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1、Unit8 Detective stories - Integrated skills 【学习目标】1.掌握四会词汇:wealth, safety, lock, shut, guard, a man of great wealth, no criminal record,safety tips, shut all the windows, guard against sth.2.能听懂有关警察询问嫌疑犯的录音,并根据获取的信息完成表格。【学习重难点】1.学习的掌握新单词和短语。2.能够听懂课文录音,完成相应的习题。【导学过程】自主预习1.听integrated skills的录音以及阅读课本内

2、容,找出里面的新单词和词组。2.完成课本A1,A2,A3题。3.预习检测:英汉互译A.熟记下列单词,并且翻译中文意思:wealth, kidnapping, prison, kidnap, safety, lock, guard合作交流1.小组之间合作,检测预习情况。2.阅读A1部分警员的记录,回答问题: Who is the victim? How old is the victim? When did the kidnapping happen? When and where was he last seen? Who are suspects?3.根据A1部分的记录,用尽可能多的信息完成

3、两个嫌疑犯的简介部分空格。4.听A2部分录音,逐一完成A1余下的空格。 (如有疑问,可再放一遍录音)5.用完整的句子陈述A1部分简介的内容,全班核对答案。6.根据获取的信息,完成P116 A3部分练习,核对答案,集体朗读。7.两人一组,讨论谁是绑架犯以及绑架的原因,以及自己的观点: Who do you think kidnapped Guan Fei? Why do you think he/she kidnapped Guan Fei? How much money do you think he/she wants? Why does he/she need the money?Do y

4、ou think Guan Fei is scared?I think kidnapped Guan Fei because .8. 听Speak up部分录音,说出对话中提及的安全建议,分角色朗读对话。9.小组成员总结本节课的重要语法点。学习反思_课堂检测一.根据句意、首字母、或中文提示写出单词1. He told me that his brother had been in p_ for theft.2. He is a man of great _ (财富). 3. The athlete broke the _ (记录) in the national race.4. A boy w

5、as _ (绑架) yesterday.二.翻译下列句子1. We should remember to lock the door when we leave home._2. I think we need to guard against any possible danger around us._3. And wed better shut all the windows too._4.The police officers assistant is writing a report on the kidnapping case._参考答案:一. 1. prison 2.wealth 3.record 4.kidnapped二.1.我们离开家时应该记得锁门。2.我觉得我们需要提防我们周围任何可能的危险。3.我们也应该关掉所有的窗户。4.警官的助手正在写一份关于绑架案的报告。3


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