山东聊城文轩中学八级英语上册 Module 5 Lao She Teahouse Unit 3 Language in use学案新外研.doc

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1、 Unit 3 Language in use 语法:动词不定式() 及双宾语(参考课本P126-127)(一)动词不定式() 由“to+ 动词原形”构成的结构叫做动词不定式。动词不定式没有人称和数的变化。动词不定式放在动词之后,作动词的宾语,表示意图、希望或者决定的内容。常见的后面加动词不定式的动词有:plan, want, decide, hope, would like , offer, agree等。I wanted to see the Beijing Opera. Lingling offered to take me to the teahouse. (二)双宾语 在英语中,有些

2、及物动词后可以接两个宾语,常用“动词+人+ 物”的表达方式。这种结构称为“双宾语”。其中,人是间接宾语,物是直接宾语。通常接双宾语的动词有:give, bring, lend, pass , send, buy, tell, see, leave 等。 My mother bought me a book. (me 是间接宾语, a book 是直接宾语)【注意】 间接宾语有时候可以放在后面,但是间接宾语前面要加介词 to 或者是for. 一般来说, to 表示“给某人”, for 表示“为某人”。 My father gives me a pen. = My father gives a p

3、en to me. My sister buys me a gift. = My sister buys a gift for me. . 可以用to 进行转换的动词有:give, show, tell, teach, send, offer, pass 等。.可以用for 进行转换的动词有:buy, make, get, choose, cook, draw 等。 Mrs. Wang made her students a cake. = Mrs. Wang made a cake _ her students. Lao She Teahouse gives everyone a warm

4、welcome. = Lao She Teahouse gives a warm welcome _ everyone. 【随堂练习】1. Dont forget _ (close) the door when you leave.2. I hope _ (hear) from you again.3. My teacher advised me _ (listen) English every day.4. Its easy _ (talk ) but difficult _ (do).5. She planned _ (plant) some trees on the side of th

5、e river.Exercises: 1. The children decide _ their garden this Friday afternoon. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned 2. Will you please ask him _ my party tomorrow evening? A. to come B. to come to C. come to D. coming 3. Yesterday my parents offered _ me to the Great Wall. A. taking B. to ta

6、ke C. took D. takes 4. - I hear Jackie Chan will come to Wuhan next week. - Really? _ he comes, my younger sister will be very happy. A. If B. Until C. Before D. Because 5. _ last term, Tom got the best score in his class. A. At the end of B. On the end of C. At the end D. On the end6. Daming likes

7、sports, _ football. A. usually B. special C. especially D. sometimes7. We are planning _ France this summer. A. visit B. visiting C. visits D. to visit8. - Who broke the window? - _. But its not me. A. No idea. B. Good idea. C. I see. D. Go on! 9. - _ did you stay there ? - For three days. A. How ma

8、ny B. How long C. How often D. How soon 10. We will try _ the work before seven oclock. A. finished B. finish C. to finish D. finishing 11. He worked hard, and _ , he succeeded(成功). A. by the end B. in the end C. at the end D. on the end 12. The teacher told the students _ in class. A. not talk B. D

9、ont talk C. didnt talk D. not to talk 13. My family has a dog _“OK”. A. name B. named C. is name D. naming 14. I have _ to tell you. Maybe you will be _ in it. A. interesting something; interested B. something interesting; interestingC. something interesting; interested D. interesting something; interesting 1-5 _ 6-10 _ 11-14 _ 2


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