江苏泰兴西城中学八级英语 练习64 人教新目标.doc

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1、江苏省泰兴市西城中学八年级英语 练习64(无答案) 人教新目标版一 听力(20分)A听对话,选择正确答案,听两遍( )1. ( )2.A In a shop. B At a bus stop. C On a bus( )3.A Go swimming. B Do his lessons. C Go fishing.( )4.A Caught fire. B An ear thquake. C A heavy storm.( )5.A 110 B 120 C 119 B听对话,选择正确答案,听两遍(5分)听第一段对话,回答1-2两题( )1.What are the two speakers d

2、oing?A Talking on the line. B Going to see Mr Green. C Talking about a film. ( )2.Wheres Mr Green.A At home. B In hospital. C At work. 听第二段对话,回答4-5小题( )3.When did Peter buy his car?A Last week. B Last month. C Last year.( )4.How did Peter go to work without his car.A By bus . B On foot. C By bus and

3、 then by train. ( )5.How far is it from the bus stop to Peters house?A About 300 metres. B About 200 metres. C About 500 metres.C听录音,选择你听到的句子意思最接近的一句,听两遍(5分)( )1.A People were in a hurry to move in the snow.B People were in a hurry to remove the snow.C People removed the snow in fear.( )2.A I tolds

4、Simon to close the windows before he left.B Simon told me to close the windows before I left.C I told Simon to close the windows before I left.( )3.A Car accident killed 3 children.B 3 people lost their lives in a car accident.C 3 people saw a car accident.( )4.A It snowed heavily last night.B The r

5、ain was heavy last night.C There was snow everywhere.( )5.A As we lost our raincoat, we had to walk in the wind.B We had to walk in the snowstorm because we lost our umbrella in the wind.C Because we had to walk in the snowstorm , we lost our umbrellas in the wind.D短文理解 (5分)( )1.How do the rich men

6、want to be?A To be richer. B To be happier. C To get more money. D To be a farmer.( )2.Who did the rich man ask for help?A A clever old man. B Another rich man. C A farmer. D An old man.( )3.Where did he meet the happy man?A In his country. B On the road. C On a farm. D In a shirt shop.( )4.Accordin

7、g to (根据) the clever old man .What can make the rich man happy?A Nothing. B A shirt. C Happiness. D A good idea.( )5.Who hasnt got the shirt?A The rich man. B The farmer. C The clever old man. D Other rich man.二 选择填空(15分)( )1.Timmy told us _ the football match last night.A on B about C for D of ( )2

8、.He looks _. Whats wrong with him?He hurt his leg yesterday.A happy B unhappy C unhappily D happily ( )3.Dont make _. You should be _.A an excuse , honest B excuse , honest C an excuse ,dishonest D excuse ,dishonest ( )4.We will stay here _ you come back.A because B so C and D until ( )5.Can you tel

9、l me which symbol means “percent”?A = B C ¥ D %( )6.Wait and see, he will turn the table some day and things will go better. Whats the meaning of “turn the table”?A 变换桌子 B 发脾气 C 踢翻桌子 D 扭转形势 ( )7.Daniel draws as _as I do.A well B good C better D best ( )8.Why are you late for school? _ my bike was br

10、oken on the way.A As B Because C Since D Because of ( )9.Dick decided _ TV at noon.A to watch B not to watch C watching D A and B ( )10.We must get up early, _We wont catch the first bus.A if B but C so D or ( )11.Tonny told me _ when I left the classroom.A to lock the door B lock the door C to knoc

11、k at the door D knock at the door ( )12.Grandma lost a library book. That was _she was sad.A because B so C why D how ( )13.Dont forget to turn _ light before you go to bed. A to B on C down D off ( )14.The boss(老板) made them _ ten hours a day.A work B to work C working D worked ( )15.Have a cup of

12、coffee, _?A do you B dont you C will you D shall we 三 完形填空(15分)about 70,000,000 Americans are trying to lose weight(减肥). That is almost 1 out of every 3 people in the United States. Some people eat 1 food and hardly(几乎不) have any fats or sweets. Others do running, exercise with machines, take medici

13、nes, or even have operations(手术). 2 you can see losing weight is 3 work, and it will also cost a lot of money. But 4 do so many people in the United States want to lost weight?Many people in the united States worry about their look of the body. For many people, looking nice also means to be 5 . Othe

14、r people worry about their health as many doctors 6 overweight is not good.Most people want to find a faster and 7 way to take off fat, and books of this kind are very popular. These books tell people how to lose weight. Each year a lot of new books like these are 8 . each one says it can easily help people take fat away.Losing weight can be 9 . Some overweight people go to health centers, like La Costa in California. Men and women 10 several hundred dollars a day at thes


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