点:参考答案课前预习1.off2.give3.strong4.guide5.hobby课堂探究探究一:1.feeling2.owner3.training4.excited5.kindness6.interesting;interested探究二:1.clean up2.cheer up3.give e up with5.put off6.分发7.打电话给(某人);征召8.曾经;过去9.照顾;

10、非常喜欢10.参加选拔;试用11.fix up12.give away13.take after14.set up15.make a difference探究三:1.used to be2.how to care for3.by herself at the age of4.worried about getting5.make it possible课堂练习一、15.ADAAB二、1.old peoples home2.give;away3.fix;up4.volunteer as5.made a difference三、1.didnt put2.Did;set3.How do4.does well in5.its;to learn



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