山东淄博沂源燕崖中学中考英语总复习 八级上册 Units 34学案 人教新目标.doc

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1、八年级上册 Units 3-4学案U3 -谈论过去发生的事件。过去进行时态: “was / were + doing”结构;以when、while引导的时间状语从句复习要点:互译下列短语或词组1.在前面 2.理发店 3.睡懒觉 4.从出去 5.打电话给警察 6.跳下 7. run away 8.in hospital 9. at the doctors 10.talk on the phone 11.look outside 12.take off 13.一次不寻常的经历 14.大约在十点左右15. 跟随某人做某事 16.它是多么的奇怪! 17.当它走进一家礼品店的时候我感到非常惊讶。 18.

2、太不可思议了。检测I.补全句子 1). 一个外星人从飞碟中走出来。 An alien _ _ _ the UFO.2). 当外星人在买纪念品的时候,那个女孩报了警。_ the alien _ _ a souvenir , the girl _the police.3). 当一个不明飞行物着陆的时候,那个男孩正沿街上走着。The boy _ _ down the street, _ the UFO _.4). 我在星期天经历了一件不寻常的事情。I_ a very _ _ last Sunday.II.根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1. Did you see the accident h_? 2

3、. My mother was cooking in the k_.3. We often borrow books from the l_. 4. What were you doing when the UFO a_?5. The plane l_ at the right time. 6. My purse is missing. I cant find it a_.7. W _ you sleeping when he called you? 8. Im very s_ to see the strange man.9. The cat is very good at c_ the t

4、ree. 10. Whats the time?Its a _ 8 oclock.III. 用所给动词的正确形式填空:1. Father _ still _(sleep)when I _(get)up yesterday morning. 2. Grandma _(cook)breakfast while I _(wash)my face this morning. 3. Mother _(sweep)the floor when I _(leave)home. 4. The students _(have)a biology class when the visitors _(come).

5、5. The driver _(drive)home when it _(rain)last night. 6. Some students from Class Four _(play)basketball when I _(see)them on the playground. 7. Doctor Liu was on duty last night. He _still _(work)in the hospital at 10 p.m.8. The street seller _(sell)clothes when he _(find)a purse on the ground. 9.

6、Masha _(cook)when the doorbell_(ring).10. I _(read)a history book when someone _(knock)at the door. U4谈论人们认为中学生可以或不可以做的事情, 被动语态主要是情态动词should十be十动词的过去分词构成的; 复习、巩固句型I agreeI disagree,即表示同意或不同意的方式复习要点I.根据汉语提示,完成下列词组。1. 考试不及格_ 2. 熬夜_3. 对某人要求严格_ 4. 穿校服 _5.全神贯注于_ 6. 对有好处_7. 设计自己的衣服 _ 8. 两者都 _9. 允许做 _ 10.

7、互相学习 _11. 理发_ 12. 看起来很干净_13. 打扫他的房间_ 14. 在周五的晚上_15. 不够严肃 _ 16. 在那个年龄_17. 代替做某事 _ 18. 停止做某事 _19. 当不明飞行物着陆时,你正在干啥?20. 当妈妈正在做饭时,我在看电视。.21. 你可以想象它多么奇怪。22 这是美国历史上最重要的事件之一。23 他的绕地球飞行持续22小时。 II. A.根据所给汉语填入单词,使句意完整(10分)1. Am I _(允许) to drive the car? 2.Teenagers should stop wearing_ (耳环).3. Show me your_ (执

8、照).4.Dont make friends with that_(愚蠢的)boy.5. Whats the result?My mother will make the _(决定).6. I think the books should be_(buy) by us.7. They talk instead of_(run) in the park.8. I should_(allow) to go shopping with friends on Sundays.9.The bell is ringing. Stop_(talk). 10.We_ _ _keep the rules (应该

9、).III.根据所给汉语,完成下面句子,每空一词(20分)1.在家里你有哪些约束?_ _ do you have _ _?2.我经常和朋友一起去购物。I often_ _ _my friends.3.我们应该在作业上多花点儿时间。We should _ more time _ homework.4.青少年不应过久熬夜。Teenagers shouldnt_ _too late.5.每天早晨妈妈都要打扫房间。Mother_ _the room_ _.6.我们不反对跑步。We have _ _ running.IV.根据所给汉语,完成下面句子,每空一词A traveler was riding i

10、n the rain so he was wet and cold. When he1.a_at a country inn, there 2.w_ a lot of people in it. He wanted to dry his 3.c_, but he could not get near the fire.Then he had a good 4.i_. He 5.o_ the inn keeper to take some fish to his horse. The crowd of people heard this strange order and ran out to

11、see the horse 6.e_ fish. The traveler 7.s_ in the room alone and got himself 8.w_. When the crowd of people and inn keeper 9.r_, he 10.w_ sitting near the fire and drying his clothes.学有所得:U3答案I. 从。 出来 跑掉 _对。大喊 _ 跟随某人做某事 _ 起飞 进来 思考,考虑 向外看 你在开玩笑 _ 一次不寻常的经历 看见某人做某事II.1. happen 2. kitchen 3. library4. arrived 5. landed 6. anywhere7. Were 8. surprised 9. climbing10. aroundIII.1. was, sleeping, got 2. was cooking, was washing3. was sweeping, left4. were having, came5. was driving, rained6. were playing, saw7. was, working8. was selling, found9. was cooking, rang10. was reading, knockedU4检测3


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