2020年八年级英语上学期词汇默写小卷Unit4 topic1(英译汉版)

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1、精品资源备战中考2019-2020学年仁爱英语八年级上学期单词,词组,句子背默Unit 4 Topic 1Whats the strongest animal on the farm?1、精选资源战胜中考1. sky n.2. river n.3. clear v.4. beauty n.5. nature n.6. horse n.7. sheep (pl.sheep)8. hen n. 9. cow n.10. thin adj.11. rose n.12. frog n.13. rainforest n.14. thick adj.15. forest n. 16. ground n.1

2、7. wet adj.18. cover n.19. earth 20. surface n.21. thousands of 22. nowhere无处,哪里都不 adv.23. control v.n.24. climate n.25. die v.26. die out 27. wood n.28. reason n.29. protect v.30. southeast n.31. feed v.32. feed on 33. bamboo n.34. less(与不可数名词连用) det.35. less and less 36. land v.37. whale n.38. sea

3、 n.39. in danger 40. ocean n.41. fur n.42. bone n.43. feature n.2、 1. thousands of 2. share . with 3. die out 4. both . and . 5. feed on 6. the earths surface 7. less and less 8. nowhere else 9. in danger 10. different kinds of 11. think about 12. the lungs of the earth 13. life in the countryside 1

4、4. keep the water cycling 15. the beauty of nature 16. play an important part in在扮演重要角色17. visit a farm 18. control the climate 19. run after 20. smaller and smaller 21. play with 22. such as 23. keep a pet dog 24. Southwest China 25. as we know 26. some . others . 27. be important to 三、1. I like it

5、 very much because the air is fresher, the sky is bluer and the rivers are clearer there. 2. I think the countryside is much quieter than the city, too 3. That must be fun! 4. Whats the strongest animal on the farm? 5. The sheep are the nicest of all. .6. Which do you like better, plants or animals?

6、 ?7. As we know, they are both important to us. .8. Rainforests cover 6% of the earths surface. .9. They provide places to live for thousands of plants and animals found nowhere else on Earth. .10. Many of them live in the tree over 30 meters from the ground. .11. The plants in the forests help to m

7、ake the air fresher and cleaner. .12. They play an important part in controlling the climate. .13. Without rainforests, many beautiful plants and animals would die out. .14. But now, rainforests are becoming smaller and smaller, so we should protect them. .15. But now they have less and less land to

8、 live on. .16. They are the largest but they feed on the smallest sea animals. .17. Now they are in danger because some people make their ocean home dirty and others kill whales for their meat. .18. They are the oldest type of tigers in the world and they eat small animals. .19. Some people kill tigers for their fur and bones. .


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