山东青岛城阳区第七中学七级英语下册Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section A学案新人教新目标.doc

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山东青岛城阳区第七中学七级英语下册Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section A学案新人教新目标.doc_第1页
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《山东青岛城阳区第七中学七级英语下册Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section A学案新人教新目标.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东青岛城阳区第七中学七级英语下册Unit 2 What time do you go to school Section A学案新人教新目标.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 What time do you go to school课 题Unit 2 What time do you go to school ?学 习 目 标谈论日常作息习惯;询问和表达时间。特殊疑问词What time 和 when用来提问具体时间。重 难 点谈论自己的日常生活及日常作息习惯预习,你准备好了吗?(单词,词组,课堂链接)1./ / 2./ / 3./ / 4./ / 5./ / 6./ / 7./ / 8./ / 9./ / 10./ / 11./ / 12./ / 13./ / 14./ / 15./ / 16./ / 17./ / 18./ / 19./ / 20

2、./ / 21./ / 1.起床 2 穿上衣服 3.去上学 4.什么时间 5.吃早饭 6洗淋浴 、 7.一份有趣的工作 8.从三点到四点 9.去工作 10.工作迟到 11.在周末 12.在上学日 13.在五点钟 课堂链接:when和what time 都可询问时间,what time多提问具体时刻;when可对具体时刻或笼统时间提问。 如:I get up at six oclock.What time do you get up?We eat breakfast in the morning. When do you eat breakfast?时间的读法:整点钟读法: 6:00six oc

3、lock 顺读法: 6:05six O five 6:15six fifteen 6:30six thirty 6:45 six forty-five 6:55 six fifty-five2. always 意为“总是,一直” usually 意为“通常地,一直地” never 意为“从未,绝不”I _ (通常) get dressed at six forty.Jack is _ (总是) late. His grandpa _ (从未) goes to school.3 job与work 辨析job是可数名词, 主要指有报酬的工作 work是不可数名词, 主要指要付出努力 的劳动鲍勃想找

4、一份好的工作。Bob wants to find a good _. 今天我有很多工作要做。I have much _ to do today. 她每天六点钟去上班。She goes to _ at six oclock. 4 exercise 的用法小结作动词,意为“锻炼”。如: 他爷爷每天早晨锻炼。 His grandpa _ in the morning. 作不可数名词,意为“锻炼;运动”,如:每天他都做大约十五分钟的运动。He does about fifteen minutes _ every day. 作可数名词,意为“体操;(技能)练习”。 我们每天做早操。We do morni

5、ng _ every day. 5. oclock 意为 “ 点钟”,跟在整点后 :七点钟 seven oclock 6. funny意为“奇怪的;滑稽好笑的”。詹妮是一位滑稽的女孩。Jenny is a _ girl. 7. be late for 意为“做迟到”汤姆经常上学迟到。Tom is always _ _ school. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Lucys family has two _ (shower).2. An hour has _ (six) minutes. 3. My sister always _ (brush) teeth at 9:00 at night

6、. 4. His aunt _ (work) at a radio station. 主备人:主备份数:6时间:2.24级部主任签字:课 题Unit 2 What time do you go to school ?学 习 目 标谈论日常作息习惯;询问和表达时间。特殊疑问词What time 和 when用来提问具体时间。重 难 点谈论自己的日常生活及日常作息习惯预习,你准备好了吗?重点句型:1. 你通常什么时候起床?我通常6点半起床。 2.他们什么时候穿上衣服?他们总是在7点20穿上衣服。 3.Rick什么时候吃早饭?他七点吃早饭。 4.Scott什么时候去工作?他总是七点去工作,他从来不迟

7、到。 5. 你的朋友们什么时候锻炼?他们通常在周末锻炼。 课堂达标:1.-What time do you usually go to bed? -I usually go to bed _eight oclock. A.in B.on C.at D./2.Rick _at seven oclock in the morning. A.go to school B.goes to school C.to go to school D.goes to the school3.-_does he take a shower? At 8:00pm. A.How B.when C.What D.Whe

8、re4.I go to school at 6:00 every day. A./ B.the C.a 5.She (通常)gets up at 6:30am. 6.Nick often (take)a shower in the morning.7.-What time Li Ming (吃)breakfast?At 6:00.8.-What time do you usually get up? -I usually get up at eight o .9. I usually get up at six oclock.(划线提问) 10.Tony takes a shower at 6

9、:00 am.(划线提问) 用所给词的适当形式填空。 music, play, join, swim, speak, have1.I want a birthday party for my brother. 2.I can help you with .3.Mike likes basketball. 4.Can you English ?5.We want a good for the school music festival.6.They want the basketball club.用所给词的适当形式填空。at night, be late for, early, at six

10、forty, funny, get up 1. Alice usually _ at 6:30 in the morning.2. His uncle works from 10:00 _ to 6:00 in the morning.3. His brother never goes to school so _. 4. The lazy boy _ always _ school. 5. My sister always takes a shower _. 6. Look at that boy. Hes really _. 1. Jim eats breakfast at seven oclock. (划线部分提问) _ _ _ Jim eat breakfast? 2. Linda goes to work at seven thirty. (划线部分提问) _ _ Linda go to work? 3



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