江苏群力中学七级英语提优二牛津 1.doc

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1、七年级英语提优试卷二班级_ 姓名_一、语音。找出一个划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词( )1.A.nameB.lateC.cakeD.cat ( )2.A.heB.yesC.sheD.be( )3.A.bigB.bikeC.kiteD.Hi ( )4.A.noB.homeC.openD.dog( )5.A.underB.studentC.studyD.up ( )6.A.bookB.cookC.zooD.Good( )7.A.brownB.downC.nowD.window ( )8.A.greatB.breadC.sweaterD.heavy( )9.A.drinkB.snackC.thin

2、kD.pink ( )10.A.thinkB.thinC.theyD.thank2、 下面有一些单项选择,看看谁做得最好,要认真考虑啊!( )1.There_alotoffishinthewater.A.isB.areC.haveD.has( )2.Thereis_bigdeskinourclassroom._deskisforourteacher. A.a,TheB.a,AC.the,TheD.an,A( )3.Theygotoschoolfivedays_. A.weekB.aweekC.weeksD.inaweek( )4.Doyougotoschool_seventhirty? A.a

3、tB.inC.onD.about( )5.-DoyouhaveaPElessontoday? -No,wedont.Wehave_artlessontoday. A.aB.anC.theD./( )6.-Youlookverybeautiful.-_. A.ThatsrightB.No,Idontlookbeautiful C.ThatsallrightD.Thanks( )7.-Wouldyoulike_oranges?-_. A.some;Good.B.many;Yes,please.C.some;No,thanks.D.any;No,thanks.( )8.-_thatman?-Theo

4、neinthegreencar?Oh,thatsmyuncle. A.Whose B.Who C.Whoses D.Whos( )9.Iwanttheclassroom.Couldyoume,please? Aclean,helpBtoclean,helpCclean,tohelpDtoclean,tohelp( )10.-Doyouusually_thebustoworkeveryday?-No,_Igotherebycar. Atake,sometimesBby,sometimesCby,sometimeDtake,sometime( )11.Thestudentsstudy_school

5、_MondaytoFriday. A.in;onB.at;fromC.in;atD.at;on( )12.-Wheresmycat,Bill? -Therearentanycatshere,_theresalittledog. A.but B.and C.or D.with( )13._youhave_homeworktodotoday? A.Are;anyB.Do;someC.Do;manyD.Do;any( )14.-WhatcanIdoforyou?-Idliketwo_. A.boxofappleB.boxesofapplesC.boxesofappleD.boxofapples( )

6、15.Myshoesareblack._?A.Whatcolourisyours? B.Whataboutyours?C.Whataboutyou? D.Whatcolourareyour?三、完型填空。One morning , Mr and Mrs zhang go shopping by 1 .In the shop they see many 2 .Mrs zhang 3 them very much. She buy a shirt for their son , a shirt 4 their daughter 5 a sweater for Mr zhang. 6 buys he

7、rself a blouse.too. 7 about twelve .they go home. But they lose their way (迷路).Mr zhang drives over to an old man and asks, “8 am I ? please tell me.” The old man 9 at him and the car “you are in your car ,sir .” he 10 .( )1.A ship B car C plane D train ( )2. A sweets B shoes C dresses D clothes ( )

8、3. A tells B likes C thinks D likes ( )4. A to B in C for D under( )5. A but B or C so D and( )6. A They B He C She D Her ( )7. A In B For C At D Or( )8. A where B what C how D who( )9. A sees B look C watches D looks( )10. A reads B listens C says D plays四、 根据句意及所给汉语提示完成句子。1.Please read these_(字) o

9、n the blackboard。2.Can you_(回答) the question in the exercise book。3.The floor is always_(清洁的)in the class.4.Where is the _(厕所)?-Its over there. 5.How many _(操场)are there in the school?6.That_(棕色)Tshirt is not Dads.Its my uncles.7.P lease help me _(放)the trousers away.8.Let us _(参观) your classroom.9.

10、We_(认为) our school is very big.10.I often write _ (电子邮件) to my friends.五、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Attheweekend.Iusuallygo forhalfanhour.(run)2.Doyouhavea_basket?(shop)3.Therearentany_inJimsschool.(library)4.Mybrotheroften_akitewithmeintheparkonSundays.(fly)5._Dayison1stJune.Doyoulikeit?(child)6.Tomisfrom_.HesEnglish.(English)7.MrWuis_Englishteacher.(we)8.Howmany_arethereinthefactory?(woman)9.Whatshis_job?(father)10.Onthe_floortherearefourclassrooms.(one)六、根据要求改变句型。1.Lin Tao studies very hard.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答)_



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