江苏句容后白中学八级英语上册Unit2SchoollifeGrammar学案新牛津 1.doc

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1、Unit 2 Grammar姓名:_ 成绩:_ 知识要点:词汇:less least more most fewer fewest farther farthest further furthest词组:among the three of us come first/second/third any other student the other students句型:Millie has more tomatoes than Daniel. Millie has less rice than Daniel. Millie has fewer bananas than Kitty. Kitt

2、y has the most eggs. Daniel has the fewest tomatoes. Millie has the least juice. She ran faster than Millie. Amy came first in the race. She ran the fastest.形容词与副词的转换及其比较等级的构成。如:quick quicker quickest -quickly more quickly most quickly healthy healthier healthiest- healthily more healthily most heal

3、thily【课前导学】;回顾Unit1学过的与本语法相关的知识。写出下列单词的比较级最高级1.near_ _ 2.wide_ _ 3.healthy_ _4.slim_ _ 5.beautiful_ _ 6.good/well_ _7.bad_ _ 8.far_ _ 9.tried_ _10.many/much_ _ 11.few_ _12.little_ _二. 用“few, little, many, much”的适当形式填空.ApplesOrangesMoneyTime spent on homeworkNancy106¥302 hoursDaniel84¥401 hourJohn62¥

4、503 hour1.Nancy has _ apples than Daniel. 2. John has _ oranges than Daniel.3. Nancy has _apples. 4. John has _oranges.5. John has _money than Daniel. 6. Daniel spends _time on homework than Nancy.7. John has _ money. 8. Daniel spends _ time on homework.9. John has _ apples than Daniel. 10. Nancy ha

5、s _ oranges. 三、选择正确的结构填空 more than , fewerthan, lessthan, the most, the fewest, the least 1. Mrs Black works hardest in her office. She always does work than others. 2. Simon got points in the maths exam because he came last in his class.3. Camels drink water other animals but they can live longer.4

6、. There are children in most western families the eastern families.5. We all recommended Sam as the winner of the labor competition because he picked apples during these days on the farm. 1. 6. He did the hardest work but earned money, so he was very sad.四、翻译句子1美国学生体育课最多。 _2我们班男生比女生多。_3.你想成为世界上最聪明的人

7、吗?_4Amy吃的饭比Daniel少,Amy吃的饭最少。_【课后拓展】五.用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I have time left and Millie has even time than I .Its impossible for her to finish the work in time, I think. (little)2. I had (many) friends and (little) homework in primary school than in secondary school.3. Daniel made (many) mistakes than John

8、in the Chinese exam, so he got (few) scores than John.4. Whose dictionary has (many) words in it, yours, mine or his? 5. My father is the busiest in his office, I think he has much (much) work to do than others.6. Mr King is the poorest of the three, so he has (little) money of the three, I think.7.

9、Of all the students, Mary eats (little) food but she grows _ (fat).8.I cant understand you.Would you speak _(clear)?9.Among my friends,Leo does his homework _(carefully).10.Mike works _(hard)than any other student in our class.六选择填空。( ) 1.He had a good time TV yesterday. A, to watch B, watched C, wa

10、tches D, watching ( ) 2.He had no time TV yesterday. A, to watch B, watched C, watches D, watching( ) 3. He is a singer and an actor . A, too B, as well C, either D, also( ) 4. I eat food than you but I am . A, fewer; thin B, many; strong C, fewer; stronger D, more; thinner( ) 5.Millie likes reading

11、 very much. I think she has books in her class. A, more B, the most C, the least D, less( ) 6.We will try to do the work with money and people. A, few; little B, a few; a little C, less; fewer D, fewer; less( ) 7.Most of my classmates dont like to talk with their parents, but I am _ them. I love to

12、talk with parents. A, the same as B, different from C, pleased with D, more than ( ) 8.I picked apples than any other student in our class. A, many more B, much more C, more much D, more many ( ) 9.British students spend time doing their homework than Chinese students. And they have time for playing. A, more; fewer B, fewer; less C, less; more D, much; m


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