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1、Will people have robots?Period 5 Section B (2a-2e)学习目标:1、知识目标“(1).熟练掌握词汇:scientist, already, made, factory, simple, human, shape, snake, possible, seem, impossible, housework, hundreds of , be able to,over and over again,fall down,look for,for example,look like,wake up ,bored,such2、技能目标:(1).能够运用所给信息

2、,如标题、图片等预测文章大意。(2). 能够运用本课的核心句型,想象和预测未来社会发展。(3)掌握阅读策略3、情感态度:21世纪的青少年应该开拓思维,敢于设想和实践,善于运用科学知识发明创造二、学习重难点:学会使用will来作预测:阅读2b部分的短文并完成相关要求。课前探究1. 根据要求,利用本课词汇填空。Safe(反义词)_ possible(反义词)_ make(过去式)_ easy(近义词)_hardly(近义词)_dirty(近义词)_预习交流 通过复习和预习,1我会:2我不会:预习后还存在的困惑?_互助提升 Groupwork:根据文章标题和插图猜测文章大体内容,完成2b.While

3、 reading 1. Fast reading 速读短文,回答下列问题。(阅读策略:以极快的速度阅读文章,寻找字面上阐述的信息。)(1)Are there any robots now? (2)Will there be more robots in the future?2. Careful reading (阅读策略:仔细阅读短文,有目的性、针对性地在文中查找问题答案。)根据文章内容,判断各句正误。(1) The robots help people do the most pleasant jobs.(2) Scientists try to make robots look diff

4、erent from people.(3) Robots will never get bored to do simple jobs over and over again.(4) Humans will have more work to do it the future.(5) Space rockets seemed possible a hundred years ago.3. Detailed reading(阅读策略:有选择地精研细读有关章节或段落,解决疑难之处。)阅读文章的13自然段,回答下列问题。(1) What do the robots do in some scienc

5、e movies?(2) Will robots get bored(3) What can the robots do in Japanese companies?(4) Does Mr. White think robots can do the same things as a person?阅读文章的45自然段,根据文章内容完成下列各题。将下列发明按时间归类。computers, the robots that can talk to people,the robots that look like humans,the snake robotsa hundred years agon

6、owIn the futureAfter reading1. 完成课本2c和2d的内容。2. 介绍自己在课前设计的机器人的用途,完成2e3. Group work:小组讨论全班同学设计的机器人图片,猜测它们的功能。讨论时借助如下对话形式: A:What do you think the robot can do? B: I think it can体验成功一. 根据汉语提示完成句子。1. No one knows what will happen _the _(在将来).2. These things were invented _ _(数百)years ago.3. When I work

7、for a long time, Ill _ _(感到厌倦).4. I still dont have a computer of _ _(我自己的).5. When she was 20, her dream to be a singer _ _(实现)二句型转换1.People will live to be 200 years old.(改为否定句)People to be 200 years old.2.They will study at home on computers this Saturday.(改为一般疑问句) they at home on computers this

8、Saturday?3.There is a snow tomorrow.(用一般将来时改写)There a snow tomorrow.4.My parents will go to Beijing in two days.(就划线部分提问) your parents to Beijing?5.I think there will be fewer trees.(改为否定句)I there be fewer trees. 6.Will the flowers come out soon? (作否定回答) _, _ _. 7.There will be only one country.(一般疑

9、问句) _ _ only _ one country?8.Mr Yang was a teacher.(用will改写句子) Mr Yang _ _ a teacher.快乐心得1.我帮助了_同学说_。2._同学帮助我学会了_.3.我在课堂上与同学对话_次。4.我对我在课堂上的_(表现)感到满意。5.本堂课我还有_不懂。拓展延伸阅读下面短文,根据短文意思和首字母提示补全单词,使短文意思完整。In some science fiction movies,people in the future have their own robots.They help with the housework,

10、and do the 36.m_ unpleasant jobs.Some scientists believe that there will be such robots,and they think that robots will be 37.a_ to talk to people in the future.But James White thinks it will be 38.d_ for a robot to do so.However,they agree it may 39.t_ hundreds of years.They are now trying to make

11、robots look like people,and do the same things 40.a_ us.There are already robots 41.w_ in factories.They do simple jobs over and over again.They will never get bored.In the future,there will be more robots everywhere,and humans will have 42.l_ work to do.New robots will have many different 43.s_.Some will look like humans and 44.o_ might look like snakes.They could help look for people under buildings 45.a_ an earthquake.That may not seem possible now,but we never know what will happen in the future!3


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