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1、七年级英语第三周周末自测试题班级 姓名 家长签名 一单项选择。( )1. He usually goes to school bike,but sometimes he goes to school foot.A. with;on B. on;by C. on;with D. by;on( )2. If your home is very near, you should _ to school.A. ride B. walk C. take the train D. take the subway( )3. We get up _. A. at six of the morning B. i

2、n the morning at sixC. at six in the morning D. at six in morning( )4. -_ do you go to work? -I take a bus.A. When B. Where C. How D. What time( )5. How does she Shanghai?A. reaches B. arrive at C. get to D. gets( )6. It takes me half an hour _ my homework every day.A. do B. does C. to do D. doing(

3、)7. My sisters home is _ from here. A. half an hour away on foot B. three kilometer awayC. 10 minutes walk D. two hours( )8. It takes about _ walk from my home to school.A ten minute to B. ten minutes to C. ten minutes D. ten minutes( )9. There _ many students in the class now.A. is B. has C. are D.

4、 have( )10. The accident(事故) happened _ 7:00 pm _ 9:00 pm.A. from, to B. between, to C. from , and D. between, and( )11. -_ does it take you from the hotel to the hospital? -Half an hour.A. How long B. How far C. How many D. How soon( )12. Thomas wants to know_. A. how I get to school B. how do I ge

5、t to school C. how does I get to school D. how I gets to school.( )13. I usually walk to school but _I take a taxi to school.A. Sometimes B. Some time C. sometime D. some times( )14. Its important _learn English well.A. for you B. of you to C. of you D. for you to( )15.She gets up early _ the mornin

6、g but late _ Saturday and Sunday mornings A. on, in B. on, on C. in, on D. in, in( )16. They are waiting _ the bus stop. A. on B. in C. at D. for ( )17. _ do you think _ Chinese education?A. How, like B. What , of C. Where, of D. Who, about( )18. Mary _at school every weekday.A. do morning exercises

7、 B. have morning exercisesC. does morning exercises D. has morning exercises( )19. Everyone hopes his or her dream can_.A. come true B. come out C. come back D. How far( )20. The river runs too _, so the visitors cant go boating today.A. quickly B. quick C. slow D. slowly二、完成下列句子。1. “吉姆,你怎样到校的?” “步行

8、。”_ do you get to school? _ _. 2. 公共汽车之旅花费了大约30分钟。_ _ _ takes about thirty minutes.3. 从你家到学校多远? How _ is your home _ the school? 或者:_ _ is it _ your home _ the school? 4. My parents live far, so I go to see them _ _ _ _ ( 两三次)a year.5.It takes me _ _ _ _ ( 一个半) hours to clean the classroom. 6 你认为他完成

9、这项工作需要30个小时吗? Do you think _?7. 我想知道玛丽往得离她祖父家多远。I want to know _.8. 在这张地图和门之间有个洞。Theres a hole _.9. 格林太太对简来说像妈妈。 Mrs. Green is Jane.10.他们不得不乘船过河,因为没有桥。 They _ by boat because _.三从方框中选择适当的单词填空come, bridge, take, cross, like1. Linlins just_ a sister to me.2. I think my dream will _ true one day.3. You

10、 have to _ the street to get to the bus stop. 4. Its 5 kilometers from here. You had better (最好)_ the bus. 5. Theres a _ over the river.四、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. It often _(take) her 3 hours to play sports.2. I like _(ride) a bike to school every day.3. How far _ you _ (live) from here?4. My teacher often te

11、lls me _ (not talk) in class.5. Its not easy for us _(learn) English well.6. There _ (be) a river near the hotel.7. He doesnt want _ ( do ) his homework first.8. Every morning he _(leave for) school at around half past five.9. I dont have time _ (clean) my room from Monday to Friday.10.We are tired.

12、 Lets _ (stop ) to have a rest.五、句型转换。1. It usually takes me two hours to do exercise every day. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ it usually _ to do exercise every day?2. Its five kilometers from here to the bank. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ it from here to the bank?3. Most students take trains to school in Japan. (对划线部分提问) _ _ most students _ to school in Japan?4. Students ride bikes to school every day. (同义句) Students go to school _ _ every day. 5. How do you like the trip? (同义句转换) _ do you _ _ the trip? 或者_ do you _ _ the trip?6. Some students go to school by ropeway. It i


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