江苏连云港新浦中学八级英语下册8B Unit 2 Travelling Vocabulary教学案 牛津.doc

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1、江苏省连云港市新浦中学八年级英语下册8B Unit 2 Travelling Vocabulary教学案(无答案) 牛津版_2 写出下面名词的形容词形式和反义形容词。help_ _ harm_ _use_ colour_ _care_ _ meaning_ _cheer_ _ hope_ _3 预习P30,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译 1在太空山外面人们排起了很长很长的队。2一个令人愉快的假日和一次有意义的经历3我们认为排队没希望了。4票没用了,但是我仍然保留着。Task I Revision1、Kitty and her parents went to Hong Kong Disneyl

2、andWhat did they see in Disneyland? What did they do there?2、Discuss:What do you think of Disneyland? Is it wonderful? Can you say something about it?Task 2 Presentation Can you find some oppsite forms of some adjectives. Learn the form in P30。引导学生归纳本课中反义词的变化规律, Task 3Practice Finish P 30 A and B用所给

3、词的适当形式填空1. Lee is a _student. He always _ others in his class. (help)2. When all the people saw one of the seven _ in the world. They cried: “_!” (wonder)3. They waited for a long time because they _ to visit inside. But it seemed to be _ now. (hope)4. The road is _ for us to reach the _ of it. (end

4、)5. Your new _book makes everyone read it with _. (delight)6. Miss Zhou gave him a _book in class and he understood her _ quickly. (meaning)7. Nobody will be _ on such a _ rainy day. (cheer)8. Our biology teacher told us that the _ (colour) 9.Snakes are always _ (harm). Many of the time, if you dont

5、 disturb them, they are _ (harm)【当堂巩固】一、词汇运用1. We have _ (end) homework to do when we are going to have an exam.2. Betty is a kind and _ (help) girl. She is always ready to help others in need.3. The lion gave a _ (fear) roar.4. The _ (thank) young man did nothing good for his parents.5. Mr Smith is a very _ (forget) person. He often forgets something.二、完成句子1. 我发现电视上的节目都是很没有意义的。_2. 虽然一些3D玩具看上去很危险,但是它们都是无害的。_3. 我希望再也不要有没完没了的作业了。_4. 老师让学生多读些有意义的书。_三、完成同步导学vocabulary 的练习。完成听读强化训练P18 D【教学反思】:3


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