江苏盐城神州路初级中学九级英语上册Unit5ArtworldPeriod6Task学案新牛津 1.doc

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1、Unit 5 Art world Period 6 TaskPeriod 6 Task学习目标完成一份调查问卷。完成一篇关于自己最喜欢的艺术形式的文章。 重难点完成一篇关于自己最喜欢的艺术形式的文章。自主预习 重点短语:1. 有绘画天赋_ 2.赞扬了我为艺术节的做设计_3. 把颜料和水混合_ 4. 朝四面八方跑去 _5. 鼓励我继续尝试_ 6.疯狂于蜡笔和颜料_知识要点导练知识点一 praise vt 表扬,赞扬 praise sb/sth. 意为表扬某人/某物; praise sb for sth 意为因为某事而表扬某人。桂林风景令很多人称道。Many people _ Guilin _ i

2、ts scenery. praise 还可作名词,意为“赞扬,赞美”。这们医生受到所有人的高度赞扬。 This doctor received _ from everyone.知识点二 girft用作名词,意为“天赋,才能”。短语have a gift for sth 意为“某一方面有天赋”。3. (翻译)这个女孩跳舞有天赋。知识点三 I did make some wonderful pictures later. 后来我确实创作出一些精彩的画。这个句子中的did 起强调作用,在句子中加强说话人的语气,表示“的确”,有人称和时态的变化。4. (翻译)他的确来过,但很快就回去了。当堂反馈 用所

3、给的单词适当形式填空1She looked at the _(污点) on her sons face.2The more children are _(鼓励) , the more progress they will make.3She kept _(tell) herself,” dont be afraid, speak loudly.”4The waiter takes several _ (toothbrush) to the washroom.5 _ (look) at her mother, the girl smiled.6I found he _ (explain) the

4、 problem to his students when I walked into his office. 7. No matter how nice this fruit _ (smell), I prefer not to eat it.8Look at _ (you) in the mirror. How dirty your faces are!二、根据中文提示完成句子1爸爸经常称赞妈妈的烹饪。_2当我拿走水杯的时候,我把一些水滴到书上了。_3你何时对文学产生兴趣的?_4我们的英语老师鼓励我们参加各种各样的课外活动。 _我妹妹在跳舞上有很好的天赋_拓展提升缺词填空Money can

5、 make you happy, only if you spend it in a w (1) way. Buying a new car makes you happy. However, you will forget this happy feeling when the car gets old. But if you spend a week t (2), its more possible that youll remember the great experience, and youll remember the feeling for a long time. A new

6、study has f (3) that spending money on experiences makes people happier than on material things. For material things, its possible that youll care about every small thing. If you buy a nice pen, and someone else buys one with less money, it is possible that you may be unhappy because you spend more

7、money. When it comes to experiences like trips, you would think in a d (4) way. If the experience is generally good, you will be happy with the price. Material things can be c (5) more easily. If you buy an iPhone and then see a b (6) one, you may regret (后悔) buying the first one. However, if you ha

8、ve a nice dinner at one restaurant, and then l (7) about another better restaurant, you will not regret the first meal. Material things can c (8) jealousy. For example, if you buy a new toy and find that your friend has a better toy, you will feel unhappy. I (9), if you travel to a beautiful place,

9、then no matter where your friends have gone, it wont make the m (10) of your trip less happy.书面表达以My Favorite Great Book为题, 根据下面的问题写一篇80词左右的短文,注意适当发表自己的看法。1. Who is the writer of the great book?2. What is the main idea of the book?3. Who are the important characters?4. What is the theme of the story?My Favorite Great Book_3



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