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1、 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.(Lesson 1: Grammar & Section A 1a2c)一、学习目标:1. 能用英语询问故事的开始、发展及后续等,并能发表一些简单的看法或观点。2. 能有足够的阅读量,知识面广。二、重点难点:Sentences in 1b and 2b.三、学习活动:1.预习:1)会读所有的单词,中英文能匹配,了解每词的词性;2)中外的传说或故事你能完整说出来的有:_2.1a, Match.小组合作讲故事:选定一个Story,一人一句,要求主要情节不缺。How does the story happe

2、n? (When, Who, Where)What happened next? How about the ending?3.1b Listening: Easy to finish!4.1c.Answer the questions according to the listening text. Can you?5.2a&2b Listening6.I can tell a story! 2c. 整合听力内容,看图复述Yu Gong Moves a Mountain四、课堂小结:1. try to do_ try doing_ try on_ have a try_讲故事一般用_时态,经

3、常用_开头。但有些神话故事不设定发生的固定时间时,也可用一般现在时。2. shoot sth./ sb.射中,射杀 shoot at sth./ sb.瞄准 Jason瞄准了一只大鸟,但最终没开枪。_the sun_ 世界上独一无二的物品前,一般用冠词_,eg._3. work on _ work for_ work as_ work out_小唐正致力于电游。他想长大后为大公司(company)做一名计算机编程员。_4. as soon as _ 引导_从句,当主句为将来时,其引导的从句用_时,遵循_语法现象。continue to_ =_哥哥一毕业就会去找工作。_5. so that_引导

4、_从句 vs. so that_引导_从句be moved by sb. _此处moved是_分词,表_。可作adj.表_妈妈被那个感人的电影深深的感动了。_send sb. to do_ send sth. to sb.= send sb. sth._ send for sb.派人去请某人take away_ 为v.+_结构,pron.放_归纳含away的词组_6. remind that_ remind sb. of sth./ sb.使某人想起remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人做某事那首歌让我想起了我美丽的家乡。_ 记得提醒我关窗。_unless=_引导_从句,当主句为将

5、来时,其引导的从句用_时,遵循_语法现象。我们明天会去演唱会除非下雨。_五、达标检测:全效1六、课后拓展:1. 背记Grammar focus。2. 准备听写单词.Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.(Lesson 2: Section A 2d, 4a, 4c)_班_组 组员姓名_小组检查_教师回查_一、学习目标:1. 能对故事中的人物或情节发表一些简单的看法或观点,领会愚公精神。2. 掌握unless, as soon as, sothat的用法。二、重点难点:9.Grammar focus.1. What do you think

6、about the story of Yu Gong?2. Yu Gong found a good way to solve his problem.3. I think its a little bit silly.4. It doesnt seem very possible to move a mountain.5. But what could Yu Gong do instead of moving the mountains?6. Neither of you are wrong.7. There are many sides to a story and many ways t

7、o understand it.8. The sentences in 4a.三、学习活动:1. 预习检测:1)听写单词。2)通过课本P112-113、English Weekly自学状语从句(Adverbial Clause)。2. 4c组内合作:用英语写出自己最喜欢的一个traditional story,读给组员听。Once upon a time, _. _3. 完成4a,并说明每句话来自哪个traditional story,小组内互查结果。_4. 2d.1) Listening: Do they have the same opinion? How do you know?_2)

8、Wang Mings opinion: really _; a good way _; _ if you work hard.Claudias opinion: a little bit _; does not seem_ to move a mountain; try to find _to solve a problem, e.g. _.3) Role play:与partner能脱书角色表演对话,试试能设计自己的对话吗?四、课堂小结:(用每个信息点造自己的句子)1. 句1=_ the story of Yu Gong_ a friend of my fathers_ the city o

9、f Chenzhou_ a photo of Lucy_a photo of Lucys_2. find_ look for_ find out_3. a little bit adj./ adv.= a little= a bit_ a little sth.=a bit of sth._.蠢silly 傻头傻脑的 stupid智力差的,反应迟钝的 foolish无头脑的,缺乏常识的4. 句4句型_,其中V-link由seem代替is,否定形式doesnt seem代isnt5. instead of _与instead异同点_6. 两个:neither _每一个_ 都_ 词组:_ 三个或以

10、上:都不_ 每一个_ 都_词组:_7. the way to sth._ 归纳用介词to的词组_8. mice_的pl.,单复不同形的n._ fall in love with sb._the right girl_ the new couple_ cant stop doing_ get married (to sb.)_ all over the world_五、达标检测:全效2六、课后拓展:1. 背记Grammar focus。2. 背记2d.复述Yu Gong Moves a Mountain.Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.

11、(Lesson 3: Section A 3a3c, 4b)_班_组 组员姓名_小组检查_教师回查_一、学习目标:1. 读懂passage并完成阅读任务。2. 朗读并背诵,重点记忆重点句子和表达方法。二、重点难点:1. In November 1979, pupils in England were able to watch a new TV program called Monkey.2. However, the story is not new to Chinese children.3. The Monkey King is not just any normal monkey.4.

12、 This is because he can make 72 changes to his shape and size, turning himself into different animals and objects.5. To fight bad people, the Monkey King uses a magic stick.6. Sometimes he can make the stick so small that he can keep it in his ear.7. The Monkey King has excited the children of China for many years.8. And as soon as the TV program came out more than 30 years ago, Western children became interested in reading thi


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