九级英语下册 Unit3 Asia Main Task 教案 牛津译林.doc

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1、英语:Unit3 Asia Main Task 教案(译林牛津版九年级下)第一部分 简要提示一、年级:九年级二、教学内容:9B Unit 3 Main Task三、课型:中心任务课四、教学目标1. 知识目标掌握本课时关于旅游指南的语言知识。2. 能力目标1)掌握写旅游指南的基本方法。 2)学会如何围绕主题(trip)收集相关信息,并进行有条理的综合。五、教学重难点1.重点:旅游指南的写作方法和基本程序。2.难点:相关信息的收集和整理。第二部分教学流程Step 1 Lead-in T:(出镜)Hello, everyone! Nice to see you again. Today we are

2、 going to learn how to write a guide. (大家好!很高兴又和大家见面了!今天我们一起来完成本单元的中心任务-如何写一份关于国家的旅游指南。) (PPT ) T: Do you like climbing the mountains?(你喜欢爬山吗?) Do you want to enjoy the beaches(你想欣赏美丽的海滩吗)? Do you want to visit different wonders(你想看奇异的风景吗)? Do you want to know about different costumes(你想了解不同的风俗习惯吗)?

3、 If you do, the best way to help you is to travel. (如果是这样,帮助你的最好办法是旅游). T: (PPT) Miss Thompson is a teacher. To help the students know more about different countries, she wants to take them to an Asian country.( 为了让学生们更多地了解不同的亚洲国家,汤普森小姐想带她的学生们到一个亚洲国家去旅游。) T: Now she finds many national flags here, c

4、an you tell her what countries they stand for?(为了选择一个合适的国家,她搜寻了许多国旗,你知道它们代表哪些国家吗?) (PPT)T: Yes. They stand for France, America, South Korea , Thailand and Singapore,. Can you tell me which of them are in Asia? Yes. South Korea , Thailand and Singapore,. (PPT) Which country would they visit? Do you h

5、ave any good ideas?T: Yes. They stand for France, America, Singapore, India, Vietnam and India. Can you tell me which of them are in Asia? Yes. Singapore, India, Vietnam and India. (PPT) Which country would they visit? Step 2 Presentation: A trip to South Korea T: Amy would like to suggest South Kor

6、ea and she has prepared some notes.(艾米建议去韩国,她准备了一些关于韩国的资料。)lets read her notes.(PPT)Country: South KoreaCapital: SeoulLanguages: Korean, Chinese, EnglishCurrency: South Korean wonWay of travel: by airTime of travel: Two hours from BeijingTourist attractions: Olympic ParkGyeongbokgung PalaceLotte Wor

7、ldT: Have you found something about South Korea in the table? Yes, we can know this:Capital city: Seoul, Languages: Korean, Chinese, English. Currency: South Korean won (韩元). 这里, won 是一种货币名 Way of travel: by air. Time of travel: Two hours from Beijing. Attractions: Olympic Park (奥林匹克公园)(在1998年,韩国曾在汉

8、城举行奥运会). Gyeongbokgung Palace(景福宫,里面有民俗博物馆) Lotte World(乐天世界,它是一个集游泳、溜冰、乐天世界探险于一身的主体公园。)同学们看到这些不同颜色的生词了吗?请跟我读。South Korean won Olympic Park Gyengbokgung Palace Lotte WorldT: In order to make it more clear, Amy is also going to write a guide for Miss Thompson.为了让汤普森小姐了解地更清楚,埃米还写了一份旅游指南。) Can you help

9、 her finish it?(你能帮助她完成这个指南吗?) T: Now please open your books and turn to Page 53. Try to finish the guide with the information we got just now.(用我们刚才获得的信息完成这份指南。)T: Can we check the answers now? 1. South Korea 2. Seoul 3. air 4.two hours from Beijing 5. Korean 6. English 7. South Korean won 8. Olymp

10、ic Park 9. Gyengbokgung Palace 10.Lotte World 11.shopping 12.skiingT: Please read this guide carefully and find the main idea of each paragraph. (请仔细阅读这篇旅游指南,看看每段的主要含义。) (PPT) Paragraph 1 tells us the name of the country, the capital and the way to travel. Paragraph 2 tells us about its language and

11、 currency. Paragraph 3 tells us about what we can visit. Paragraph 4 tells us what we can do in this country.Step 3 Prepare for a guide T: So if you want to go on a trip, you can also write a guide like this. Do you know what information you should get before writing the guide? (在写旅游指南之前我们要搜集一些什么信息呢

12、)(PPT) Yes, you should get to know the name of the country, the capital, the language and currency, the way of travel, the time of travel, the attractions there, sometimes you should also know about the weather and the cost there.T: How can we find the information? Discuss it with your partners and

13、tell me the answer. (我们怎样才能找到这些信息呢?同桌之间讨论一下,告诉我答案。)Have you got any good ideas? Now look at the screen, here we have some different ways:We can get it from the Internet, from newspapers, by reading magazines. Also, we can get some information by reading travel guides. Step 4 Write a guide T: After w

14、e gather all the information, we can begin to write a guide just like Amys. T: Now lets start our task.(我们来开始今天的中心任务吧。) Look at the boy. He is Daniel. He wants to travel to an Asian country. Lets help him choose a country and then write a guide. (PPT) T: First, choose a country you suggest him to vi

15、sit. (首先,选择一个你建议他参观的国家。) Here are four Asian countries. India, Thailand, China and Japan.OK, he likes visiting temples, lets choose Thailand for him. Second, lets find some information about Thailand. For example, its capital, the language and currency, the way of travel, the time of travel, the tourist attractions there, sometimes you should also know about the weather and the cost there.T: Now lets begin to search for the information. Do you know anything about Thailand? If it


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