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1、Unit 12 What did you do last weekend第二课时Section A (2a2d) 学习目标: 1.重点单词:sheep,as, nature, butterfly, visitor, tired, stay2重点短语:visit my aunt,study for the math test,stay up 3重点句式:I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum.How interesting!I told the visitors about them and their living habits.I

2、stayed up late to watch the soccer game.学习重点: 1. 重点单词和句型2. 一般过去时态学习难点:1. 重点单词和句型2. 一般过去时态自主学习:一、预习课本P68新单词并识记, 完成下面的汉译英。1绵羊_2.自然的_3蝴蝶_ 4.游客_5疲倦的_ 6.停留_7作为;当作_二、认真预习2a,2b,2c和2d,找出下列短语和句型。1为数学考试做准备_2看望我姑姑_3熬夜_4我在自然历史博物馆做一名导游。_5多么有趣呀!_6我告诉游客有关它们和它们的生活习性的情况。_7我看足球比赛熬夜太晚了。_情景导入Teacher: Do you know butter

3、flies? Do you like butterflies? My friend Lisa knows a lot about butterflies. Lets know how she konws more about the butterflies.环节说明:从学生感兴趣的蝴蝶入手,引起他们的学习兴趣,为新课的学习打下良好的基础。完成教材2a2c的任务1大声朗读2a中的句子,弄懂每一句的意思为听力做好准备。(3分钟)2认真听录音,在你听到的单词下面划横线, 集体核对答案,完成2a。(3分钟)3再听一遍录音根据听到的信息,按要求完成2b,集体核对答案。(3分钟)4听第三遍录音并跟读,模仿

4、语音语调。(3分钟)5让学生两人一组,根据2a中的句子来用who、what和where进行提问和回答。(5分钟)6小结训练。(2分钟)(D)1. My brother_his homework yesterday morning.Adidnt Bnot did CdoesntDdidnt do (B)2.Who spent the weekend with you?Mary_Ado Bdid Cdoes Ddoing环节说明:通过听、说、读、写学习训练让学生掌握了解了要掌握的语言目标一般过去时态,同时学生的口语表达能力在这一环节得到提升。完成教材2d的任务1学生自读对话,回答下面填空:(5分钟

5、)1)Lisas weekend was pretty_ good2)Lisa is a guide at the Natural History Museum3)There are over 200 kinds of butterflies.4)Lisa is very tired because she stayed up late5)Lisa watched the soccer game last night.2. 大声朗读2d 对话,读熟后与同伴结对练习,分角色表演对话。(3分钟)3. 邀请三组来表演对话。(5分钟)4. 小结训练。(3分钟)(C)1.I didnt get up o

6、n time this morning, because I _ too late last night.Astayed at Bstay upCstayed up Dwake up(D)2.My brother works at a restaurant _a waiter.Ato Bon Clike Das(C)3.How was your vacation?_good.AMany BMuch CPretty DBeautiful问题探究1He works in a middle school _an English teacher.Aas Blike Clikes Dfor答案选A。as 意为“作为”的意思。2There are over 300 students in the school.Aless than Bmore thanCat least Dat most答案选B。over意为“多于”,其同义词组为more than。当堂评价请同学们做前面课时训练部分。3


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