黑龙江五常第三中学八级英语上册Unit 2 Topic 3 Must we do rcise to prevent the flu Section B导学案 仁爱.doc

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《黑龙江五常第三中学八级英语上册Unit 2 Topic 3 Must we do rcise to prevent the flu Section B导学案 仁爱.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《黑龙江五常第三中学八级英语上册Unit 2 Topic 3 Must we do rcise to prevent the flu Section B导学案 仁爱.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Topic 3 Must we do exercise to prevent the flu Section B一、 学习目标 Aims and Demands1继续学习打电话的用语。2能读懂并会写电话留言。二、学法指导 How to study1. 预习Unit 2 Topic 3 SectionB,并对语言点、难点做出标记;2. 学习学案,并完成学案上的练习题。三、. 自主预习 Prep.英汉互译下列单词并标上词性。1. extension _( ) 2. roller skating _( )3. 检查,诊察_( ) 4. 病人 _( );有耐心的_5. 消息,音信 _(

2、) 6.自行车 _( ).在课本中找出下列短语划在书上并翻译1. just a moment _ 2. 给病人做检查_3. ring sb. up_ 4. 告诉某人去做某事_5. 留个口信 _ 6. 给某人捎口信_7. 去滑旱冰_ 8. 给某人回电话 _9. 准时 _ 10. 作报告 _.掌握下列重难点句型翻译并熟记:1.Hello! Extension 6226, please._-Just a moment, please. _2. 恐怕他现在很忙. _3. 我能留个口信吗? _4. 请告诉我爸爸不要忘了明天下午的演讲. _5. 我会把口信带给他的. _6.等他回来的时候我会告诉他的. _

3、7. 请告诉她给我回个电话. _ . 知识链接 Hot links1. extension n. 分机; Just a moment, please.请等一会儿【课文原句】- _译文_(1). extension n. 分机。当我们把电话打到总机,要求转分机时用此句型。(2). Just a moment, please.请等一会儿。打电话用语。类似的还有那些? 请总结一下:_2. Could /Can/May I speak to.?; Im afraid (that).【课文原句】- _ 译文_ (1)Could /Can/May I speak to.? (打电话的常用语) 请问.在吗?

4、请找.接电话好吗?类似的用语还有:Hello! Is that Tom (speaking)? _Hello! Id like to speak to Tom.(比较正式) _Is that you, Tom?(熟人之间使用) _ (2)打电话的答语有两种:a.本人接电话用: (Hello!)This is Tom speaking./Tom speaking. 你好!我是汤姆。b. 要找的人不在或很忙用:Sorry. He/She isnt here/in right now._;Sorry. He/She is busy now. _;Im afraid (that) he is busy

5、 now. _(3) afraid 的几个常用结构:a. Im afraid (that). (口语常用结构。表示遗憾地)认为., 恐怕. _ 我想她恐怕病了。 -It looks like rain.好像要下雨了。 _ 好像是/恐怕不是吧。_.我恐怕无法帮助你。 b. be afraid of doing sth./be afraid that . 担心., 担忧.He was afraid of losing face. = He was afraid (that)_. 他害怕丢脸 _杰克担心他会迟到。c. be afraid to do sth.含有“害怕其结果而而不敢做.”的意味)。

6、be afraid of sth.(doing sth.)害怕某物(做某事.) _ 他非常怕他的母亲。 I am afraid of _= I am afraid to _.我怕坐飞机。 _.玛丽不敢在晚上出去。3. examine a patient【课文原句】_译文_(1).examine v. 调查,检查,测验,诊察,检查疾病,本句相当于check over. n. examination 调查,检查,考试(口语中常用exam). 请选择其适当形式填空:我们明天要考英语口试。Well have an oral(a written)_ in English tomorrow. Youd b

7、etter _ the old records.你最好查一查旧记录。I _ students in(on) English yesterday. 昨天我测验了学生英语。Its time to go home now. But our teacher _.老师仍然在检查作业。(2).patient n. 病人; adj. 有耐心的, 能容忍的; n. patience 忍耐,耐心,耐性,毅力。(be patient with sb.对人有耐心的; be patient of sth. 对事物能容忍的); This kind of work needs much _. 这种工作很需要耐心。 Mr.

8、 Liu _ the students. 刘老师对学生很有耐心。 He _ hardships(苦难). 他坚受着苦难。 The hospital _. 这家医院有很多病人。4. ring up 给 打电话【课文原句】_ 译文_ring .up = call.(up) = phone sb.= give sb. a call = give sb. a phone 给.打电话。如:Li Lei _ _ _ _every day. 李蕾每天都给她妈妈打电话。Will you _ _ _ tomorrow? 你明天给我打电话好吗?另:make a call 打个电话;call sb. back 给某

9、人回个电话。如: Just now, your mother _(call) you. If you are not busy, remember _(give) her a call. 5. leave a message 留个口信【课文原句】Can I leave a message? 译文_leave a message (for sb.) =leave sb. a message留言,(给某人)留个口信。 类似的词组还有:Take a message (for sb.)给某人捎个口信= give sb. a message. 请完成下面的句子:Please take a message

10、 for him. = Please _ _ _ _ _._请你给他捎个口信好吗?6. tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事【课文原句】_ 译文_ tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事=ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事。如: He told the students _. 他告诉学生上课要安静。He asked his parents _. 他让父母给他买个新足球。否定形式:tell/ask sb. not to do sth. 如:Teachers often tell their students _(不要在街上踢足球)四、课堂导学与风采展示1. 重点回顾 根据自主预习的内容,组内核对并相互提问重点短语,句子以及用法2. 风采展



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