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1、湖北省黄冈市蕲春县第三实验中学2014-2015学年七年级英语9月月考试题 (时间:90分钟; 满分:120分)一、听力部分(满分20分).听录音,选出你所听到的字母组合或单词。录音读两遍。(5分) ( ) 1. A. CD B. DG C.CG ( ) 2. A. NBAB. CBA C. MPN ( ) 3. A. thankB. Frank C. Eric ( ) 4. A. GraceB. Alice C. thanks ( ) 5. A. jacketB. key C. quilt.听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读两遍。(5分) ( ) 6.A. Good morning, Jim

2、. B. Goodbye, class. C. Good afternoon, Tony. ( ) 7.A. Fine, thank you. B. Hello, Alan.C. Its a pen. ( ) 8. A. This is a pen. B. Its an orange.C. That is an apple. ( )9. A. Green. B. Its green.C.G-R-E-E-N. ( ) 10. A. Yes, it is. B. No, Im not.C. Yes, he is.听对话,补全所缺内容。对话读两遍。(10分) M: Good morning, Hel

3、en. W: Good morning, 11 . M: Whats this in English? W: Its a 12 . M: What color is it? W:Its 13 . M: 14 it, please. W: 15 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 二笔试部分(100分).按照字母顺序写出26个大小写字母。(13分)II根据字母的读音填空。(11分)Aa_ Kk _ EeBb _ Dd _ Pp _ _ Ii_OoUuQq _Ff _ Mm _ Ss _III.从II栏中为I栏中的缩略词找出各自的正确释义。(10分) III( ) 1. PRCA. 世界贸易组

4、织( ) 2. PLAB. 竞争,淘汰( ) 3. CCTVC. 英国广播公司( ) 4. WTOD. 美国( ) 5. UFOE. 不明飞行物( ) 6. USAF. 光盘( ) 7. CDG. 中国人民解放军( ) 8. OKH. 中华人民共和国( ) 9. BBCI. 中国中央电视台( ) 10. PKJ. 好吧IV从括号中选出一个填空。(6分)1. How _ you? ( am, is ,are)2. What _ this in English? ( am, is ,are)3. What color is the pen? It _ red. ( am, is ,are)4. W

5、hats this? Its _ orange. (a, an )5. Whats this? Its _jacket. (a, an )6. Its _ apple. (a, an )V. 单项选择题(15分)( )1早晨在校门口遇到同学时,应该怎么样打招呼?A. How are you? B. Good morning! C. Good evening!( )2当别人向你问好时说:How are you? 你应该怎么回应呢?A. Fine, thank you B. Hello! C. How are you? ( )3. 一Good evening, Eric. 一_, Cindy.A.

6、 Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening( )4一Good morning! 一_ AThank you BGood morning! CHello!( )5一Hello! 一_ AHello! BThank you CIm fine( )6一Sit down,P1ease 一_. AIm fine BOK CThank you( )7-Cindy,whats this in English? -_. AThis is a pen BIts a pen CIts pen ( )8Its _ blackIts _ black ruler Aa

7、; B;a Ca;a( ) 9. -_ is that quilt? Its black A.How color BWhat color CWhats color( )10. 一Whats this in English? 一Its _ orange. A. an B. a C./( ) 11 - Whats this? - Its a _. A egg B orange C map D apple( ) 13.对方给你帮完忙后, 你应该说:_. A. OK B. Thank you C. Hello D. Bye-bye.( ) 14.初次认识某人, 你对他说的问候语应该是:_? A. Ho

8、w are you B. Whats your name C. How do you do D. Hello( ) 15.下列每组字母中不含元音字母的是组。A. M n b p B. H i j p C. A d g k D. E h o pVI从栏中找出与栏相对的答语(每题1分,共10分) ( )1 Good morning. A. Goodbye.( )2 Goodbye. B. Nice to meet you, too.( )3 How are you? C. Its a map.( )4 Whats this in English? D. Good morning.( )5 Spel

9、l it, please. E. Hello!( )6 Good afternoon. F. M-A-P.( )7 Hello! G. Fine, thank you.( )8 Whats your name? H. Good evening.( )9 Good evening. I. My name is Alice.( )10 Nice to meet you. J. Good afternoon.VII连词成句(10分)1.English, in, this, whats2you, how, are3fine,thanks, Im4it, spell, please.5color, is

10、, it, whatVIII.根据所给汉语提示补全句子。(10分)1. Toms _ (夹克衫) is old. 2. What _(颜色) is it? 3. His _ (英语) is very good.4. Theres a _ (被子) in the bed. 5. Please _ (拼写) “Please”.6.The pen is _(红色的).7. (这个) is her ruler.8. My _(杯子) is on the table.9. The snow(雪) is (白色的).10.That is a (钥匙).按括号内所给要求写出适当形式。(5分)1white (反义词)_ 2. Im(完整形式)_ 3what is(缩略形式)_ _ 4. its(完整形式)_5.Uu(同音词) .书面表达。(10分)格蕾丝和弗兰克下午见面,相互问好、询问一件物品钢笔用英语怎么说,是什么颜色,如何拼写。请就此情景编一段对话。(至少八句)



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