湖北黄冈麻城七级英语下册Unit7It’srainingSectionA2a2e教学设计新人教新目标 1.doc

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1、Unit7课题Unit7 Section A 2a-2e授课类型听说课标依据能在简单的表达中使用正确的方式并要求具有一定的表达能力,如能引出话题并进行几个回合的交流;能在教师的指导下参与角色扮演等活动;能在上述口语活动中使用正确的语音、语调等,能听懂相应水平的对话,并能处理相关信息。教学目标知识与技能知识目标:1词汇:cook,bad,park,message,him,could,back,problem,take a message for,call2. 句型:(1)-Hows the weather -Its .(2)-Hows it going?- Not bad.Great.Im fi

2、ne. 能力目标:1.能熟练运用进行时态描述图片上的活动。2. 能运用听力技能获取、处理和传递所需信息。3. 能借助一定情境分角色进行对话表演。过程与方法通过情景对话,听力训练、师生对话,生生对话等过程和方法实施本节课教学。情感态度与价值观1)学生能在小组中有效合作,共同学习。 2)通过学习学会关爱环境,关爱我们的地球和生命。 教学重点难点教学重点1.学习并掌握本节课生词和短语。2. 掌握询问和描述天气词汇和句型。3.掌握现在进行时态。教学难点学生受汉语影响,电话专用语的掌握将是学生的难点。教学媒体选择分析表知识点学习目标媒体类型教学 作用使用方式所得结论占用 时间媒体来源介绍知识目标图片AB


4、论_交流_总结J.其他教学过程设计师生活动设计意图Step1.Warming up and revision1. Greeting2、A weather report according to the map(学生根据老师出示的天气气象图学着播报天气)Step2. Leading-in1.Before listening-引导学生熟悉背景和语言知识。T: Look at the pictures in 2a on Page38.Jim is calling his cousin Linda.He is asking about his family.What is Lindas family

5、doing in the pictures?(学生回答,教师将短语写在黑板上)is calling is cookingis talking is watching TVis playing computer games is playing basketball2. While listening:Have the students number and match the pictures with the activities.(1) (教师播放录音,让学生根据老师的示范(如,Uncle Joe play basketball)记录关键词-人物名字和动作。(2) 再放一遍录音,让学生补全

6、笔记。全班核对答案,让学生说出完整句子。S1:In Picture 1 Uncle Joe is playing basketball.S2:In Picture2 Aunt Sally is cooking.S3:In Picture3 Mary is watching TV.S4:In Picture4 Jeff is playing computer games.Step 3 PairworkHave the students ask and answer according to the pictures in 2a.e.g.A:Whats Jeff doing?B:Hes playi

7、ng computer games.Step4 Role-play the dialogue in 2d1. Answer the following questions according to 2d.(1)Hows the weather? (2)Whats Steve doing? (3)Whats Ricks brother doing? (4)What does Steve want Ricks brother to do? Check the Ss answers:(1)Its great.(2)Hes playing basketball with some friends at

8、 the park. (3)Hes studying at his friends home. (4)He wants Ricks brother to call him back.2. Read the conversation and fill in the blanks. Rick: Hello, Rick _. Steve: Hi, Rick. Hows it _? Rick: Not bad, _. The weather is _.What are you _? .3. Ask the ss to make their own conversations according to

9、2d. Role-play the conversation in pairs and then go to the front of the classroom and perform it to the whole class.A: Hello, Hows it going?B: Not bad, thanks. The weather here isWhat are you doing?A: I am 4. Group work. Make a report. If you are a CCTV reporter, interview five people in different p

10、laces ask them how the weather is and what they are doing. NamePlacesHow is the weather?What are they doing?MaryBeijingcloudyis reading at home.TomStep 5 Focus on language pointsStep 6 Exercises一、用所给词的适当形式填空1. It is_ (rain) hard now.2. -Hows the weather? -Its _ (sun).3. I usually _ (do) my homework

11、in the evening. 4. Whats she doing? She _ (play) the guitar. 5. My sister _ (walk) to school every day.6. Mr. Wu _ (brush) his teeth right now? 7. Every Saturday, we _ (visit) my grandparents. 8. Look! They _ (dance) in the classroom.二、根据汉语提示完成句子。1.莫斯科的天气怎么样? 正下着雪。_ the_ _ Moscow? Its_.2.最近情况如何?不是很好

12、。_ it _? _ _.3.我弟弟正在他朋友家里学习。My brother _ _at his _ _.4.我能给他捎个信吗? I _ a_ for _?5.你可以告诉他让他给我回个电话吗?没问题。-_ you just _ him _ _ me _?-_ _.Step7 Homework1. Recite the dialogue in 2d2. 完成绩优学案基础关练习。利用地图展示天气气象图为学生提供生动具体的语言情境,当天气预报员提高自信心,激发学习激情,利于目标语言的复习巩固。 由于图片与听力内容相关,听前先引导学生熟悉图片,这种预热可以让学生熟悉听力情境,做好语言准备,扫除听力障碍,减轻听时的负担和压力让学生边听边记笔记可以达到一箭多雕的目的:首先,训练学生专心的听;其次,可以训练学生的单词拼写能力;最后,还可以训练学生根据上下文捕捉关键词的能力。通过回答问题和填空的形式,让学生熟练掌握对话的内容,把这一节课的内容整合在一起让学生以小组的形式通过report汇报出来,让学生学以致用,由此本堂课也得到了升华。4



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