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1、Unit 11学习目标:学习一般过去时;学会谈论过去事件。-Did you ? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. -How was your school trip? - It was excellent/great/. -What did sb. do/see/say/? - Lucky you.一、知识链接:(1-2分钟)What do you often do on weekends?What did you do last weekend?二、目标落实1、目标一: 预习Section A 1a2d导读: 自读课本第61页62页1. 根据单元标题和图片等,预测新课内容

2、;2. 根据音标拼读单词并牢记;3. 自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑。翻译官1. school trip_ 2. 散步_4. 骑马_ 5. 喂鸡_ 3. milk a cow _ 6. 照相_ 7.与农夫交谈_ 8. quite a lot _ 9. 种苹果_ 10.摘草莓 _ 11. show around _ 12.农场(主)_ 13. 钓鱼 _ 14. 看星星_15. 在乡下_ 16. Lucky you._ _记录:2、目标二:(同上)导读:熟读对话,仿照它们作新对话,练习 (运用1a中的短语,注意时态的变化) -Did you see any cows? - Yes, I did. I

3、saw quite a lot. -Did you ride a horse? - No, I didnt. But. 1 _ 2 _ 3_4_5_6_记录:三、拓展提升Riddle (谜语) - 谜底为Section A出现的单词 1. I am animal kept by farmers to produce milk. _2. What always goes to bed with his shoes on? _3. Its very small in the sky, but its actually very big. What is it? _四、课堂小结1、知识归纳:2、感悟

4、生成:五、当堂测试I、最佳选择(用适当形式填空)go shopping, practice English, play chess, watch a movie, do some reading1. I _ in the library last weekend. 2.Lets go to _! There are many new movies these days.3.Jim _ last night, because he had an English speech contest this morning.4.Grandpa often _ with his friends in th

5、e afternoon.5. Yesterday I _ with my mother at the mall.II、你来我往A: 1. _, Peter!B: Good morning, Alice!A: Alice, 2._B: Oh. It was great.A: 3. _B: I went to the zoo with my friends.A: 4. _B: We saw monkeys, pandas, tigers and so on. Then we went to the park and played games.A: 5._B: Yes, we had a good time.A: Luck you.2



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