安徽安庆第九中学九级英语全册 Unit 9复习学案 人教新目标.doc

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1、安徽省安庆市第九中学九年级英语全册 Unit 9复习学案 人教新目标版2、能用经典句型谈论某物品发明的时间、发明人及其用途。3、通过对世界上一些重要发明的了解增强自己的爱国情感并激发学习动力。二、【教学重点、难点】: 掌握各种时态的被动语态及含有情态动词的被动语态的结构。三、【复习流程】自主学习,参考课本,挖山寻宝,找出重难点,疑惑之处采用对学、群学,在寻找的过程中强化文本、温故知新,并熟读之。 (一)词汇拓展:1.发明;创造v. _n发明_n发明家2.咸的;含盐的adj. _n盐3.投;掷v. _(过去式)_(过去分词)4.发展v. _发展n_发展中的adj. _adj.发达的5.上升v.

2、_(过去式)_(过去分词)(二)重点词组:1.电灯泡_2.用来做_3.微波炉_4.整天_5.错误地_6.这样_7.偶然地_8.根据_9.足够咸_(三)词语辨析1. be used for, be used to 2. in the end, at the end of, by the end of, finally ,at last3. invent, discover 4. in this way, in the way, on the way(四)重点句型:1.When was the car invented? It was invented in 1885.2.When were el

3、ectric slippers invented? They were invented last year.3.Who were they invented by? They were invented by Julie Yhompson.4.What are they used for? Theyre used for seeing in the dark.(1)读表格,填写下列各个时态的被动形式(give为例):2组展示一般时态进行时态完成时态现在amis givenareamis_givenare has _givenhave过去was_were was being_were_been

4、 diven将来shall _givenwill shall have_givenwill过去将来should be_wouldshould have _givenwould(2)小组对抗赛 每组先在本组内找出自己认为有难度的题,也可以是对话或画,然后写到本组的黑板上,各组找对抗方,最后评出优胜组。四、【单元自我评价】 自我评价我真棒(Great)!我还行(Good)!还需努力(Come on)!五、【当堂检测】(10)A基础达标 5分用be used for, be used as, be used by, be used to, used to的适当形式填空。1.Everyone know

5、s that a clock_telling the time.2.These desks can_beds by us.3.The dictionary_me.4.She _getting up early now.5.He_have long hair, but now he has short hair.B巩固提升(中考真题再现) 5分6.( ) (2010兰州)In the past few years there_great changes in my hometown.A. have been B.were C.had been D.are7. ( ) (2010宿迁)We wil

6、l fly a kite as soon as your homework_. A. finishes B.will be finished C. has finished D.is finished8.( ) (2010无锡)Unlike Chinese, Americans_their meals with knives and forks. A. used to taking B.are used to taking C.used to take D.are used to take9. ( ) (2010河北)Hong Kong_to be a good place for eatin

7、g today. A. knows B.knew C.is known D.was known10. ( ) (2010丽水)Boys and girls, dont forget your report. It_today. A. cant finish B. cant be finished C.should finish D.should be finished C. 文采飞扬 5分Write at least 60 words about the topic”Im proud of myself”.(以“我为自己感到自豪”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)Using the following points as a reference.(以下内容仅供参考)1)What kind of person are you?2)What makes you proud of yourself?( Give an example/examples.)3)Why are you proud of yourself?课后反思:4


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