江苏永丰初级中学九级英语上册Unit3Teenageproblems词组句型新牛津 1.doc

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1、Unit 3词组句型表Comic strip & welcome to the unit:1.你怎么了?Whats wrong with you? Whats the matter with you?What happened to you?2. 发胖get fat3. 我们的肚子our stomachs4.吃得太多eat too much5. 你为什么不少吃多锻炼呢?Why not eat less and exercise more?Why dont you eat less and exercise more?6.得到充足的睡眠get enough sleep (在此sleep做名词)7

2、. 有足够的时间做作业have enough time to do homeworkhave enough time for homework8. 我家的电视一直开着。The TV is always on at my home.9.使我受不了drive me mad10. 我没有亲密的朋友。I dont have any close friends.11.跟某人亲近be close to sb12. 跟某人住得近live close to sb13. 得到高分 / 得到低分get high marks / get low marks14. 他们没有时间陪我。They dont have ti

3、me for me. They dont have time to stay with me.15. 课堂上感觉瞌睡 入睡feel sleepy in classfall asleep16. 更好地安排你的时间设法完成做某事manage your time bettermanage to do sthReading词组句型:1. 知道怎样处理某事know how to deal with know what to do with我不知道如何处理它。I dont know how I should deal with it. I dont know how to deal with it.I d

4、ont know what I should do with it.I dont know what to do with it.2. 别无选择只能做某事have no choice but to do sth.3. 熬夜做某事stay up late to do sth4. 保持清醒 发现保持清醒很难stay awakefind it hard to stay awake5. 值得做某事很值得做某事be worth doing sthbe well worth doing sth.6. 给我提供一些建议offer some suggestions / advice to me offer m

5、e some suggestions / advice(suggestion可数,advice不可数)7. 有更多的时间进行我的爱好have more time for my hobbies8. 痴迷于足球 喜爱足球be crazy about football be fond of football9. 我对足球的热爱my love of football 10. 的原因the cause of =the reason for11. 遇到麻烦,陷入困境get into trouble12. 担心时间worry about timebe worried about time13. 允许我在外面

6、玩allow me to play outside14. 对某人严格要求 对某事严格要求be strict with sb.be strict in sth.15. 培养我们的爱好 develop our hobbies16. 使我们的生活更有趣make our lives more interesting17. 在外面待到很晚干某事stay out late to do sth.18. 在我的学业和爱好之间获得一个平衡achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies19. 列一张的清单make a list of20. 根据你有的时

7、间according to the time you have21. 计算出你需要多少时间 把它算出来work out how much time you needwork it out22. 你有价值的建议 对某人有价值your valuable advicebe valuable to sb.=be of value to sb.23. 我的建议值得采纳。My advice is worth taking.Grammar词组句型:1.需要安静need silence (名词)2.表达我自己有困难have difficulty expressing myself3.做某事有困难have di

8、fficulty doing sth4. 做某事有问题have problems doing sth5. 做某事有麻烦have trouble doing sth6.寻求建议ask for advice (不可数名词)7. 解决问题solve problems8. 处理他们的问题deal with their problems9. 得到他的回复 对.做出回复get his replies(名词)reply to sth (动词)10. 做些有趣的事do something fun / interestingIntegrated skills词组句型:1. 感到伤心的时候跟你最好的朋友聊聊tal

9、k to your best friends when feeling sad2. 嘲笑某人laugh at sb3. 不要关注那些嘲笑你的同学pay no attention to those who laugh at you4. 关注做某事pay attention to doing sth5. 以.为荣,因.骄傲 的骄傲be proud of (形容词)the pride of (名词)6. 我在英语方面几乎没有进步。Ive made little progress in my English.7. 这需要时间。It takes time.8. 尽可能经常地复习你所学习的东西go ove

10、r what youve learnt as often as possible9. 大声读英语 大声说read English aloudspeak loudly10. 发准所有单词的音pronounce all the words correctly (动词)11. 学习他们正确的读音Learn their correct pronunciation (名词)12. 不用谢。Dont mention it.Task词组句型:1.把它深埋你心底不告诉别人keep it to yourself 2.你对你的体重不满意。You are unhappy with your weight.3. 很多我们的同龄学生many students of our age4. 太关心你的分数care too much about your marks5. 感觉有压力 太多的压力feel stressed (形容词)too much stress (不可数名词)6. 值得采纳be worth taking5



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