吉林伊通实验中学八级英语下册Unit 10 It is a nice day isn’t it 学案 人教新目标.doc

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1、八年级英语下册Unit 10 It is a nice day, isnt it 学案(无答案)一.教师寄语:Please make today a great day in your life. (让今天成为你生命中伟大的一天。)二. 学习目标(一)知识目标 1.四会单词:noon, goodbye, cross, low, slow;掌握短语:by noon, on the weekend, wait in line.2.掌握反意疑问句的结构,学会变反意疑问句。(二)能力目标 学会讨论天气及价格(三)情感目标 通过学习对天气及价格的提问,培养学生关心天气关注身边的小事的习惯,养成敏锐的生活

2、观察力。三.教学重、难点1.反意疑问句的结构及变法2.如何运用习语谈论天气价格四.学习过程(一)预习导学及自测:预习单词完成下列各题1.在中午_ 2.再见 _ 3.横过 _4.低的_5.缓慢的_6.浏览_(二)情景导入教师板书以前所学过的一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,然后写出Its a nice day, isnt it?问学生:与我们以前学过的句子有何不同。(三)自主探究 学生认真观察下列句子,看看与我们以前学过的句子有何不同。1. He is a student, isnt he?2. They are at school at noon, arent they? 3. She plays ta

3、ble tennis every day, doesnt she?4. Lucy and Lily often watch TV at night, dont they?总结:以上句子称为反意疑问句,又叫附加疑问句。其构成:_当陈述句表达肯定意思时,附加问句要用否定反问;当陈述句表达否定意思时,附加问句要用肯定反问。(四)合作交流 .将下列各题补充成完整的反意疑问句。 1.She works in a hospital, _?2.They dont go to school today, _?3.You have been to Taiwan, _?4.David cant go to sch

4、ool this afternoon, _?.回扣课本,根据,及,完成下列各题1.看起来像_ 2.到中午_ 3.在周末 _ 4.他确实是!_ 5.我希望那样。_6.今天天气真冷,是吗?_(五)拓展创新反意疑问句的特殊情况1.当主语是I 时,完成反意疑问句时仍用I 。尤其陈述部分是I am -,反问时动词用arent I ? eg: I am a teacher, arent I ?2.当陈述部分中有never, few, little, hardly ,no等词语,完成反意疑问句应用肯定形式。 eg: He has never been to Shanghai, has he ? 3.以Let

5、s 开头的陈述句完成反意疑问句时用shall we ? eg: Lets go there on foot, shall we?4.以Let us 开头的陈述句或其它祈使句完成反意疑问句时用will you ? eg : Dont open the door, will you? 【当堂达标】 一. 根据句意即首字母补全单词(1)Its n _ now. Lets have lunch.(2) When school is over, we often say g_ to our teachers.(3) He looked t_the newspaper and didnt find any

6、thing new.(4) There is lots of traffic, so you must be careful when you c_the road .(5)The bus is so c_ that we cant get on it .二. 根据汉语提示完成句子(1)他中午常看一会电视。 He often watches TV _.(2)当你买票时必须排队等候。When you buy a ticket, you must _.(3)你浏览今天的报纸了吗?Have you _todays newspaper?(4)这部MP4的价格不贵。The _ the MP4 is _.

7、(5)那名运动员看起来像姚明。The player _ Yao Ming.三. 完成下列反意疑问句(1)Yao Ming is good at basketball, _ ?(2)She has few friends, _ ? (3)I can work out the math problem, _ ?(4)Rita doesnt like cold weather, _ ?(5)They have finished the work, _ ? 6(6) There is little water in the glass, _ ?7(7) Tom was watching a footb

8、all match yesterday, _ ?(8)Let us take a train, _ ?四. 根据上下文补全对话A: Its a lovely day, isnt it?B: _. I feel comfortable. A:_B: Go to the park? Thats a good idea! _A: No, the price is low.B:_A: We can go there by bus. Its not far.B: I hope well have a good day.A: _(七)小结回扣本节课我们主要学习了关于讨论天气和价格的话题,学习了反意疑问句,

9、并让学生总结如何变反意疑问句。七.课后反思_ Unit 10 It is a nice day, isnt it? Section B一、 教师寄语:Live and learn.(活到老学到老。)二、 学习目标(一)知识目标 1.四会单词fan, note, baby, traffic, least;掌握短语come along, get along, at least.2.进一步掌握反意疑问句及其答语。(二)能力目标 学习Thank-you note 的书写(三)情感目标 通过学习Thank-you note的书写,对学生进行感恩教育。三、 教学重、难点1. 祈使句的使用2. 如何写Tha

10、nk-you note四、 学习过程(一)预习导学及自测1. 根据汉语提示完成单词(1)Yao Ming has lots of _. (球迷)(2)You must be careful because the _ (交通)is very busy.(3)The nurses were busy looking after _ (婴儿)(4)Could you please take this _ (短信) to Kate ?2. 翻译下列短语(1) 来到_(2.) 相处 _(3.) 至少 _(4.)玩得愉快 _ (5.)想起_(6)擅长_(二)情景导入 All of us have inv

11、ited our friends to our homes, havent we ? After that, our friends often write thank-you notes for us, dont they ?复习反意疑问句的构成,导入其答语。(三)自主探究 学生认真预习Section B 部分,仔细思考下列问题: 1. 反意疑问句的答语形式 You are studying English, arent you?(你在学英语,不是吗?) Yes, I am. (是的,我在学英语。) You arent studying English, are you?(你不在学英语,是吗

12、?) Yes, I am. (不,我在学英语。) No, I am not. (对,我没在学英语。)总结:反意疑问句的答语要根据_ 确定。2.Thank-you note 的书写格式(四)合作交流 根据Section B 3a 部分的内容,小组合作探究下列问题1. Who had a wonderful time on Saturday night ?2. Who helped Bill with his math project?3. Does John go to next weeks game?4. Does Maria want to join the group?(五)拓展创新1.Explain(1) Thank-you note 的结构:a. 顶格写Dear+收信人姓名 b 正文空两个字母的空来写,首先感谢对方帮了什么忙或为你做了什么事情 c 信的末尾署上写信人的姓名(2)I feel lik


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