山东胶南理务关中心中学九级英语全册 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious第2课时学案新人教新目标.doc

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山东胶南理务关中心中学九级英语全册 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious第2课时学案新人教新目标.doc_第1页
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山东胶南理务关中心中学九级英语全册 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious第2课时学案新人教新目标.doc_第2页
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《山东胶南理务关中心中学九级英语全册 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious第2课时学案新人教新目标.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东胶南理务关中心中学九级英语全册 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious第2课时学案新人教新目标.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious执 笔审 核课 型阅读课课 时2【课 题】Period 2Section A 3a-3c教师复备栏或学生笔记栏【学习目标】重点单词: steal, lay, dessert, garden, admire, tie重点短语: lay out, in the shape of, refuse to, as a result重点句型: Whoever drank this could live forever He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts

2、 in the garden.【学习重点难点】重点:lay out 摆开;布置carry peoples wishes toadmire the moon sharewith 和分享重点难点:掌握宾语从句用法; 继续学习宾语从句复习感叹句【学法指导】运用生活经历回忆赏月吃月饼境况-谈论赏月吃月饼记忆-听读课文-朗读课文-理解课文-知识点积累-巩固练习【教学过程】【教学过程】温故知新1.英汉互译:1)几个世纪_2)in the shape of_3) 拒绝做某事_4)the most touching_5) 结果是_6)lay out_2. 导入回忆赏月吃月饼境况-谈论赏月吃月饼记忆When i

3、s the Mid-Autumn Festival?How do people celebrate it? What delicious foood did people eat on this day in China?二、导学释疑任务一;A拼读记忆生词、意思folk /fulk/ adj. 民间的;民俗的 p.11 goddess /gdes/, /gA:ds/ n. 女神 p.11 steal /sti:l/ v. (stole /stul/, stolen /stuln/) 偷;窃取p.11lay /lei/ v. (laid /leid/, laid)放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋)p

4、.11 lay out 摆开;布置p.11dessert /diz:(r)t/ n(饭后)甜点;甜食p.11garden /ga:(r)dn/ n. 花园;园子 p.11 admire /dmai (r)/ v. 欣赏;仰慕 p.11 B学习、运用生词1、folk adj. 民间的,民俗的 a folk story 民间故事 eg. Do you like listening to _?2、god n. 神 goddess n. 女神 (复数- +es) 女服务员waitress 女演员actress3、steal stole stolen v. 偷,窃取 stealsth fromsb st

5、ealsb sth4、 lay v. 放置,安放;产(卵),下(蛋) lay out 摆开,布置 lay (out) the coat on the bed lay eggs 下蛋,产卵 Hens lay eggs . 5、admire v. 欣赏,仰慕 admire sb. admire sb for C单词听写在文中找出下列动词,并写出动词的形式 、 、 been shot 、 gave 、 drank steal 、 、 became 、found laid 任务二、勾画并记忆短语Full moon,full feelings圆圆的月亮,饱满的感情celebrate Mid-Autumn

6、 Festival庆祝中秋节 .for centuries 几个世纪.the shape of 的形状 .a full moon 满月on mid-autumn night 在中秋之夜carry peoples wishes to寄托人们对的祝福. traditional folk stories传统的民间故事the most touching 最令人感动的 . shoot down 射下,击落. 仙丹 live forever 长生不老 . stealfrom 从偷. lay eggs 下蛋 admire sb. for因而佩服某人.as a result 结果refuse to do st

7、h 拒绝做某事fly up to 飞向 .call out ones name大声呼喊的名字lay out 摆开,布置the tradition of 的传统admire the moon 赏月 . sharewith 和分享任务三、完成3a课文学习并交流1、快速阅读课文,完成3a任务并交流意见2、听读课文,纠正发音,模仿语音语调、句群停顿3、仔细阅读课文,完成3b任务并核对答案4、默读课文第1段,回答问题:How long have people celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival ? Does we celebrate it during the day or a

8、t night?5、默读课文第2段,判断正误:( )There is only one traditional folk story about Mid-Autumn Festival.( )A goddess gave Hou Yi magic medicine beforer he shot down the nine suns ( ) Change refused to give the medicine to Hou Yi and drank it all( ) One night, Feng Meng found that the moon was so bright and rou

9、nd that he could see his wife there.( ) Change quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden.6、Mind -map朗读课文,填写课文思维导图Title Name (it is also called Midautunmn Day ) CelebrationNationality Time What to doWho Legend Who A husband Wife What Hou Yi got from a because he nine suns.Change

10、 it all because wanted to steal it.Development Change became and Hou Yi in the garden because he always prepared well for of Change.As a resultHou Yi and Change ever since.Wish 7、朗读课文努力记住课文内容,不看书完成3c任务四、巩固提升单项选择:1. She _a lot of weight last winter. Now she is very heavy.A. put off B. put up C. put o

11、ut D. put on2. -Can you tell me the differences between these two pictures? -Differences? Oh, no. They look quiet_.A. different B. similar C. strange D. interesting3. I have two brothers. One is a teacher, _is a doctor.A. another B. other C. others D. the other4. I enjoy fresh air so I always sleep

12、with the window open _it is really cold.A. unless B. when C. if D . since5. _leaves the room last should turn off the light.A. Anyone B. Who C. Whoever D. No matter who五、检测反馈1. 去年我体重增加了好多I _ _a lot of weight last year.2. 后羿急忙在后花园里放上她平时最爱吃的水果和甜点。Hou Yi quickly _ _her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden.3.我大声叫喊她的名字,但她仍然没有听见。I _ _her name, but she didn


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