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1、Unit7课题Unit7Section B2a-2c授课类型阅读课标依据1.能读懂相应水平的常见体裁的读物。2.能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义。3.能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息。4.能利用词典等工具进行阅读。教学目标知识与技能1.Master the key words and phrases: visit, Canada, summer, sit, juice, soon, vacation, on (a) vacation, hard, Europe, mountain, country2. Master the following sentences: (1)

2、. I am having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada.(2). I am so happy to see them again.(3). Hows your summer vacation going?(4). The weather here is coo and cloudy.过程与方法教学设计以兴趣为支点,以任务为基础,采用任务型教学途径,设计了环环相扣的几个任务,让学生反复运用所学知识去解决实际问题,给学生一种紧迫感,集中精神听讲,不分散注意力。同时,所设计的任务以日常需要为基础,使得学生学会如何分析问题和解决问题,并留给学生更多的

3、解决问题的机会。如:让学生做主持人来预报天气,这一过程最大限度地调动了学生的求知兴趣。情感态度与价值观通过明信片内容的学习,了解英语国家中学生的假日生活,以此鼓励、培养和锻炼学生的意志和独立生活的能力。教学重点难点教学重点1.通过课文学习掌握单词和短语。2.能根据不同时差谈论世界各地的人们在同一时刻正在进行的不同活动。3.阅读有关中国传统节日-端午节的学习,了解中西方文化差异。教学难点 能很好地运用思维导图或表格内容复述课文。教学媒体选择分析表知识点学习目标媒体类型教学 作用使用方式所得结论占用 时间媒体来源介绍知识目标图片AG提供事实,建立经验2分钟自制讲解过程与方法图片DE归纳总结,复习巩


5、教学过程设计 师生活动设计意图Step Pre-reading activities1. ReviewT:We have learned the weather, now lets play a game “Challenge to the compere”. Who is the best? Come on!T: Look at the map you can report like this:Hello, everyone! Im going to give a weather report. Beijing is sunny. Its hot.Shanghai is Chengdu is

6、 Thank you!2.Warming up and leading inShow a picture(通过图片创设天气情景学习更多描述天气的形容词。)T: Look at the picture, The girls are on vacation, hows the weather?Ss: Its snowy.T: Which season is it?Ss: Its winter.T: What are the girls doing?Ss: They are playing in the snow. T: Yes, they are having fun playing in the

7、 snow. They like their vacation. How excited they are! Do you like vacation? What do you like to do during your vacation? Ok, boys and girls. Lets come to 2a and talk about the pictures.T:Look at the pictures, you can talk about them like this:A: Hows the weather in picture a?B: Its sunny. Its hot .

8、A: Whats she doing?B: Shes sitting by the pool and drinking juice.Then ask Ss to practice in pairs.Step II While readingFast-reading T: Boys and girls, when I travel, I like to buy some beautiful postcards. I often write what I see and hear on the postcards and then I mail them to my friends. What a

9、bout you? Do you like sending postcards to your friends? Here are two guys who also send postcards to their friends.Read the postcards fast and silently to find the general idea.What are the postcards talking about? _A. Su Lin is visiting her aunt in Canada.B. Dave is having a great time in Europe!C

10、. They are introductions to what they are doing during their summer vacation.Read the text carefully and silently to find the specific ideas. (读取细节)Task1: Match each postcard below with the correct picture in 2a.T: We know the postcards that are from Su Lin and Dave. There are two pictures of them i

11、n 2a, now lets finish 2b. Su Lins postcard:_ Daves postcards:_Task 2: Read the passage carefully and fill in the chart Fill in the chart with information from the postcards in 2b.NameWhere are they?Hows the weather? What are they doing?Task 3: Read the passage again and answer the questions.T: Boys

12、and girls, lets read the passage again and answer the questions as soon as possible.(学生活动:集中精力,快速抢答)1. Read the first postcard in 2b again and answer the questions.1).Where is Su Lin now? _2). What is Su Lin studying there? _3). Is she visiting some of his old friends there? _4).Whats she doing righ

13、t now? _ 5). Hows the weather there? _2. Read the second postcard in 2b again and answer the questions.1). Where is Dave now? _2). What are Dave and his family doing there? _ 3). Are they having a good time? _4). Hows the weather there? _5). Hows the weather in Janes country? _Step III Postreading a

14、ctivitiesTask1: Listen to the tape and read after the tape one sentence after another.Task 2: PairworkT: Boys and girls, we have learned 2a, now suppose you are Sun Lin or Dave, youre calling your friends to talk about your vacation. Make conversations according to the postcards of 2a .You can do it like this: (S=Su Lin M=Mary)S: Hi, Mary


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