江苏铜山区清华中学七级英语下册 Unit 1 Dream homes Reading I学案新牛津.doc

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1、Unit 1 Dream homes Reading I【学习目标】学习目标:1.能了解不同国家的居住状况。 2.能用英语说出室内外不同功能的区域。 3.能用英语简单介绍自己或他人的家。【学习重难点】1.会用本课时的四会单词:1.mile 2.garden 3.centre 4.living room 5.share6.bedroom 7.own 8.bathroom9.beach 10.sea 11.dining room词组:1.in the centre of 2.share sth with sb句型:1.I live in a town 15 miles from London.2.

2、 I share a bedroom with my sister.【自主学习】(认真阅读课文,完成知识梳理,在课本上做好标注)基础知识-词汇及句型A、预习本课单词(P94-96),先根据音标自己拼读,再听磁带核对发音,并熟读。 (同桌互查,小组长检查)并能根据音标写出下列单词及汉语意思:(注意这些词的词性)1./ mail/ _ _ n. 2./ ga: dn/_ _n.3./ flt/ _ _ n. 4./ sent/_ _n.5./ e/_ _v. 6./ bedru: m/_ _n.7./ un/ _ _adj. 8./ ba: ru: m/ _ _n.9./ blkni/ _ _n.

3、 10./ bi: t/ _ _n.11./ si:/ _ _n.B、预习Reading (P8),用划出词组,并翻译为中文。(先自己找,有困难找组长帮忙)1.a town 15 miles from London _ 2.enjoy a cup of tea _ 3.have fun with my dog_4.in the centre of Moscow_ 5.on the seventh floor_ 6.like to watch TV_ 7.share sth. with sb._ 8.in bed/on the bed _ 9.my own bedroom_ 10.like th

4、e balcony best_ 11.love to sit there_12.look out at the beach_13.I live in a town 15 miles from London._14. I share a bedroom with my sister._C、重点句子:(在课本上用用红色笔划出来): 1.我们的公寓在七楼。 Our flat is _ _ _ _.2. 我和妹妹公用一个卧室。I _ _ _ _my sister. 3我有我自己的我是和浴室。 I have _ _bedroom _ _.4.客厅是聊天和看电视的好地方。The _is the _ pla

5、ce _ _ and _ _.合作探究.听磁带,认真跟读课文,反复朗读,注意重音和语调。 (同桌互查)【课堂达标检测】一、翻译词组1听音乐_ 2在七楼_3在徐州市中心_ 4最喜爱的房间_5向外看看海滩和大海_ 6品茶_7玩的开心_ 8与朋友交谈_9住在大房子里_ 10和我妹妹合用一个卧室_二、单词拼写1You must keep_(安静)in the reading room2There are a lot of beautiful _ (海滩) in Hong Kong.3In China,_(大多数的)people like to exercise in the morning4Do yo

6、u live in a_(公寓)or a house?5The cat often eats_(它的)meals near the door6. My father often reads newspapers on the _ (阳台).三、选择填空( )1. - _ your home big? - Yes, _.A. Is; it is B. Is; it isnt C. Are; it is D. Are; it isnt( )2. There is _ kitchen in my house, and I like _ kitchen very much.A a; a B. a; a

7、n C. the; a D. a; the( )3. My bedroom is not big, _ it is very nice.A. and B. but C. or D. /( )4. - Is this your _ visit to my hometown, Zunyi? - Yes, you are right.A. one B. the first C. first D. the one( )5. - Do you have _ car, Mr Green? - Yes, I do.A. own B. your own C. own your D. yours own( )6

8、. There are_ five people in my family. A. many than B. much than C. more than D. more( )7.I live_ a small flat _ the ground floor_ my parents. A. on; in; at B. in; on; with C on; in; with D. in; in; with( )8. - Where is Daniel? - Look, he_ with his friends there. A. chats B. is chat C is chating D.

9、is chatting( )9. He often_ TV in the evening. A. watch B. is watching C watches D. watchs( )10. Dont look _ the window. Look _ the picture. A. out of; B. out at; at C. out of; at D. out; at四、完型填空 Nora is an old l .She has a 2 family. There are ten people in her 3 .Her husband is Jim. They 4 three ch

10、ildren, two daughters and a 5 . Peters wife is Alice. Tom and Amy are 6 children. Becky is Peters sister. Rose and Becky are sisters. Alice 7 Peters wife, and she is Tom and Amys 8 . John and Rose are husband and 9 . Their daughter 10 Linda. Peter is Lindas uncle.( )1. A. man B. woman C. boy D. girl

11、( )2. A. small B. big C. old D. young( )3. A. room B. home C. family D. class( )4. A. have B. has C are D. is( )5. A. daughter B. wife C husband D. son( )6. A. they B. them C their D. your( )7. A. have B. has C. is D. are( )8. A. father B. mother C boy D. son( )9. A. father B. daughter C wife D. mother( )10. A. has B. is C are D. be六、句子翻译1我喜欢和朋友在阳台上聊天。_



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