图书八级英语上册 Unit7 Enjoy Your Hobby能力提升练26配套 冀教.ppt

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1、 二十六 Unit7Lessons51 52 20分钟50分 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 2分钟 5分 1 Theairisveryf afterrain Let sgoforawalk 2 Myneighbourwasillandwehadtos foradoctoratonce 3 Ifindit sveryd tofinishtheworkintwohours 答案 1 fresh2 send3 difficult 4 Thewomanoftenleavesherchilda athomeandthechildisveryafraid 5 Footballisaveryp gamein

2、theworld Manypeoplelikeit 答案 4 alone5 popular 用所给词的适当形式填空 2分钟 5分 1 Mydaughterhasa collect ofBarbiedolls 芭比娃娃 2 Mr Whitegotapart timejobasa garden 3 garden isoneoftheoldman shobbies 4 Theflower smell nice 5 Basketballisan enjoy sportandit sgoodforus 答案 1 collection2 gardener3 Gardening4 smells5 enjoy

3、able 单项选择 2分钟 5分 1 Shehaslotsofadviceforeverygardener A manyB alotofC moreD some2 YoucanalsosendforMary sbooks A asksb togetB lookforC gotoseeD visit 3 Mymotherlivesalone butsheneverfeelslonely A lonelyB herselfC byherselfD along4 Wehavefun chess A playtheB playingtheC playingD toplay5 MaryGreenhasw

4、rittenmanypopularbooks gardening A forB onC toD with 句型转换 3分钟 5分 1 Annenjoysswimming 对划线部分提问 Annenjoy 2 Havingbreakfastontimeisveryimportant 改为同义句 veryimportant breakfastontime 3 Hishobbyisskating 改为一般疑问句 并作肯定回答 hishobby 答案 1 Whatdoes doing2 Itis tohave3 Is skating Yes itis 4 WatchMaryatworkinherown

5、garden 改为否定句 Maryatworkinherowngarden 5 Davidmissedtheearlybusthismorning 改为同义句 David theearlybusthismorning 答案 4 Don twatch5 didn tcatch 完成句子 3分钟 10分 1 Maryhasgrown 各种各样的 plantsinhergarden 2 Roses 闻起来香 3 Thegirlenjoys 把购物看作 ahobby 4 Playinggameswithfriendsismy 最喜欢的活动 5 You 不需要 tobuystampsfore mail

6、答案 1 allkindsof2 smellnice3 shoppingas4 favouriteactivity5 don tneed 补全对话 4分钟 10分 从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话 有两项多余 A 1B Myhobbyismakingmodelships Imakethemmyself Ijoinedashipclub 2A Haveyoueverwon B 3Igotaprize A 4B Abouttwenty A Canyoushowthemtome B 51 2 3 4 5 答案 1 5 DFCGA 阅读理解 4分钟 10分 TheGrade8studentsattheCl

7、eanCitySchoolcollectemptybottles InJune theyaregoingtotakethemtoarecycling 回收 centre Theyaregoingtosellthebottlesandbuysomebooksfortheschoollibrary Jackhasagraph 图表 toshowthenumberofthebottlestheycollected Pleaselookatthegraph 1 Thestudentscollected emptybottlesinMay A 80B 90C 60D 202 Thestudentscol

8、lected morebottlesinMaythaninMarch A 30B 50C 40D 153 Fromthegraphabove weknowthatthestudentspickedupthesamenumberofbottlesin and A June OctoberB March DecemberC April MayD April November 4 Whichmonthdidthestudentscollecttheleast A March B December C November D May 5 Whydothestudentscollectemptybottles Becausethey A wanttodosomethingfortheirschoolB likeemptybottlesverymuchC wanttoplaywiththebottlesD wanttosellthemtobuyballs 本部分内容讲解结束


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