黑龙江安达吉星岗八级英语下册Unit4Whydon’tyoutalktoyourparents第1课时导学案新人教新目标 1.doc

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1、Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents集体备课备注课题人教版英语八年级下册Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents第1课时导学案课型新课一、学习目标:1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:allow, wrong, guess, deal, work out 能掌握以下句型: Whats wrong? Im really tried because I studied until midnight last night. You could give him a ticket to a ball game.

2、I think you should ask your parents for some money. Why dont you talk to him about it?2) 能了解以下语法: (1)能够运用所学知识谈论问题和困难、提出建议并做出选择; (2)能根据对方所提出的问题,给出一些合理的建议。2. 情感态度价值观目标:培养学生良好的合作意识,鼓励学生大胆表达自己的想法和意愿。正确认识生活中的一些困难,能采用正确的方式解决生活中的问题。二、学习重难点1. 能掌握下列单词和短语:allow, wrong, guess, deal, work out, hang out, get int

3、o a fight with, write sb. a letter, call sb. up, be good at, a big deal2. 重点掌握以下句型:(1) Why dont you talk to your parents?(2) I dont have any free time to do things I like.(3) My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends.(4) I got into a fight with my best friend.(5) Although shes wrong, its

4、not a big deal.(6) Hope things work out.3. should /could 情态动词的用法。三、预习感知:自主学习:(一). 个人自读,记忆单词、词组1. _与某人交谈2. _ _太多3. _有空闲时间4. allow sb. to do sth. _5. _与某人闲逛6. _课外辅导班7. _ 与某人吵架/打架8. _直到半夜9. _有足够的睡眠10. write sb. a letter_11. _打电话给某人12. _令某人惊讶13. _ 擅长写信14. _快速查看;浏览15. be angry with sb_16. a big deal_17.

5、_成功地发展;解决(二). 小组互相检查读、写情况(三). 听录音完成1b, 2a and 2b.(四). 让学生理解并复述听力对话. 并和你的同学编新对话. 例如:A: Whats wrong?B: IA: Why dont youB: Thank you.四、合作探究1. Why dont you talk to your parents?“Why dont you+ 动词原形?” 相当于“Why not + 动词原形?” 意为“为什么不呢”,一般用在疑问句中,表示提建议;Why dont you go to the party with me?= Why not go to the pa

6、rty with me?_ _ _take a walk? = _ _ take a walk? 为什么不去散步呢?2. I dont get enough sleep.enough 足够的, 修饰名词:enough +n.修饰形容词或副词:adj /adv + enoughHe didnt have enough time. He couldnt come back at once. 他时间不够了,不能马上回来。This room is big enough to hold 100 people. 这间房间够大,能容纳一百人。3. 你怎么了?/ 你有什么麻烦事?可以有一下几种表达:Whats

7、 the matter with you? Whats wrong with you?Whats happened to you?Whats up?精题演练:1. Tom is old enough _(go) to school.2. I think you may_(向你同学借那本书) your classmates.3. My grandpa told me _(not eat) junk food.4. Anna cant speak Chinese, and Jack cant, e_.5. Why dont you _?A. to go boat B. go to boat C.

8、go boatingD. to go boating6. I think I should _.A. call up him B. call him upC. call on himD. call him in五、检查反馈单项选择。1. She argued_ her best friend yesterday. She still feels sorry now.A. to B. with C. about D. and2. He doesnt have enough time_ football. A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play3. I was

9、 late for school yesterday morning. You should_.A. stand outstand your classroom B. go to bed lateC. not go to school D. say sorry to your teacher4. He likes to play his recorder very _. A. big B. aloud C. loud D. loudly5. Whats wrong _your bike? It doesnt work now. A. to B. with C. of D. on6. Dan d

10、idnt go to work_. A. too B. also C. either D. both7. It is cold outside. We need _ warm clothes.A. to wear B. wears C. wearing D. putting on8. I paid 30 yuan _ this coat. A. to B. for C. on D. in9. If you lose your way, you can ask a policeman_.A. helps B. to help C. for help D. with help10. Henrys family _ with him together.A. are living B. lives C. were lived D. live六、课堂反思 通过本节课的学习我最大的收获_感到自己有待加强的是_ 教学反思:4


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