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1、 Unit 2 单元测试、单项选择(30分) 1. “_ do you go shopping?” “Once a week.” A. What time B. How long C. How often D. How soon 2. We usually do some cleaning _ weekends. A. for B. on C. over D. in 3. _ it is raining, _ he is still working outside. A. Although; but B. Although; /C. But; although D. /; although 4

2、. My parents want me _ milk every day. A. to drink B. drink C. drinking D. drank 5. Give me my glasses. I can _ see the words on the blackboard. A. ever B. never C. sometimes D. hardly 6. “_ do you live in that small town?” “For ten years.” A. What time B. How long C. How often D. How soon 7. “How s

3、oon will Mrs. Black come back?” “ _.” A. For two hours B. Twice a week C. In two hours D.After two hours 8. Lucy is a good student. She _ comes late for class. A. usually B. hard ever C. sometimes D. never 9. The book is _. Most of the students are _ in it. A. interesting; interesting B. interested;

4、 interested C. interesting; interested D. interested; interesting 10. This dictionary is different _ that one. A. as B. from C. with D. at 11. “Are you _?” “Yes. Im in good _.” A. health; health B. healthy; healthy C. health; healthy D. healthy; health 12. Dont read in bed. Its _ your eyes. A. good

5、for B. bad for C. good to D. bad to 13. _ English every day is good for our English study. A. Reading B. To reading C. Read D. Reads 14. A lot of vegetables help you _ in good health. A. keep B. kept C. to keeping D. keeps 15 do you surf the Internet?Once a week AHow many times BHow often CWhen DHow

6、 much16There are many between Part l and part2 Adifference Bdifferent Cdifferences Ddifficult17Bill is in good _, hes pretty _. Ahealth, health Bhealthy, healthy Chealth, healthy Dhealthy, health18Hes good _ swimmingSwimming is good _ his health. Afor,at Bat,for Cfor,for Dat,at19.The boy isnt to dre

7、ss himself.A.old enough B.enough old C.enough young D.young enough20.Why not your teacher for help when you cant finish it by yourself?A.ask, write B.to ask , writing C.ask ,writing D.asking, write 21.Look ! Tina is waiting the bus.A.for B.at C.in D.to22. A girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her dis

8、abled father.A.three-year-old B.three-years-old C.three years old23.There are bananas in the box. I will buy some this afternoon.A.little B.a few C.few D.a little24.He said he would come to see us the next afternoon.A.sometime B.some time C. sometimes D.some times25. has your uncle been to Canana? O

9、nly twiceA.How many times B.How often C.How long D.How much26.What about a rest ? -OK.A.to have B.had C.have D.having27.Miss Li asks the students in the river ,because its dangerous.A swim B.to swim C.not to swim D.to not swim28. Only fifty percent of farmers here illiterate(文盲).at twenty years ago.

10、A.are B.was C.were D.is29.Its past the appointed time (过了约定的时间) he isnt coming.A.Maybe B.May be C.Can be D.Must be30.We should do more exercise to keep A. health B.healthy C.healthily D.unhealthyII.补全对话,有两个选项多余(10分) A: Hello, Jim. 31 B: Oh, yes, I like it very much. A: Well. 32 B: Twice a week. A: W

11、ho do you play basketball with? B: I play it with my friends. A: 33 B: For about an hour. A: 34 B: On Tuesday and Friday afternoon. A: Do you like watching basketball match? B: Yes, very much. A: Tomorrow is Sunday. Would you like to go and watch a basketball match with me? B: 35 but I have to do my

12、 homework on Sunday. A. Yes, I would, B. How often do you play basketball? C. Yes, Id like to, D. How long do you play basketball every time? E. Do you like playing basketball? F. No, I wouldnt, G. When do you usually play basketball?III.完形填空(10分)Most American families like to have a holiday 36 summ

13、er. Summer is a good season 37holidays. I ts very hot during the months of July and August. Children do not go to school during these 38 months.Some 39 like to stay at home during the holiday. They work in the garden,visit friends, 40books, or 41 TV .Many families 42 their lunch to park or somewhere far 43 the city. They like to eat in the place where there are many trees or a nice lake.If they live near the sea , they often go to the beach. They can fish ,swim or enjoy the sun there. America is a larger countr


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