黑龙江伊春嘉荫第二中学八级英语上册Unit3WhatareyoudoingforvacationSectionBPeriod1导学案人教新目标 1.doc

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黑龙江伊春嘉荫第二中学八级英语上册Unit3WhatareyoudoingforvacationSectionBPeriod1导学案人教新目标 1.doc_第1页
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黑龙江伊春嘉荫第二中学八级英语上册Unit3WhatareyoudoingforvacationSectionBPeriod1导学案人教新目标 1.doc_第2页
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《黑龙江伊春嘉荫第二中学八级英语上册Unit3WhatareyoudoingforvacationSectionBPeriod1导学案人教新目标 1.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《黑龙江伊春嘉荫第二中学八级英语上册Unit3WhatareyoudoingforvacationSectionBPeriod1导学案人教新目标 1.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit3 What are you doing for vacation?(Section B Period1)一、【学习目标】:A知识目标:1.围绕Vacation Plans.这一话题所进行的听说读写的综合训练. 2.掌握单词:四会单词bike,ride, tourist三会单词 sightseeing, fishing, rent ,Italy,Thailand3掌握短语: go bike riding, go sightseeing, take walks, go fishing, rent videos ,the south of Italy,a good place to,tak

2、ewith 4掌握句子:1).Where are you going for vacation? 2.)Whats it like there?3) Hows the weather there? 4)What are you doing there?5)Who are you going with? 6)How long are you staying?6)Can I ask you a few questions about your vacation plans?5.rent的用法:rent sth.from sb.; rent sth. to sb.6. 语法项目是用be doing

3、表达的一般将来时态的用法。“ be(is, am,are)+doing”表示将来时,表明某人对某事已做好了计划安排,不久就要发生,将来时中常用的时间状语有tomorrow, tomorrow morning(afternoon, evening),next week (month, year)等。Eg:1.Were going shopping tomorrow morning . 2.The visitors are leaving Beijing next week.B能力目标:1. 能够运用正确的方法,提高听力能力。 2. 能围绕未来计划这一话题以对话形式作较具体的描述。情感目标 :运用

4、所学语言,能在描述自己的计划和打算时,激起学生更加热爱祖国的美好河山,从而为人类的美好明天贡献自己的一份力量。二、【重点和难点】重点:知识目标中的2,3,4,5 难点:知识目标中的63、 【学习过程】一)课前准备1、知识链接:运用所学过的知识用所给词的适当形式填空。Leave hear plan ask hope1)I that Thailand is a good place to go sightseeing.2)Shes for Hong Kong on Tuesday.3)Im the weather is nice in the mountains.4)I want to you a

5、bout places to visit in China.5)Im my vacation to Italy this weekend. 2、基础导航1)在教科书第16,18页中划出下列新词汇 ride, tourist,sightseeing, fishing, rent ,Italy,Thailand 并根据上下文猜测出生词的含义,试着朗读。2)在教科书第16,18页中找出下列短语:去骑自行车旅行 租录像带 去散步_ 去钓鱼_去观光_ 从某人手里租借某物_把某物租给某人_ 随身带着、_意大利的南部 _ 去、的好地方_3、自主探究:我们已学过现在进行时,仔细观察一下,如何区别be doin

6、g结构所表示的正在进行时态和将来时态? _ 4、通过预习,你还有哪些方面存在疑问?_ 二)课堂活动1、展示你的记忆能力及复习效果,默写以下单词,短语和句子:(单词)西藏(短语)回来远足送某人某物香港离开明信片计划去做某事旧金山多久夏威夷太久1我将去拜访我香港的朋友。2你将在那呆多久? 呆上一周。3我不喜欢离开太久。4从香港给我寄张贺卡来。5.当我返回学校的时候展示给我你的照片。2、检查预习情况:1) 讨论解决预习中存在的问题(师生互问探讨)。2) 分组交流你在课前准备中错了哪些并找出错误的原因。3、老师或学生领读生词和短语4、综合技能训练1:1)Look at SectionB 1a. Mat

7、ch the words with the pictures and check the answers.2) 为了引发学生乐于开口,积极参与,并且为阅读扫除障碍. 采用以旧带新的方法,呈现5副动作图片, (show 5 pictures: takes walks, go fishing, go bike riding, rent videos, go sightseeing) 要求学生结合刚刚学习的地点名词,用所学过的句型做小对话.之后检查3-4组.Make a conversation, talking about where they are going for vacation.A:

8、Where are you going for vacation?B: Im going toA: What are you doing there ?B: Im 由老师先问个别同学,再同学互问。5、综合技能训练2:Listening 1)听力训练P16,2a-2b听录音,第一遍记者问了何玉什么问题?把他问的问题打上对号。第二遍写出何玉的答案。2)核对答案。3)听力方法交流:在听的过程中,你有哪些实用的经验?小组交流,互相借鉴。 _ 6、综合技能训练3:角色表演; 学生A为记者,学生B是何玉,用以下问题进行采访。 A;Hello, He Yu,can I ask you a few quest

9、ions about your vacation plans? B:Yes. A:Where are you going? B: A:What are you doing? B: A:How long are you staying? B:. A: Well,that sounds wonderful. 7、 给出2分钟,请小组交流。带头人做出本课小结,教师点睛。三)当堂反馈I.单选 1. . are you going for vacation? Im going to Hangzhou.A. What B. How C. Where D. When2. do you sleep every

10、 night? Eight hours .A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How often3. Wheres he going vacation? A. to B. in C. for D. at4. Your idea interesting . A. hears B. sounds C. looks D. listensII完形填空The Smiths are taking a vacation next week. At first, they thought about going to Beijing. 1 they went ther

11、e three times, so theres nothing 2 for them. This time, they want to go somewhere different. 3 are they going then? “I want to go to Jiuzhaigou,” said Tom. “But its quite far from here and we have only two days,” Mary disagreed. “I think we should go somewhere 4 from here.” And 5 they decided to go

12、to Qingdao. Qingdao is famous 6 its beautiful beaches.They are leaving on Friday evening and 7 there for two days. On the first day, they are going to the 8 to see the dolphins. On the second day, they are going to the beach and 9 there. They are taking photos on the beautiful beach. They are sure that they will enjoy 10 in Qingdao.1. A. But B. Although C. Because D. Or 2. A. tiring B. boring C. new D. old3. A. What B. When C. How D. Where 4. A. far B. near C. long D. short5. A. last



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