浙江嘉兴八级英语第一次教学质量检测听力 人教新目标.pdf

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1、八年级英语第 1 页 共 8 页 试卷说明试卷说明 1 本试卷由答题通平台提供 除纸质试卷 还配套数字教育资源及基 于互联网技术的在线教育应用 2 答题结束后 可用手机微信扫描左侧二维码 查看学习视频解析及 创建电子错题本 并可定期将电子错题本题目导出补练 3 本卷考核范围 第四模块 2017 学年第二学期八年级英语教学质量检测 一 2017 学年第二学期八年级英语教学质量检测 一 听力部分听力部分 一 听力 共一 听力 共 15 小题 第一节 第二节每小题小题 第一节 第二节每小题 1 分 第三节每小题分 第三节每小题 2 分 共分 共 20 分 分 第一节 听小对话 请从 A B C 三个

2、选项中选择符合对话内容的选项 1 How does the food smell A Sweet B Delicious C Sour 2 Who is in hospital A Jim B Tina C David 3 Where has the British astronaut gone to A The space station B A TV station C The train station 4 What competition did John enter last year A A chess competition B A speaking competition C

3、A writing competition 5 Why does the boy have a toothache A He never brushes his teeth B He eats too much medicine C He eats chocolate before going to bed 第二节 听长对话 回答问题 听下面一段较长的对话 回答第 6 7 两个小题 6 Where are the two speakers A At a supermarket B In the meeting room C At the train station 7 How much doe

4、s an express soft seat ticket cost A 18 B 28 C 38 听下面一段较长的对话 回答第 8 10 三个小题 8 Where is Jack going A To school B To the bookstore C To the library 9 What does Jack s teacher set up A A reading programme B A singing programme C A dancing programme 10 When will Maria and Jack meet next Sunday morning A

5、At seven o clock B At eight o clock C At nine o clock 第三节 听独白 请从 A B C 三个选项中选择正确选项 完成信息记录表 八年级英语第 2 页 共 8 页 Who Taikonaut comes from taikong and 11 When In 12 a Malaysian Chinese scientist used the word taikonaut for the first time What The Shenzhou VII spacecraft that carried three taikonauts 13 fr

6、om China When and where From China s Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre on 14 Times It s the 15 time for China to send people into space 11 A taikonaut B astronaut C Chinese astronaut 12 A 1998 B 2008 C 2018 13 A sent back B landed C took off 14 A September 25th 1998 B September 25th 2008 C September 2

7、5th 2018 15 A first B second C third 笔试笔试部分部分 二 单项选择 二 单项选择 共共 5 小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 分 共分 共 5 分分 16 fine weather it is Let s go on a picnic A What B What a C How D How a 17 They walked home last night because they couldn t to take a taxi A leave B buy C afford D allow 18 The student didn t find much abou

8、t other planets on that website A report B message C research D news 19 The teacher asked the students to a story about a trip to the moon A give up B turn up C stay up D make up 20 What does your new classmate look like A He is from America B He is tall and of medium build C He is very nice to othe

9、rs D He has a pair of blue shoes 三三 完形填空 完形填空 共共 15 小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 分 共分 共 15 分分 It was 37 in Los Angeles California Toby had made plans to 21 today His mum told him not to go out 22 it was too hot Toby still wanted to go Toby and his friend Bryan drove to the mountain When they got out of the 23 the

10、y felt the hotness immediately Toby I m starting to sweat 出汗 Bryan said You ll be 24 just drink some water Toby said When they started climbing they saw that the plants were all brown They all 25 There were not many people 26 either Bryan put on some sunscreen 防晒霜 Want some Oh I don t need it Toby s

11、aid The two friends climbed higher and higher Hey Bryan 27 that one time your mum climbed mountains with us Toby asked There was no 28 Toby turned around Bryan was 八年级英语第 3 页 共 8 页 29 on the ground He had fainted 昏倒 Toby put Bryan on his back and got down the mountain 30 Then Toby drove Bryan to the

12、 31 hospital The doctor told Toby that Bryan fainted from the 32 temperature 33 shouldn t climb the mountain on a day like this the doctor said An hour 34 Bryan felt better Toby hugged him Toby you are quite 35 Bryan said Toby looked at himself in the mirror and saw his face got sunburned 晒伤的 seriou

13、sly 21 A go swimming B go shopping C go climbing D go fishing 22 A because B so C if D but 23 A room B hospital C office D car 24 A tired B excited C fine D bad 25 A died B grew C used D came 26 A sitting B climbing C singing D walking 27 A remember B hope C think D warn 28 A trouble B advice C answ

14、er D service 29 A playing B jumping C lying D running 30 A proudly B quickly C luckily D quietly 31 A worst B cheapest C nearest D oldest 32 A cool B high C wet D long 33 A You B We C They D He 34 A before B ago C later D after 35 A blue B red C short D tidy 四四 阅读理解 阅读理解 共共 10 小题 每小题小题 每小题 2 分 共分 共

15、20 分分 A We re Not Friends Any More My friend Ben went to a new school two years ago We live near each other and play in the local football team so we are still friends Then he started playing tennis and baseball and lost interest in football We still like each other but we don t see so much of each

16、other All my new friends like football unlike Ben he seems to be doing tennis and homework all the time We are good but can we be friends like before Peter Daniel says Sometimes it is sad when best friends go different ways So when something changes in your life like this and everything goes well you should be happy you managed to deal with it There is no need to think about your worries and neglect 忽略 your happiness Jane says Everyone goes through changes as they get older and you should be hap


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