初三英语Unit3 Topic2 Can you speak more slowly please 湘教.doc

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1、初三英语Unit3 Topic2 Can you speak more slowly, please【同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容: Unit 3 Topic 2 Can you speak more slowly, please?二. 重点、难点: 1. I cant follow you. Can you speak more slowly, please? 我听不懂你的话。请你讲慢一点好吗? follow在本句中=understand意为理解,领会,听清楚。 你能听懂我的话吗? Can you follow me? 我不太明白他所说的。 I cant follow what he s

2、aid. 另外,follow有“跟随,追随”的意思。 请跟着我上楼。 Please follow me to go upstairs. 当我们去散步的时候,狗经常跟着我们。 When we went out for a walk, the dog often followed us. follow, 遵循,遵从,仿效。 遵照医嘱。 Follow the doctors advice. 我们必须遵守交通规则。 We must follow the traffic rules. 2. In Australia, people say “g day” instead of “hello” “Good

3、 on ya, mate!” instead of “Well done!” 在澳大利亚人们用 “g day” 来代替 “hello!”说 “Good on ya, mate!” 而不说“Well done!(干得好)” instead of 代替 如:我昨天打篮球而没有游泳。 I played basketball instead of swimming yesterday. 我们没有喊莉莉改喊露西。 We asked Lucy instead of Lily. 我们选汤姆代替她当班长。 We made Tom monitor instead of her. 3. Im flying to

4、Disneyland tomorrow. 我明天要飞往迪斯尼乐园。 “am flying” 是进行时态,表示一个即将发生的动作,现在进行时表示将来时,常有“意图、”“安排”(但不是固定不变的)或“打算”的含义。这种现在进行时比较生动,给人一种期待感,它常表示最近或较近的将来。 如:你什么时候动身? When are you starting? 她不久将买一辆新车。 She is buying a new car soon. 4. If you want to succeed in making yourself understood, you need to know some of thes

5、e differences. 如果你想成功地表达你自己的意思,你需要了解一些(英美英语的)差异。 succeed in doing sth. 达到目的,实现目标,办到,做成; Police have succeeded in solving the mystery. 警察成功破解了这个疑案。 他被艺术学校录取了。 He succeeded in getting a place at an art school make yourself understood 表达你自己的意思 我在英国不能表达我自己的意思是因为我的英语很差。 In England, I cant make myself und

6、erstand because my English is very poor. 5. In Disneyland, children love seeing famous cartoon characters in person. They are fond of exciting rides like Pirates of the Caribbean. 在迪斯尼乐园,孩子们喜欢看那些由人扮演的著名的卡通角色,他们喜欢看像“加勒比海盗”这种令人兴奋的娱乐项目。 in person 此处指“身体上,外貌上”表示迪斯尼乐园的卡通形象是具有人的外貌的。 in person 还意为“亲自”。 如:他

7、将亲自来。 He will come in person. be fond of 喜欢,爱好 如:她爱好音乐。 She is fond of music. 我喜欢踢足球。 Im fond of playing football.Section B 1. Michael and Kangkang are with them to see them off. see sb. off 送别 给送行 他们去机场给朋友送行。 They went to the airport to see their friends off. 他父亲出差的时候,吉姆经常给父亲送行。 Jim often sees his

8、father off when he goes out on business. 2. Michael sees a foreigner putting out his hand with his thumb raised. 迈克尔看见一名外国人拇指向上伸出手。 with his thumb raised 介词短语,在这里做伴随状语 老师手里抓着一本书走进了教室。 The teacher came into the classroom with a book in his hand. 一位妇女背着一个孩子匆匆忙忙去医院。 A woman hurried to the hospital with

9、 a baby on her back. 3. Im leaving for California. 我要去加利福尼亚。 leave A for B 离开A地前往B地。 leave for 前往某地 如:他们打算早晨动身去上海。 They are planning to leave for Shanghai in the morning. 孩子们昨天离开北京去上海了。 The children left Beijing for Shanghai yesterday. 4. in twenty minutes 二十分钟后 in 此处意为“在之后”,但与after的用法不同。 “in+时间段”常和

10、将来时态连用,以现在为起点,一段时间后。 “after+时间段”常和过去时态连用。 “after+时间点”可以用各种时态,表示几点之后,in 不可以接时间点。 如:我们一个星期后将完成这项工作。 Well finish this work in a week. (将来时) 三年后他成了一名教师。 He became a teacher after three years. (过去时) 8点钟后他将回来。 He will be back after 8 oclock. (接时间点,不能用in)Section C 1. Generally speaking, American English is

11、 different from British English in pronunciation and spelling. 一般来说,美式英语和英式英语在发音和拼写方面不同。 generally speaking 一般来说,大致上说,大体上 如:一般来说,你现在准备得越充分,考试前你就越不会紧张。 Generally speaking, the more preparation you do now, the less nervous youll be before the exam. 大致上说,这个计划是受欢迎的。 Generally speaking, the plan is welco

12、med. 2. As for the spelling differences, you can easily find them when you use a computer. 至于拼写方面的不同,当你使用电脑的时候,你能轻易地发现它们。 as for sb. / sth. 至于某人/某物 至于莉莉,她很好。 As for Lily, she is fine. 至于这个计划,我还得考虑一下。 As for the plan, I have to think it over.Section D 1. Long ago, many British people were forced to l

13、eave their country. 很久以前,许多英国人被迫离开家园。 be forced to do sth. 被迫做某事 由于战争,人们被迫离开自己的家乡。 The people were forced to leave their own hometown because of the war. 我因为没有赶上末班车,我只好走路了。 I was forced to walk because I didnt catch the last bus. 2. Even worse, I cant understand some of the words they say. 更糟糕的是,我听不

14、懂他们所说的一些话。even worse 更糟的是,更倒霉的是 去年她失去了工作。更倒霉的是,她还失去了房子和孩子。 She lost her job last year. Even worse, she lost her house and her children, too.【模拟试题】(答题时间:30分钟)一. 根据句意和汉语提示,填入适当的单词。 1. English is spoken differently in different English-speaking _(国家). 2. They reached the airport half an hour _(以后). 3. As for the spelling differences, you can _(容易地)find them when you use a computer. 4. Look, how _(激动)the children are dancing! 5. Id like a postcard _(有)a lovely dog on it.二. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I


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