江苏铜山区清华中学八级英语上册 Unit 3 Grammar导学案 牛津.doc

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1、Unit3 Grammar 【学习目标】:1.能够熟练朗读并默写本课重点单词以及各人称对应的反身代词。2.能够了解并熟练掌握asas的用法以及反身代词3.通过练习使学生能够应用中掌握这两种语法要点。【学习重难点】:掌握重点短语:asas的用法以及其对应的否定形式,八个反身代词的形式以及在句子中的应用。【自主学习】一、根据音标或汉语默写下面的单词。1.我自己_ 2.你自己_ 3.他自己_ 4.她自己_ 5.它自己_ 6.我们自己_ 7.你们自己_ 8.他们自己_ 9.拉,拖_ 10.岩石_ 11.幸好,幸运的是_ 12.攀爬者_二、写出下列单词的变化形式。1.itself(主格)_ (宾格)_

2、2. pull(反义词)_ 3.climber(动词)_ 4.luckily(形容词)_(名词)_(反义词)_ 5.rock(复数)_三、通过预习课文翻译下列短语或句子。1. 和一样开心_ 2.not as tall as _3. 看起来和 一样精彩_4. 旅途没有参观那么有意思_5. pull up the rocks_ 6.尝试去做_ 7. 保守秘密_ 8. hurt oneself_ 9.互看_【课堂学习合作探究过程】一、 通过回忆reading课文,利用models引入语言点asasAsas词组的结构: as + adj.(原形) + as as + 副词 + as 否定形式: Not

3、 as + adj.(原形) + as二、 完成35页第二部分完成句子三、 小组内进行asas 词组的肯定以及否定的练习四、 巩固练习。把下面三个句子改成否定句。This pen is as long as that one. 这支钢笔和那只长度一样。 His bag is as heavy as hers. 他的书包和她的一样重。Jim is as tall as Mike. Jim和Mike一样高五、 在reading中的句子”I enjoyed myself”和 “Go and see for youselves”引入反身代词。小组内讨论并识记八个反身代词的正确形式和读音,找B或者C汇报

4、总结规律。七、完成”what happened at South Hill” 巩固反身代词的使用,找出新的词组。Enjoy oneself, pull oneself up, hurt oneself, keep the secret to oneselfBy oneself【课堂达标检测】一、翻译句子1. The bus is as comfortable as those in the USA. _2.The Eiffel Tower is not as tall as the real one in France._3. Luckily. Some climbers helped Sim

5、on._.4.You are lucky you didnt hurt yourself._.二、用单词的适当形式填空1. _ (lucky), he didnt catch the last train to Shanghai.2. Thank you very much for keeping the secret to _ (you).3. Its _(real) fun to learn foreign languages.4. No one taught _ English. He learned it _(he).5. Dont touch the machine, childre

6、n, or you may hurt _(you).三、 句型转换 (1)This storybook is not as interesting as that one.(改为同义句) That storybook is this one.(2) This rope is 9 metres long,and that rope is also 9 metres long.(改为同义句) This rope is that one.(3) Tom keeps the secret to himself,and Mary keeps the secret to herself,too.(改为同义

7、句)Tom and Mary the secret .(4) I am 1.82 metres tall,and he is 1.69 metres tall.(改为同义句)He is I am.四、单项选择 ( )1、How far from the shop to the museum? A.its B. it is C. is D. is it ( ) 2. The bell rang all the students went out of the classroom. A. or B. but C. and D. because ( ) 3. He is waiting the bu

8、s stop you. A. for in B. at for C. for at D. at on ( ) 4.He and I bought the same shirts on the same time, so his shirt is mine. A. as new as B. not as new as C. older than D. newer than ( ) 5.During her visit to Paris, Mrs .Ma enjoyed .A. real; herself B. really; himself C. really; herself D. really;her ( ) 6. The Mid-Autumn Day is usually September October.A. of;in B. on;and C. at;and D. in;or4



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