福建分校九级英语第一轮质量检测 仁爱.doc

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1、福建省漳州一中分校2007年九年级英语第一轮质量检测试卷(满分:150分; 考试时间:120分钟)第卷(95分).听力测试:(每小题1分,计30分)A. 单句理解: 听句子,从所给的三幅图中选出与你所听到的句子情景相同(相近)的图画.(每小题读两遍)(5分)( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. B情景反应: 根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的答语。(每小题读两遍)(8分)( )6AIts December 31 st.BIts Friday.CIts late.( )7ANothing serious.BThats a good idea.COf course ,

2、if you wish.( )8ANo , it isnt.BMy head aches.CWhat a pity.( )9AYes , I am.BYes , I do.CYes , I can.( )10AA great deal.BVery much.CForty-three.( )11ANo problem.BYoure welcome.CThats perfect.( )12ANo , I dont think so.BAbout the same. And you?CIt was nice to see you.( )13AYes , you may.BOh , thank you

3、.CNo , its not taken.C对话理解:根据你所听到的对话内容,选择最佳选项回答问题。(每段对话读两遍)第一节 听第14至19段对话,回答第14至19小题。(6分)( )14Where will the speaker go next?AA hotel.BA restaurant.CAn office.( )15When will the report be ready?AOn Tuesday.BOn Thursday.COn Saturday.( )16How much did they ask for the repairs?A$ 1,000.B$ 500.C$ 250.(

4、)17Where does the woman live now?AIn Chicago.BIn New York.CIn Boston.( )18What is the womans favorite?AFish.BBeef.CChicken.( )19How did the woman come back?ABy train.BBy plane.CBy bus.第二节 听下面两段对话,每段对话后各有三个问题,请选择最佳选项回答问题。(6分)听第20段对话,回答第20至22小题。( )20What is the woman looking for?AA railway station.BA

5、coffeehouse.CA hotel( )21How long will the woman stay?AOne night.BTwo nights.CThree nights.( )22In which direction is the gray building?ATo the east.BTo the west. CTo the south.听第21段对话,回答第23至25小题。( )23What will the woman do in the city?A. Work at a store. B. Go to a school. C. Have a picnic. ( )24Wh

6、at do they do in the morning when they camp?AGo swimming. BPlay basketball.CTell stories.( )25What can we learn from the conversation?AThe woman has worked for four summers.BJohn is the mans brother.CSummer vacation is coming.D短文理解:根据所听到的短文内容,选择最佳选项回答问题(短文读三遍)5分( )26How many years has the speaker be

7、en away from his mother?A16.B24.C40.( )27Why did the speakers wife leave him?AHe had no job.BHe was homeless.CHe drank too much.( )28Where does the speaker sleep at night?AOn the streets.BAt a hotel. CAt his parents home.( )29What did the speaker decide to do a year ago?AGo to college.BBuy a house.C

8、Write a book.( )30What does the speaker do at night now?AHe studies English. BHe writes a book.CHe collects cans.同义词(组)替换: 选出与划线部分意思相同(相近)的选项。(每小题1分,计5分)( )31Where would you like to go on vacation?Awill , likeBdo , feel likeCcould , likeDdo , want( )32Be quiet , please. Im going to hand out your tes

9、t papers.Agive awayBgive outCgive inDgive up( )33There is little time left. Could you run your eyes over my report quickly?Alook atBlook throughClook forDlook out( )34Finally they found the way to the school.AAt the endBTo the end CIn the end DLast( )35Come in and sit down , please.Ago and sitBhave

10、a seatChave a good time Dhelp yourself选择填空:从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,计20分)( )36Your new watch looks nice. Where did you buy ? I want to buy , too. Ait , itBit , oneCone , oneDone , it( )37What a fine day today! Yes , but it is than yesterday.Amore hotterBa bit hoterCso hotDa little hotter( )38What

11、do you think of them?Well , this dress that one is fit for you. They are too big.Aboth , andBeither , orCneither , norDnot only , but also( )39Have you seen Audi car here? I parked it here this morning.Is it black one? I saw a young man drive it away hour ago.Aan , a , aBan , an , aCan , a , anDan ,

12、 the , an( )40 Shall we go and_ hello to the foreign teachers? Good idea! Lets go.A. say B. speak C. talk D. shout( )41We dont know . It is said that he was born in Sweden.Awhich country is he fromBwhat he is doingCwhere he comes fromDwhere was he born( )42I like Zhang Hanyun. Her voice the singing

13、of birds.Yes , it really beautiful.Asound like , soundedBsounds like , soundsCsounds , sounds likeDsounded like , was sounded( )43The old man in front of the door , waiting for his children to come back home.Awas used to sit Bis used to sitCused to sitDused to sitting( )44The children to swim last month, and they can swim very well now.Ahave taughtBwere learntCwere taughtDtaught( )45You have left the light on. Oh , sorry, and turn it off.AIve goneBIll goCI went DI left( )46I


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