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1、Unit 5 Why do you like pandas学习目标1. 动物名称;2.描述动物;3.询问喜好的原因:A:Why do you like?B:Because重难点A:Why do you like koalas?:Because theyre kind of cute.一 你认识这些动物吗?1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / .有点儿 二 练习对话:A:我们先看狮子吧。 B: 你为什么想看狮子? A:因为它们很可爱。 A:你喜欢长颈鹿吗?

2、 B:是的,我喜欢 A:为什么? B:因为它们很有趣 A: -狮子来自哪里? B:它们从南非来 根据句意、所给单词首字母或汉语提示补全句子:1.There are many a in the zoo.2.Work must come .(第一) 3.She isnt tall. She is k of short.4.The people in the bank are all f . 5.T and l eat small animals. 6.E are the biggest land(陆地) animals. 7.P live only in China. Exercises:根据所给

3、汉语意思,完成下列英语句子1. you like ?你为什么喜欢考拉? 2.The elephants very and .大象非常聪明,而且很友好。用所给单词的适当形式填空:1.Lets to visit our Middle School teachers.(go) 2. are from China.Theyre kind of shy.(panda)3.What animals he ?(like) 4.We know lions from Africa.(be) 句子改错:1.There is a elephant in the street. 2. Lets sees the ti

4、ger. 3. Why you want see the koalas? 单项选择:1.Why do you like koalas?Because they are interesting.Asome B.kind C.kind of D.kinds of2.Is this elephant or lion?A.an,a B.a,an C.an,an D.the,the3.Let help you.A.I B.me C.my D.his 课题Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?学习目标1. 学会准确使用描述性词:ugly,shy,clever,beautiful,等描

5、述动物2. 学会描写自己喜欢的一种动物重难点对动物主要特性的描写一.New words1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 1./ / 二Phrases: 1.迷路 2.处于极大危险之中 3.砍倒 4.由制成的 5.幸运的象征 6.有点害羞 7.对某人友善 8.用两条腿走路 9.来自 10.整天 11.有水和食物的地方 Sentences:1.A:你喜欢什么动物? B:我喜欢大象。它们很可爱。 A:为什么? B:因为它们友好而且聪明。 3. 大象是泰国象征之一。 4

6、. 大象能够走很长时间而且从来不迷路。 5. 但是大象处于极大危险之中。 6. 人们砍到很多树所以大象正丢失他们的家园。 7. 人们也为了象牙而杀害大象。 Exercises:单选( ) 1.Which kind of animals have long legs and neck? A. Pandas B. Penguins C. Giraffes( ) 2.Why do you like koala bears?_ they are cute and smart. A. And B. For C. Because( ) 3._is the biggest animal on the ear

7、th. A. An elephant B. A koala bear C. A giraffe( ) 4._ pandas from China? A. Are B. Is C. Do ( ) 5.Tigers like _ meat. A. eat B. eats C. eating( ) 6.Students _ nine hours a day. A. sleeps B. sleep C. are sleep( ) 7.People usually think lions are _ scary. A. kinds of B. kind C. kind of( ) 8.Do you ev

8、er play _ pandas? A. with B. to C. and( ) 9. _ to the zoo! Have a good day! A. Welcome B. Lets C. How( ) 10. Rosa, dont you like giraffes? _. A. Yes, I dont. B. No, I do. C. No, I dont.( )11_do you like to see the dolphins first? Because theyre very cute.A. Where BWhyC. What( )12. Where are the lions from? _.A. They are very ugly B. South Africa C. I like them very much( )13. Let her _to the zoo with us today.A. going B. go C. goes( )14.Tony is a_boy. He never(从不) helps his mother



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