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1、广东省深圳市中考英语听说考试模拟试题14I. 听录音,在屏幕上点击你听到的句子。1. A. Would you like some cheese?B. Would you like some cakes?C. Would you like some candies?2. A. Whats that tower made of? B. What that tower made for? C. Whats that tower made from?3. A. Why not go and enjoy yourself in China? B. Why not go and enjoy oursel

2、ves in France? C. Why not go and enjoy yourself in Japan?. 听录音,在屏幕上点击与你听到的句子的意思最相近的句子。1. A. My best friend works as a doctor. B. Is your best friend a doctor? C. My best friend isnt a good doctor. 2. A. My mother often prevents me from playing games.B. My father often plays computer games excitedly.

3、C. My brother always plays computer games excitedly. 请你根据实际情况和所提供的情景完成对话。你妈妈的同事打电话找她,但她不在家,一个小时后才回来。下面是你们的对话。1. May I talk with Mrs. Wang?2. When will she be back?3. Could you ask her to call me back please? My phone number is 8255429. 听短文回答问题。1. How old is Zhou Li?2. Is Zhou Li busy at weekends?3.

4、What does Li Ming do on Sunday?V. 请用英语描述下图,要求6句以上。 图一 图二 图三 图四深圳市中考英语听说考试模拟试题十四录音文稿及答案I. 听录音,在屏幕上点击你听到的句子。1. Would you like some cakes?2. Whats that tower made of?3. Why not go and enjoy yourself in Japan?Key: BAC. 听录音,在屏幕上点击与你听到的句子的意思最相近的句子。1. My best friend is a doctor.2. My mother often stops me

5、from playing games.Key: AA. 请你根据实际情况和所提供的情景完成对话。 1. May I talk with Mrs. Wang?2. When will she be back?3. Could you ask her to call me back please? My phone number is 8255429.Key:1. Sorry, she is out.2. She will be back in an hour.3. OK, I will ask her to call you as soon as she comes back. 听短文回答问题。

6、Let me tell you how two Chinese middle school students spend their weekends.Zhou Li is a Grade 8 student in a key school. The 14-year-old girl has to get up at 7 a.m. on Saturday. Then she has classes all the day. On Sunday, she goes to art and piano classes. In the evening, she practices spoken Eng

7、lish with a foreign teacher. But she doesnt complain. She is hardworking.Li Ming is a Grade 7 student. On Saturday he usually gets up at 8 oclock. In the morning, he spends some time doing homework. After finishing homework, he often plays basketball with his friends. On Sunday, he is free to read s

8、ome books and play computer games.1. How old is Zhou Li?2. Is Zhou Li busy at weekends?3. What does Li Ming do on Sunday?Key: 1. 14 years old.2. Yes, she is.3. He reads some books and plays computer games. V. 请用英语描述下图,要求6句以上。Key:Mary and Lily are sisters. Their mothers birthday was coming soon. It w

9、as March 2nd. They discussed how to celebrate mothers birthday. On that day, they went to a supermarket and bought many things for mother. Then they went home. Mary cooked the meal and Lily cleaned the house. When mother came back, they gave her some flowers and a birthday cake. They said,“Happy birthday, Mom.” Their mother was very happy. - 4 -


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