山东青岛城阳第七中学七级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my backpack?导学案新人教新目标.doc

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1、Unit 4 Wheres my backpack?学 习 目 标1、熟记新单词;会使用方位介词:in,on,under;2、会运用新句型询问物品位置的表达方式及相关问答。重 难 点- Where is? - Its under/ on/ in一、New words:1./ / 2./ / 3./ / 4./ / 5./ / 6./ / 7./ / 8./ / 9./ / 10./ / 11./ / 12./ / 13./ / 14./ / 15./ / 二、短语:1.在桌子上 2.在书包里 3.在床底下 4.在书柜里 5.在书桌下 6.在沙发上 7.在你祖父母的房间里 8.在他的书包里 三、

2、翻译句子:1.我的书包在哪里? 它在桌子下面。 2.我的书在哪里? 他们在沙发上。 3.他的铅笔盒在哪里? 它在他的书包里。 4.钥匙在沙发上吗? 不,它们不在。它们在桌子上。 5我想它在你祖父母的房间里。 四、Exercises: 单项选择题( )1. _ my photos?They are on the table. A. WhatsB. How are C. WheresD. Where are ( )2. _ is his math book. A. These B. ThoseC. HereD. They( )3. Is the book on the desk? _. Its u

3、nder the desk. A. Yes, they areB. No, it isnt C. No, they arentD. Yes, it is ( )4. _? They are tables. A. What are they B. Whats this C. How are you D. Where are they( ) 5. Where is the cat? -Its . A. under the table B. under table C. the table under D. table under( ) 6. Jim and I know her last name

4、. A. am not B. isnt C. arent D. dont( ) 7. Where is my ruler? - . A. Sorry, I dont know B. Yes, I know. C. Yes, it is D. No, it isnt一、 根据句意和汉语提示,填单词。1. I have two pens. They are on my (书桌).2. (在哪里) are your keys, Lucy? -In my bag.3.Is her notebook on the (桌子)? -No, its on the (椅子).4.I have some book

5、s in the (书柜).5.My little cat is (在.下)the bed.1. Wheres Jim? -I dont (知道).2. My (书包)is on the chair.3. Where are the books? -They are (在上)the desk.4. I (认为)your book is in the classroom.5. I have a nice (帽子).二、选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。where be they watch on1. I have two . 2. Where the balls?3. Some books a

6、re the table. 4. is your teacher? Shes in the classroom.5. pencils are in the bag.三、根据要求完成句子。1. My erasers are in the pencil box.(对划线部分提问) your erasers?2. His book is on the desk. (改为一般疑问句) book on the desk?3. Those are English books. (变为单数句) English book。4. Where are my pencils? (将答语补充完整) in your p

7、encil case.5. Is the baseball under your chair? (作否定回答) , 。6.My CDs are in the bookcase .(改为否定句) My CDs in the bookcase7.The keys are on the table .(改为一般疑问句,并作出否定回答) on the table ? , .8.Toms schoolbag is on the floor . (就划线部分提问) Toms schoolbag ?四、从每组单词中找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的单词。( )1.color A nice B.city C .bicycle D .picture( )2.ring A .nine B.morning C.pen D .not( ) 3.know A .down B .how C.now D .yellow( )4.look A.bookcase B .soon C .room D .too( )5.those A.thing B.math C.they D.three 3



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