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1、江苏省扬州高邮市2017-2018学年七年级英语上学期期中试题第一部分 选择题 (80分)一、听力部分(共20小题;每小题1分,计20分)A. 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1道小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每段对话读两遍)1. What lesson does Lily like?A. B. C. 2. Where is Peter now?A. B. C. 3. How does Ben come to school every day?A. B. C. 4. What sport does Tom like best?A. B. C. 5. How many le

2、ssons does Jack have every day?A. 4 lessons.B. 2 lessons.C. 6 lessons.6. Who is Bill waiting for?A. His friend.B. His mother.C. His father.7. Which shirt would the man like?A. The brown one. B. The white one.C. The black one.8. What does Mary often do on Sundays? A. Goes shopping.B. Watches TV. C. G

3、oes fishing.9. When does Sams mother get up?A. At 6:30 a.m.B. At 7:00 a.m.C. At 7:30 a.m.10. How does John celebrate(庆祝) his birthday?A. He has a party at home.B. He goes to the park with his friends.C. He goes to watch a film with his friends.B. 听下面3段对话或短文。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每段对

4、话或短文读两遍)听一段对话,回答第1112小题。11. What day is it tomorrow?A. Its Friday.B. Its Saturday.C. Its Thursday.12. Who will go hiking with Peter this weekend?A. Millie.B. Millies sister.C. Lucy听第一篇短文,回答第1315小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。Miss Greens weekendMorningShe gets up at 7.30.She plays with her 13 in the garde

5、n.AfternoonShe visits her friends.Sometimes, she 14 .EveningShe eats supper 15 .She watches TV and writes e-mails.13. A. dogB. catC. bird14. A. goes to the bookshopB. cleans her houseC. waters the flowers15. A. at homeB. at her parents homeC. in a dining hall听第二篇短文,回答第1620小题。16. Wheres Jackys school

6、?A. In ChinaB. In the UKC. In the USA17. When does Jacky talk with his classmates about football?A. After class.B. At lunchtime.C. After school.18. Why does Jacky usually go home late after school?A. Because he practices football every day.B. Because he watches football matches every day.C. Because

7、he does his homework every day.19. Where does Jackys father work?A. At a restaurantB. At Jackys schoolC. In a hospital20. What do we know about Jackys mother?A. She often plays football with Jacky.B. She never watches football on TV.C. She likes football like Jacky and his father.二、单词辨音(共5题;每小题1分,计5

8、分)从四个选择中选取出划线部分与其他单词读音不同的一项。21. A. gladB. dateC. hasD. map 22. A. drinkB. runC. EnglishD. sing 23. A. bookB. goodC. schoolD. look 24. A. whoB. whichC. weekD. what 25. A. fineB. whiteC. hiD. give三、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。26. The boy in white is my cousin. _ is a membe

9、r of the Reading Club.A. SheB. HeC. ItD. We27. I like _ lessons at school. They _ very interesting.A. all the, all areB. all the, are allC. the all, are allD. the all, all are28. When I am ill, my mother _ me carefully.A. looks atB. looks forC. looks likeD. looks after 29. Our English teacher looks

10、strong and plays football very _.A. goodB. niceC. wellD. best30. Jim is taller than I am. So Mrs. Wang lets me sit _ him in class.A. behindB. in front ofC. in the front ofD. at the back of31. Its said that the film Star War VIII will come out _ December, 2017.A. inB. onC. atD. for32. - Do you want _

11、 to have a picnic with me? - Why not? Lets go.A. goB. to goC. goingD. to going33. -Is Miss Li _ art teacher? -No, she teaches _ history.A. you; weB. you; ourC. your; ourD. your; us34. - _, Jill? - Its 18th November.A. What time is it nowB. Whats the time nowC. Whats the date todayD. What day is it t

12、oday35. - Does your father usually _ TV after supper? - No, he usually _ newspapers.A. watch, readsB. watch, readingC. watches, readsD. watches, read36. - _ do you go back to visit your parents? - Every two weeks.A. How muchB. How longC. How oftenD. How far37. - Is Mr. Black in? I want to say hello

13、to him. - _? I cant hear you well.A. OKB. Excuse meC. StopD. Pardon38. It takes _ half an hour _ the piano every day.A. he, to playB he ,playC. him, playD. him, to play39. Jim usually _ home but he comes back _today.A. walks to, by a bikeB. walks to, by bikeC. walks, by bikeD. walks, by a bike40. - Dad, Im going for Jims birthday party. III be back before 10:00. -OK. _A. Be careful.B. Come home early.C. Have great fun.D. Really?四、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。How do you usually spend your weekend? Some people like to stay at home, but 41 like to go out,


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