黑龙江五常第三中学八级英语上册Unit 3 Topic 1 Section B I used to be a movie fan.导学案 仁爱.doc

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黑龙江五常第三中学八级英语上册Unit 3 Topic 1 Section B I used to be a movie fan.导学案 仁爱.doc_第1页
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《黑龙江五常第三中学八级英语上册Unit 3 Topic 1 Section B I used to be a movie fan.导学案 仁爱.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《黑龙江五常第三中学八级英语上册Unit 3 Topic 1 Section B I used to be a movie fan.导学案 仁爱.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Topic 1 Section B I used to be a movie fan.I. Learning Aims 学习目标1. 同学们能掌握used to do sth.的用法。2. 同学们会使用used to do sth.阐释过去的行为。II. The Key Points 重点1. 重点掌握下列词及短语的写法、读法及用法|:spare空闲的/多余的; share分享; e-mail电子邮件; address地址; pop流行的; in ones spare time在某人空闲时间里2. 请同学们掌握下列句型:(1)What do you often do in you

2、r spare time?你在空闲时都干什么?(2) Sounds good! Maybe I need a change.听起来很好。可能我需改变一下。(3) I used to be a movie fan.我曾经是一个电影迷。(4) My interests are changing all the time.我的爱好一直在变。(5) I used to enjoy listening to music, and I wasnt interested in sports at all. But now, my hobbies are sports like soccer and swim

3、ming.我以前喜欢听音乐,而且我对体育根本不感兴趣,但是现在,我的爱好是足球和游泳这样的体育运动。(6) I used to know little about paintings. But now I like collecting them.我以前对油画一窍不通,但是现在我喜欢画油画。(7) I used to collect stamps, but now I dont like/enjoy it. I prefer collecting coins.我以前喜欢集邮,但是现在我不喜欢它,我更喜欢收藏硬币。(8) I didnt use to go shopping, but now I

4、 enjoy it.我过去不逛街,但现在很喜欢。III. Difficult Point 难点used to do sth.句型的用法IV. Preview 自主预习1. 请同学们认真读55至56页单词,直至读熟,如有词读不准音,请标出来。2. 请同学们在Section B中找出含有下列单词的短语并理解Section B: spare; sound; walk; know 3. 仔细阅读1a, 用自己的语言概述Helen 和Wen Wei 两人空闲时间都干什么,准备在课堂上展示。4. 请同学们预习3a, 4,至少找出used to do sth.的肯定句和否定句例子各两个,然后注意观察其肯定句

5、与否定句形式上的变化,准备在课堂上展示。肯定句:(1)._(2)._否定句:(1)._(2). _5. 请注意预习并掌握used to do sth.的用法,课堂上展示。6. 在某些方面,你的过去与现在肯定有所不同,请根据4,准备一段话描述一下不同之处是什么吧。IV. Hot links知识链接1. spare time 闲暇时间= free time in ones spare time = in ones free time操练:我经常在业余时间打篮球。I often play basketball in my _/ _ time.他们在空闲的时间经常做什么?What do they of

6、ten do in _spare time? What do they often do when they are _/_ they _ time?2. Why not后接动词原形,表示建议,“为什么不”,我们学过的表示建议的句型还有:A._B._C._D._F. _3. change意为转变,变化,多用作可数名词。有时也可用作不可数名词,表示“零钱”、“找头”。 change作动词时,意为改变,变化,交换等,操练:我们换换口味,到饭店去吃吧! Lets go out to a restaurant for a _. 不要忘记找给你的钱。Dont forget your _. 我身边没带零钱

7、。I have no (small) _ with me. 当你在胖东来百货下车后,你需要转乘48路公交车。When you get off at Pangdonglai Department Store, you need _ _ _ _ Bus No.48.4. used to do 句型表示“过去常常做某事”,表示过去经常反复发生的动作或状态,但现在已经不再做了,后接动词原形。如: I used to live there when I was a child. 在我还是个孩子的时候,我就住那。【拓展】其否定式结构:didnt use to do sth. 疑问式结构及回答形式: Did

8、 sb. use to do sth? Yes, sb. did./No, sb. didnt.如: I didnt use to live there when I was a child.我小的时候不住那里。 Did you use to live there when you was a child?你小时候住那里吗?Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.是的。/不是。操练:他过去在外面做运动。He _ _ _sports outside before.将上句变为否定句 He _ _ to do sports outside before.我的父亲曾是一位农民。My fath

9、er _ _ _a farmer.将上句变为一般疑问句并做肯定回答。_your father _ _ _a farmer?Yes, he _.I used to go swimming in the river.(对划线部分提问)_ _ you _to go swimming? 李雷曾经去河里游泳吗?_ Li Lei _ _ _ in the river?你以前做什么? What _ you _ _ _ before?5. share v. 分享,共有,共享,与某人有共同的看法,经历,感受等 如:We dont have enough books for everyone, so youll

10、have to share. 我们的书不够每人一本,所以大家要合着用。 They share a small room between them. 他们共用一个小房间。【拓展】 share sth with sb 和某人合用某物 如:My mother told me to share my apples with others. 妈妈让我和其他人一起分享苹果。操练:多好吃的食物啊,我要与我的朋友们一起分享。What delicious food! I want to share it _ my friends. V. Having a Quit当堂检测(A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1

11、. My i_ are fishing, traveling and cooking. 2. I u_ to play soccer.3. Dont swim in the p_.4. Celine was interested in singing, but now she h_ it.5. Im a movie fan. I often rent V_ and watch them at home.(B) 根据汉语提示完成句子。6. We are working hard for it (一直).7. The boy hates .(随着音乐跳舞). 8. What do you usua

12、lly do _ _ _ _(在业余时间)?9. Lets_ _, OK? (去钓鱼)(C) 用所给词的适当形式填空。10. My father used to _(live) in the countryside.11. Jacks dog is lost. Let me _(help) him _(look) for it.12. I didnt _ (used) to be a basketball fan, but now I often watch basketball games on TV.13. _(watch) TV too much is bad for the eyes.

13、VI. Homework 课后作业1. 复习Section B,背诵“重点”和“知识链接”。2. 背诵3a.自己先默写一遍,检测背诵效果。3. 按Section B中自主预习部分的要求,预习Section B.4. 单项选择。( ) 1. My father likes _ books in the morning. He doesnt often _ TV.A. reading; watchB. watches; see C. to read; watchD. see; sees( ) 2. Can you _ my interests? Of course.A. shareB. collectC. believe inD. change( ) 3. Wang Huis mother is fond of _.A. cookB. cookerC. cookingD. cooked( ) 4. Whats your hobby? I _ listen to music, but now I enjoy dancing.A. am used toB. used toC. am used D. use to( ) 5. The film is very _. Im _ i


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