内蒙古呼和浩特敬业学校七级英语暑假作业Module 6 Shopping模块综合测试 仁爱.doc

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内蒙古呼和浩特敬业学校七级英语暑假作业Module 6 Shopping模块综合测试 仁爱.doc_第1页
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《内蒙古呼和浩特敬业学校七级英语暑假作业Module 6 Shopping模块综合测试 仁爱.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《内蒙古呼和浩特敬业学校七级英语暑假作业Module 6 Shopping模块综合测试 仁爱.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、内蒙古呼和浩特市敬业学校七年级英语暑假作业Module 6 Shopping模块综合测试(无答案) 仁爱版英汉互译51. 去的路 2. 下车 3. 怎样到达 4. 沿着街走 5. 在一个晴朗的日子 6. take the underground 7. go past a church 8. need to do sth. 9. next to the bus stop 10. on the other side of the river 单项选择1. Is there a bookshop near here? _.A. Yes, it is B. No, there arent C. Yes

2、, there is D. Yes, there are2. She wants _ to movies with her classmates.A. to go B. go C. going D. goes 3. Welcome _ China.A. you B. to C. to you D. your 4. Just _ across and turn right. A. going B. go C. to go D. goes5. Its very far from here. You can _ a bus.A. sit B. have C. by D. take 6. This i

3、s the _ of the tour.A. begin B. beginning C. begining D. begins 7. We live in a house _ a small garden. A. has B. with C.have D. there is III. 完形填空Youll see a new 1 at a hospital near London if you go there. He is very clever, 1 he never speaks. He can work 24 hours a day and never gets 1 .He is one

4、 meter tall and has a face 1 a TV screen. He is Dr. Robot. Doctors often need to ask their patients a lot of questions. 1 doctors can only spend a few minutes with such patient. But Dr. Robot, a human doctor can 1 a lot of useful information (信息) when he meets his patient. How can Dr. Robot do this?

5、 A computer tell him what to do. Dr. Robot can do a lot of things people can do, though he cant completely_9_ the place of _10_ doctors. ( ) 1. A. sick person B. nurse C. chemist D. doctor ( ) 2. A. so B. if C. but D. because ( ) 3. A. tired B. off C. up D. wounded ( ) 4.A.like B. on C. as D. in ( )

6、 5.A.Kind B. Busy C. Free D. Tall ( ) 6.A.late B. impossible C. necessary D. interesting ( ) 7.A.With B. For C. Behind D. Under ( ) 8.A.spend B. have C. send D. speak ( ) 9.A.bring B. give C. take D. lead ( ) 10.A.robot B. computer C. women D. human 阅读理解AJoin us in the Huangpu River tourThe Huangpu

7、River is a must-see for most tourists . You can enjoy the museum of international architecture(建筑风格) on the “bund” and the skyline(地平线,轮廓) of Lujiazui in Putong . You can have a close look at the famous Shanghai Radio and TV Tower and the magnificent(壮丽的) Jinmao Building . You can also see videos ,

8、sing songs or watch wonderful performances(表演演出) on the boat . Tea and coffee are served during the trip. The tour guide will tell you something about Shanghais today and yesterday both in Chinese and in English. You are sure to have a good time on the boat .We offer three different boat tours along

9、 the river every day .One is the 1.5-hour trip to see Yangpu Bridge at the price of 25-35 yuan (3-4.2$) .The second is the 2-hour trip to Gaiqiao at the price of 50-100 yuan (6-12$) .The third trip is the 3.5-hour trip to Wusongkou , the mouth of the Yangtze River where it runs into the East China S

10、ea. This costs 50-100 yuan (6-12$) .Visitors can get on the boat at the ferry pier(栈桥码头) on the Bund on East Jinling Road . The booking office is open from 7:30 a.m to 5:30 p.m .根据短文内容判断下列句子正(T)误(F): BLiving alone or with others, that is a question.Living alone can benefit(有益于) a lot as you can enjo

11、y the space and time by yourself without any interruption(打扰) from the outside. You can spend a whole afternoon to draw a picture or read a wonderful book with a nice cup of coffee. On the other hand, you maybe will feel lonely when you are alone facing some trouble.Living with others has many advan

12、tages, for example, you will have one more hand when you are in troubles, or you can enjoy chatting with your roommates and share your good or bad stories.I think living with others is better than living alone. I believe that people will learn from each other when they are living together. Everyone

13、lives with their family after birth till they find their life mate to have a new family finally. Even they live alone in a room, actually they are not alone as they live together with so many people in their neighborhood, or their hometown, or their country, or on the earth.1. Which of the following is a question? ( ) A. Living in the city.B. Living alone.C. Living with others.D. Living alone or with others.


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