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1、班级: 姓名: 考号: 黄冈市英才学校2015-2016学年上学期第一次月考八年级英语试题 满分:120分 时间:120分钟亲爱的同学:沉着应试,认真书写,祝你取得满意成绩!一、单项选择。( 40分 )( ) 1. Hangzhou is a beautiful city. There are many people here _ vacation every year.A. in B. on C. for D. to ( ) 2. _ was the food in the restaurant?A. How many B. Why C. How D. Where( ) 3. -I am g

2、oing to London for a holiday next month. -_.A. Have a good time B. Its terrible C. Good job D. What a pity( ) 4.There is _ in todays newspaper.A. interesting something B. anything interesting C. nothing special D. special nothing ( ) 5.On Sunday morning, I helped my mother _ the cooking.A. do B. to

3、doing C. does D. doing( ) 6. When I _ at the hotel,it was very late. A. got B. reached C. arrived D. reach for ( ) 7.They enjoyed _ very much.A. swiming B. swam C. swimming D. to swim( ) 8.-_do you visit your grand- parents? -Once a month. A .How soon B. How long C. How much D. How often ( ) 9.Its t

4、oo hot outside, so we decide _ at home.A. stay B. to stay C. stayed D. staying( ) 10. I love junk food very much, but I eat _ only once a week. A. its B. it C. them D. they( )11. He didnt _ to do _ .A. want;somethingB. want;anything C. wanted;anything ( ) 12. They took _ photos in Beijing .A. quite

5、a few B. quite a lot C. quite few ( )13. Everyone in my class _ a bag with some food .A. have B. has C. to have D. having( ) 14. -Where _ you _ on vacation? - I went to New York City. A. did, go B. are, going C. will, go D. do, you ( ) 15. - _ did Tina go on vacation? A. What B. Where C. How D. Who(

6、 ) 16.- What did you do last vacation? - I _ at home. A. stay B. will stay C. staied D. stayed ( ) 17.- _you _ anything special? - Yes, I did. A. Did, go B. Did, bought C. Did, did D. Did, buy( ) 18.- _ you _ with anyone? - No, I didnt. A. Do, go B. Will, go C. Are, going D. Did you ( ) 19. I _ on v

7、acation last month. A. am B. is C. was D. were ( ) 20. I _ to Guizhou with my family last month. A. went B. go C. goes D. will go ( ) 21. We went to Huangguoshu Waterfall and _a few photos. A. take B. taken C. took D. taked( ) 22. - Did you buy _? - No, I bought nothing. A. something special B. anyt

8、hing special C. special something D. special anything( ) 23. Did you do _ fun on you vacation,Alice? A. anything B. something C. anyone D. no one ( ) 24. Did you go with _? A. someone B. something C. anyone D. no one( ) 25. I didnt really see _ I liked. A. anything B. something C. everything D. noth

9、ing ( ) 26. Can / Could / Would you give me _ milk ? A. anything B. some C. any D. something( ) 27. -_ did / do you _ it? - I like / liked it very much? A. What, like B. How, like C. How, think of D. What, thinks of( ) 28. -What did you do? - I _ a diary. A. kept B. keep C. keeped D. am going to kee

10、p( ) 29. Our vacation was _. A. excite B. exciting C. excited D. excitement( ) 30. That was an _vacation. A. bored B. exciting C. interested D. relaxed( ) 31. I am not a teacher, he , either. A. is B. isnt C. does D. doesnt( ) 32. _ lunch, we had something very special. A. For B. With C. As D. To( ) 33. We _ bicycles to Georgetown last vacation. A. ate B. rode C. ride D. will( ) 34. I wonder what life _ like here in the past. A. are B. be C. was D. is( ) 35. I really enjoyed _ around the town. A. to walk B. walked C. walking D. walk( ) 36. What a _ a day makes!



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