浙江嘉兴七级英语第一次教学质量检测pdf 人教新目标.pdf

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1、七年级英语第 1 页 共 6 页 试卷说明试卷说明 1 本试卷由答题通平台提供 除纸质试卷 还配套数字教育资源及基 于互联网技术的在线教育应用 2 答题结束后 可用手机微信扫描左侧二维码 查看学习视频解析及 创建电子错题本 并可定期将电子错题本题目导出补练 3 本卷考核范围 第四模块 2017 学年第二学期七年级英语教学质量检测 一 2017 学年第二学期七年级英语教学质量检测 一 第一部分第一部分 听力听力 一 听力 共一 听力 共 15 小题 第一节 第二节每小题小题 第一节 第二节每小题 1 分 第三节每小题分 第三节每小题 2 分 共分 共 20 分 分 第一节 听小对话 从 A B

2、C 三个选项中选择正确的选项 1 What s in Mike s bag A His glove B His wallet C His camera 2 Is Mary going to have a picnic with her friends at the weekend A Yes she is B No she isn t C We don t know 3 When will Susan be free A At weekends B On Saturday C On Sunday 4 Who is Lucy going to the zoo with A Her father

3、B Her mother C Her parents 5 What are the speakers talking about A The life in the past B The life in the future C The life at the moment 第二节 听长对话 回答问题 听下面一段较长的对话 回答 6 7 两小题 6 Why are the speakers going to Shanghai this Saturday A To visit Disneyland B To visit the friends C To watch a match 7 How a

4、re the speakers going to the station A By bus B By car C By train 听下面一段较长的对话 回答 8 10 三小题 8 Where are the speakers now A At a station B In an office C In a shop 9 What is the boy looking for A His pen B His tape C His bag 10 What colour is the boy s wallet A Blue B Brown C Black 第三节 听独白 根据内容从 A B C 三

5、个选项中选择正确的选项 完成信息记录表 七年级英语第 2 页 共 6 页 Welcome to our party Time to start at 11 tonight For whom 12 Place in the school 13 Things to bring 14 Activities listening to songs 15 11 A 7 00 B 7 30 C 7 45 12 A Mr Bean B Mr Green C Mr Jean 13 A reading room B meeting room C dining room 14 A a present B a CD

6、player C a radio 15 A giving a talk B taking photos C dancing to music 第二部分第二部分 笔试笔试 二 单项填空 二 单项填空 共共 5 小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 分 共分 共 5 分 分 请从 A B C D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案 16 Selina is a singer and she can sing very A good good B well well C good well D well good 17 Are these crayons No they aren t mine They

7、 are Mary s Look Here s name A your her B yours hers C your hers D yours her 18 My brother a test next month He s going over his lessons now A are going to have B is going to have C are having D is having 19 In that place the weather is very bad there s often rain and winds A high strong B heavy lar

8、ge C heavy strong D large big 20 Would you like to go out for a walk with us but I must finish my homework first A That s all right B Yes I d love to C Yes I do D No I don t 三 交际三 交际运用 运用 共共 5 小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 分 共分 共 5 分 分 请从 A E 中选择适当的答句 与第 21 25 进行配对 每句限用一次 21 Whose tape is this 22 Can you cook 23 W

9、hat are they going to do tomorrow 24 Will our school change 25 What will we do in the future 四 四 完完形形填空 填空 共共 10 小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 分 共分 共 10 分 分 Tom is a 12 year old boy He comes 26 the USA He is the PE monitor in our class He often 27 basketball with other boys after school When we can t find him he m

10、ust be in the 28 He is the 29 basketball player and runner in our school team That s 30 he A They are going to have a picnic B Yes I can C Yes it will D It s mine E Light and easy work 七年级英语第 3 页 共 6 页 becomes the PE monitor Tom is fit and his 31 are big He can hold a basketball with one hand He is

11、32 and often helps other students He gets on very well with 33 and we 34 like him There is a basketball 35 tomorrow Let s go and cheer Tom 26 A from B to C in D on 27 A gives B watches C helps D plays 28 A classroom B lab C office D gym 29 A best B most C bad D large 30 A when B how C why D where 31

12、 A hands B feet C arms D eyes 32 A beautiful B kind C strange D ready 33 A somebody B anybody C everybody D nobody 34 A really B still C never D even 35 A movie B story C programme D match 五 阅读理解 五 阅读理解 共共 10 小题 每小题小题 每小题 2 分 共分 共 20 分 分 A In October we re all going to Hong Kong for a holiday and we

13、 are going to have a great time We are going to fly there and land in the afternoon Then we can go to our hotel We can see the famous places in Hong Kong We re going to walk around the shops and buy presents We re going to sail to some small islands 岛屿 and eat fish We re going to the restaurants We

14、re going to eat delicious Chinese food and French food We re going to use knives forks and spoons It s going to be a very busy holiday There is a new amusement park in Hong Kong We can see lots of cartoon characters 卡通人 物 there There are many computer shops in Hong Kong The weather is going to be su

15、nny and we can walk by the beach Ocean Park is a very interesting place too We can see many animals there Don t forget your cameras because we re going to take a lot of photos 36 They are going to travel to Hong Kong in A autumn B summer C winter D spring 37 What kinds of food are they going to eat

16、in the restaurants A Japanese food B French food C Chinese food D Both B and C 38 Where can they see cartoon characters A In an amusement park B On the beach C In an ocean park D On some small islands 七年级英语第 4 页 共 6 页 B Monday English Club For Students 17 00 19 00 300 yuan a month 66 Gulou Street Tel 86218888 Foreign teacher English cartoon films and more Haiyang Museum 9 00 17 00 From Friday to Sunday Ticket 80 yuan 188 Youth Street Tel 865858888 Show you a full picture of sea lives Health Cent


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