安徽亳州谯城区城父九级英语全册Unit1Howcanwebecomegoodlearners习题新人教新目标 1.ppt

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安徽亳州谯城区城父九级英语全册Unit1Howcanwebecomegoodlearners习题新人教新目标 1.ppt_第1页
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《安徽亳州谯城区城父九级英语全册Unit1Howcanwebecomegoodlearners习题新人教新目标 1.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《安徽亳州谯城区城父九级英语全册Unit1Howcanwebecomegoodlearners习题新人教新目标 1.ppt(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit1 一 单项选择 本大题共15小题 每小题1分 共15分 在每小题的四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案 1 Playingcomputergamesallday badforoureyes A isB areC beD am 2 Ifyoudon tknowthenewword youcan intheChinese Englishdictionary A lookupitB lookitupC lookupthemD lookthemup 3 Doinghomeworkallthetimemakesustired Whataboutgoingouttoplayping pon

2、g A HelpyourselfB GoodideaC You rewelcomeD Thanks A B B 4 Couldyougiveme A anadviceB someadvicesC theadvicesD someadvice 5 Mysisterfinds interestingtolearnhistory A thatB thisC oneD it 6 CanIcomethisafternoonortomorrowmorning isOK I mfreetodayandtomorrow A EitherB NeitherC BothD None D D A 7 Iwantto

3、knowwhenMr Brownwillarrive Whenhe Iwilltellyou A willarriveB arrivedC arrivesD arrived 8 Manystudentsdon tknowhowto pressure 压力 andbecomeworried Ithinktheyhadbetterasktheirteachersforhelp A arguewithB dealwithC quarrelwithD comeupwith 9 Mybrotherdoesn tfeelhappyatschool hecan tgetonwellwithhisclassm

4、ates A thoughB whenC unlessD because C B D 10 It syour asastudenttofinishyourhomeworkeveryday A dutyB hobbyC habitD manner 11 It s abeautifulgarden weallliketoplayinit A so thatB such thatC so toD very that 12 Jack Ihavetrouble outthemathproblem A workB toworkC workedD working A B D 13 Ihavesomanyaf

5、ter schoolclassesthatIdon thaveenoughtimetorest Whydon tyou toyourparents A talkingB talkC totalkD talks 14 Let sgodancingbythelake Sorry I mafraid intothewater It stoodangerous A offallB fellC fallingD tofall 15 Englishisveryimportant soIpractice Englishveryhard A speaksB speakingC speakD tospeak B

6、 D B 二 完形填空 本大题共10小题 每小题1分 共10分 通读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后在各小题所给的四个选项中 选出一个最佳答案 16 A tolearnB learnedC learnsD learning 17 A thisB thatC itD these 18 A thelessB thefewerC themoreD themuch 19 A takesB returnsC worksD offers 20 A giveoutB giveoffC giveinD giveup A C C A D 21 A necessaryB funC easyD complete 22 A

7、 atalltimeB attimesC atatimeD atnotime 23 A howeverB thenC tillD although 24 A UnlessB ButC WhenD Before 25 A businessB appointmentC importanceD culture B A B C D 三 阅读理解 本大题共15小题 每小题2分 共30分 阅读A B两篇短文 并做每篇短文后面的题目 从每小题所给的四个选项中 选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案 A 26 Thispassageismainlywrittenfor A childrenB teache

8、rsC parentsD doctors C 27 isthebestforthemissingpartinParagraph2 A Listeningandspeakingskills B Readingandwritingskills C Listeningandwritingskills D Readingandlisteningskills 28 isNOTmentionedinthe8tipsabove A Listeningtotheradioeveryday B Listeningtoyourchildrenread C Readingtoyourchildreneachnigh

9、t D Talkingaboutyourchildren swritings B A 29 IntheReadingChallengeClub childrenhavetoread inoneyear A 5booksB 10booksC 15booksD 20books 30 Parentscanhelpchildrentowritebyencouragingthemto A drawpicturesortakephotosB listentopopmusicC writediariesorbookreviewsD playcomputergames D C B 31 candecidest

10、udents successorfailureaccordingtothewriter A WheretolearnB WhentolearnC HowtolearnD Whattolearn 32 DrAsherdeveloped TotalPhysicalResponse to A remembermorewordsB improvestudyskillsC learnlanguagesD teachlanguages C D 33 Youshould whenyoulearnEnglishsothatyoucanlearnitwell A listentostoriesB talktoo

11、thersC moveyourbodyD sitstill 34 Whatdoestheunderlinedword pretend meaninChinese A 推测B 假装C 怀疑D 确定 C B 35 Whatdoesthewritermainlywanttotellus A Exerciseisimportantforstudy B Somegoodwaystostudy C Howtobesuccessful D Goodwayscanhelppeoplelearnwell D C配对阅读 D C A B F 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 四 短文填空

12、 本大题共10小题 每小题1 5分 共15分 请用适当的词完成下面的短文 并把所缺单词填写在指定的位置上 每个空只能填写一个形式 意义相符的单词 wrong play in but a best time him pupil flute 五 读写综合 本题分为A B两部分 共20分 A 信息归纳 共5小题 每小题1分 共5分 请阅读下面这篇文章 根据所提供的信息 完成下面的信息卡 teenagers toomuchhomework short sighted Theyeattoomuchjunkfood buttheyhardlydosports makingplansforstudyandt

13、akingupdifferentkindsofhobbies B 书面表达 15分 在日常生活和学习中 我们都会遇到一些困难或问题 请你写一篇短文 谈谈你的经历和看法 内容包括 1 描述你曾经遇到过的一个困难或问题 2 谈谈你当时的感觉和解决方法 3 如果你的同学遇到相似的问题 请你给出至少两点建议 写作要求 1 不能照抄原文 文中不能出现真实的姓名和学校名称 2 语句连贯 意思完整 符合逻辑 80词左右 参考范文 Allofushavehaddifficultiesorproblemsinourdailylife Ialsohadabigproblembefore Iusedtofeelti

14、redandstressedout becauseIhadtoomuchhomeworkandIhadpianolessonsonweekends Itriedmybesttosolveit Imadeaplanformyschoolworkandsportstime Ialsotookuppianoasaninterest NowIbecomehealthyandhappy Ifanyonehasthesameproblem hereissomeadvice First weshouldlearntomakegooduseoftimeandmakeplans Second wecantakeupextraclassesashobbies Ihopeeveryonecanenjoytheschoolworkandthesparetime


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