九级英语上册 unit12You are supposed to shake hands同步练习 人教新目标.doc

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1、单 元 巩 固 训 练 (Unit 12)Section A . 根据句意及首字母提示,填写单词。1. You should s the bottle (瓶子) before pouring the orange juice.2. Whats your attitude t what the kids wear to school?3. Switzerland is the l of watches, and people there are very serious about time.4. After exercising in the morning, I usually feel q

2、uite r.5. Julie k her mother good night before she went to bed. 根据句意,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1. You shouldnt have (leave) so soon at the party.2. He is (suppose) to arrive at the station at 8:40. 3. They lay on the beach, (look) up into the blue sky. 4. Eating dumplings at the Spring Festival (be) the custo

3、m in our country.5. I was very embarrassed at the party because I (wear) the wrong clothes. . 根据句意和汉语提示,填写恰当的短语完成下列句子。1. In Switzerland its very important to be (准时).2. They (握手) and started a conversation at once.3. Dont be angry with him. (毕竟), he is still a child. 4. They dont usually have to (做计

4、划) to meet their friend5. He lives near the city mall. We can (顺便拜访他家) when we go there for shopping. 根据括号内所给的词语提示,翻译下列句子。1. 他们有相当宽松的规定。(pretty relaxed) 2. 我们从未不提前打电话就拜访朋友家。(without) 3. 作为一名学生,你应该努力学习。(be supposed to) 4. 你若晚到一会儿也不要紧。(a bit late) 5. 吃太多的油和盐对我们的健康不利。(eating) . 根据对话内容,在空白处填写恰当的单词,使对话完整

5、、通顺。A: What do people usually do on Chinese New Year, Lingling?B: Well, most people buy (1) and give them to others.A: Thats great. I love getting presents. Can I (2) the present I receive right at the time?B: Im afraid you must wait! In China, you are not (3) to open the present at once. You must w

6、ait and open it (4). And you must receive it with both hands.A: Really? Thats interesting. (5) in Britain, we can use one hand to receive the present. Thanks for telling me so much.B: My pleasure.Section B &self check. 根据句意和汉语提示,填写单词。1. American people eat with a (餐刀) and fork.2. The geography teach

7、er is (指) to the map on the wall.3. You should use a (匙) to eat the soup. 4. Be careful not to (刺) the needle (针) in your finger.5. Would you like another one? No, thanks. Im (吃饱的). 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Its impolite to make (noise) while eating noodles.2. By reading this article, we can learn abo

8、ut table (manner).3. At that time, all the questions (crowd) my mind. 4. When I first ate in a (west) restaurant, I didnt know what to do.5. We should speak to old people (polite). 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空词数不限。1. 我们没有理由迟到。There is for us .2. 在周末,我习惯于晚起。On weekends, I . 3. 他费尽心思帮助我。He .4. 我发现忘记那次经历很难。I find t

9、hat experience.5. 正如你所能想象到的,情况与我们国内的大不一样。 you can imagine, things are the way they are at home. Reading. 根据句意及汉语提示,填写单词。1. I saw Jack sitting (在旁边) Jim talking.2. I dont understand the meaning of this (符号).3. My sister got the answer to the (谜语) very quickly.4. Many people are against (做实验) on anima

10、ls.5. He gave me a (恰当的) example, so I understood it easily. . 根据句意,从方框内选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空。 e-mail, who, rubbish, please, normal1. flowers are these on the table?2. Mom is very with her new job.3. You can use e-mail English when your friends. 4. It takes 20 minutes to get there.5. I forgot to take ou

11、t the when I left home this morning. 根据句意,从方框内选择合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空。get used to, learn by oneself, pick up, used to, cant stop laughing1. Jane the book on the floor and put it on the desk.2. Three weeks later, she her new job.3. The man is hard-working. He is English .4. His mother be a football player.

12、5. She when she heard the funny joke.Key:Section A. 1. shake 2. towards 3. land 4. relaxed 5. kissed . 1. left 2. supposed 3. looking 4. is 5. wore .1. on time 2. shook hands 3. After all 4. make plans 5. drop by his home . 1. They have pretty relaxed rules.2. We never drop by a friends home without

13、 calling first.3. As a student, you are supposed to study hard.4. Its OK if you arrive a bit late.5. Eating too much oil and salt is bad for our health. 1. presents 2. open 3. supposed 4. later 5. But Section B & Self check. 1. knife 2. pointing 3. spoon 4. stick 5. full. 1. noise 2. manners 3. crowded 4. western 5. politely . 1. no reason; to be late 2. am used to


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