江苏连云港新浦中学八级英语上册8A Unit 6 Natural disasters Welcome to the unit教学案 牛津.doc

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江苏连云港新浦中学八级英语上册8A Unit 6 Natural disasters Welcome to the unit教学案 牛津.doc_第1页
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1、江苏省连云港市新浦中学八年级英语上册8A Unit 6 Natural disasters Welcome to the unit教学案 (无答案) 牛津版1.聪明的你在预习了本课的新单词后,先来考考自己的记忆力吧1)大自然的 n. 2)事故 一次事故 3)冲掉,冲走 三单: 4)村庄 5)闪电 6)风暴,暴风雨 7)暴雨 8)雷,雷声 9)暴雪 Step 2 新课导学(一)Comic strip1. 根据老师的提示,回忆有关天气的单词。2. 听录音,回答下面的问题 1) Whats the weather like? _2) What happened to Hobos house? 3)

2、Why does he want Eddie to go home with him? 4) Do you think Eddie will help him? Why? 3. 播放录音,跟读对话。4. 小组讨论,掌握语言点。讨论提示,讨论结果写在下面空白处1)重点短语: 2)语法:过去进行时5.阅读并表演对话。(二)Welcome to the unit1.你对自然灾害了解多少?看看B部分的图片,你能把这些单词和图片对应起来吗? (2人一组核对答案,阅读单词,纠正发音,如有不懂及时向其他同学或老师请教)2. 用过去进行时来描述一下4幅图片的内容1)The boy (正在走回家)when th

3、e typhoon came.2)The girl (正在卧室做家庭作业)when the thunder and lightning came.3) A man and a woman (当时正在水里行走)4) People (正在家吃晚饭)when the snowstorm came.3. 生活中还会有许多的自然灾害,让我们再来了解一些吧。 1) earthquake A. a long period without rain 2) flood B. a sudden violent movement of the earths surface. 3) hurricane(飓风) C.

4、a violent storm with very strong winds 4) drought(干旱) D. a large amount of water covering an area 4.阅读A部分并作出判断是否为自然灾害,小组交流核对答案。5. 找出重点短语,2人相互学习交流,不看书完成下面短语1)输了比赛 2)导致数千人死亡 3车祸 4)把村庄冲走了 5)引起一场大火 6)从树上掉下来 还有这1个短语你需要知道他们的意思哦:crash into a tree Step3 当堂检测一根据所给中文用单词的正确形式填空1.Many people lost their lives in

5、 the _ _(交通事故).2.There are many _ _(自然灾害) in the world.3.A flood _(冲走) the village away.4.The school team _(输了) the game last week.5.Lucy is always frighten by the _(打雷) and the _(闪电).6. Yesterday a naughty boy climbed a tall tree and unluckily he fell from it and _(伤) his legs.7. He would like to l

6、ive in a (村庄)one day when he is old.二根据中文完成句子:1.这地板全湿了,我们需要把它拖干。_2.这一起交通事故撞死了15个人。_ 3.昨夜一辆长途汽车撞上了一棵大树。_4.一个男孩从五层楼(a five-storey building)上摔下来,弄断了双腿。 _5.恶劣的天气经常引来自然灾害。_ _ 三 用can/could; may/might或should填空:1. He _ be my father, because he went to London yesterday.2. She _ come tomorrow, but I am not sure.3. _ I ask you a question? Sure, what is it?4. As a student, you _ obey the school rule.(校规)5. She _ hardly read or write at the age of ten.6. Your photos _be ready by 12 tomorrow.2


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