福建龙岩永定区八级英语下册Unit8Topic1WewillhaveaclassfashionshowSectionD学案新仁爱 1.doc

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《福建龙岩永定区八级英语下册Unit8Topic1WewillhaveaclassfashionshowSectionD学案新仁爱 1.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《福建龙岩永定区八级英语下册Unit8Topic1WewillhaveaclassfashionshowSectionD学案新仁爱 1.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8 Topic1 SectionD一、学习目标:1. 了解更多的与服装相关的知识。2. 复习so that, such that和so that的用法。二、学习重点(合作探究):1. 了解更多的与服装相关的知识。2. 复习so that, such that和so that的用法。3. 有效地完成任务型阅读。三、学习过程:、预习自测: 由制成(两种) _ _ 保护某人/物不受的伤害_ 开始做某事_ 使用某物做某事_ 不同种类的_ 保暖_ 多于,超过(两种)_ _ 穿制服的人_ 喜欢做某事_ 做运动_ 正如俗语所讲:衣如其人。_、解难答疑 1、The kite is made of p

2、aper. 风筝是用纸做的。 The table is made of wood. 这张桌子是木头做的。 Paper is made from wood. 纸是用木头做的。 Bread is made from wheat. 面包是用小麦做的。 is made of 后接制作原料,成品中可以看出制作原料。 is made from 在成品中看不出制作原料。2、keep sb./sth. + adj. 保持某人或某物 keep (on) doing sth. 继续或重复做某事。 keep sb / sth. from doing sth. = stop sb / sth. from doing

3、sth. 阻止某人(物)做某事、反馈拓展:( )1 ._will you _your old computer ? Im going to give it to a friend of mine.A. What, deal with B. How, deal with C. How , did with D. What , do it with( )2._he lives alone , _he doesnt feel lonely.A. Though, but B. Though, C. But, D. Because ,so( )3.Did you go to Beijing by tra

4、in or by bus ? I went to Beijing by train _ by bus . A . instead B. instead for C . instead of D. instead to( )4. What did he do when you asked him to join us? He refused_with us when we asked him to join us.A. to play B. plays C. play D. playing ( )5.What should we do when we feel sad ? Its very im

5、portant_us _talk to someone else when we feel sad. A .of, to B . for , to C. of ,for D. for ,of ( )6. Its my first time to Beijing . Could you give me some advice ? Sure . You can read the map of Beijing carefully before _there.A. visiting B. visit C . to visit D. visited( )7. If you want to stay healthy ,you must try to eat _fast food and do _exercise.A. little , more B. less , much C. less , more D. more , less 2


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