学案七级英语下册 Module 11 Body language Unit 3 新外研.ppt

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《学案七级英语下册 Module 11 Body language Unit 3 新外研.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《学案七级英语下册 Module 11 Body language Unit 3 新外研.ppt(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module11BodylanguageUnit3 bringv brought 带来 Youcannotbringfoodordrinkintothelab 你不能把食物和饮料带进实验室 Wouldyoupleasebringmeacupoftea 给我拿杯茶 好吗 Pleasebringyourhomeworktoschooltomorrow 请你明天把作业带到学校来 探究总结 bring的用法 1 bring作动词用 意为 带来 其过去式为brought 常构成短语 bringsb sth bringsth tosb 意为 给某人带来某物 bringup意为 养育 2 bring tak

2、e carry与get的用法辨析 图解助记 carry 挑 水 运 背 扛 抱 学以致用 Whatdidhe here A takeB carryC getD bring Hebroughtussomefruit 改为同义句 He somefruit us 答案 brought to 用所给词的适当形式填空1 Itisn tpolite laugh atothers 2 A woman ageissecretinthewesterncountries 3 nottalk inclass 答案 1 tolaugh2 woman s3 Don ttalk 4 Theywaved say goodb

3、yetous 5 Theycomefromdifferent country 答案 4 tosay5 countries 句型转换1 Theycanplaythepianoandsingsongs 改为否定句 They playthepiano singsongs 2 Youcan tgotobedtoolate 改为祈使句 tobedtoolate 答案 1 can t or2 Don tgo 3 Wearen tlateforschooleveryday 改为同义句 Wegotoschool everyday 4 the we line when wait stand for we in bus should 连词成句 答案 3 ontime4 Weshouldstandinlinewhenwewaitforthebus 5 Peoplebowtosay I msorry inthiscountry 对画线部分提问 peoplesay I msorry inthiscountry 答案 5 Howdo


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