重庆第110中学校八级英语上册Unit1Wheredidyougoonvacation第2课时导学案新人教新目标 1.doc

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1、Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation合作学习运用(课中释疑)知识回顾:1. 昨天我没看见特别的人。 2. 他们在山里照了相当多的照片。 3. 你在哪花费大部分时间阅读? 重点句1. The only problem was that there was nothing much to do in the evening but read. 译 but 介词2. No one seemed to be bored. 译 seem to do I.No one was here. 译:_.no one意思:_.与no body同义,做主语时,谓语动词用_形式。且不

2、能与of连用。none意为没有,既指人又指物,可与of连用。谓语单,复形式皆可。none可做答语,表示一个没有。Eg: (1) No one _(知道) the answer to the question.(2) _went swimming last weekend because of the bad weather.A. Someone B. No one C. Everyone D. Nothing(3) -How many books do you have? -_.A. No one B. No a C. No body D. None(4) _of the students k

3、nows what Mr Brown likes. A. No one B. None C. Someone D. Anyone2. Still no one seemed to be bored. 译:_ _.seem是系动词。意为:_. seem后接名词,形容词作表语。Seem like似乎像Eg: (1). It _(seem) a lovely cat. 它看来是只可爱的猫。(2) You _very _. 你好像很生气。( 3) It _ a _ _.这好像是个好主意。(4)That funny actor _ _ a clown(小丑)。那个滑稽的演员似乎像个小丑。【知识链接】se

4、em to do sth 似乎要、好像要做某事 It seems that似乎、看起来Eg: (1). He seems _ _ _./ It _ _ he is sad. 他似乎很伤心。(2) The girl seems _ _ her homework on time./ It _ _ she finishes her homework on time.3 I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax. 译:_.此句中,to read and relax 做_成分。及动词不定式在句中做状语。Eg: (1). Many v

5、isitors come to China _(visit) the Great Wall.(2). My sister often goes to the Childrens Palace _(learn) the piano.(3.) My family want to the countryside _(see) my grandma last weekend.4. Why didnt you buy anything for yourself? 译:_.Why dont/doesnt/didnt+人称+do? = Why not do? 表示某人为什么不做某事呢,是一种建议。Eg: (

6、1) _ _ _go home with me?= _ _go home with me?(2) Why not _ for a walk after dinner? A.go B.goes C.to go D.going【拓展】表示建议的句型:What about .? How about? Lets do。翻译:你为什么不读书呢?Why dont you_ _? Why not _ _?Lets _ _. What about _ _? How about _ _?探究学习展示(课中做)Task 1(grammar 6分钟) 方法指导:1大声朗读Grammar的句子并口头翻译出来。 2总结

7、一般过去时的用法:Task 2 (合作探究3a 3分钟)方法指导:1 读方框里的单词并理解意思 2.朗读对话并完成单词填空 3核对答案.对桌相互朗读对话 4划线下列短语并翻译。Something funinteresting _ Of course ._How did you like it?_ buy sth. for_ Something I like he likeswe do you eat _Task 3(3b 3分钟)方法指导 1. 朗读对话并完成单词填空 2核对答案.对桌相互朗读 3划线下列短语并翻译。家中某个人_ 朋友的农场 _ 在乡村 _ 看见仔猪_ 似乎 _ 有很多要做的事

8、情_ Task 4(3c 3分钟)方法指导:1朗读并理解方框里的句子意思,询问组内每人上个假期的情况。 2.两人一组编对话并表演。 Task 5: 归纳总结( 15分钟) 方法指导:1 认真阅读例句,小组讨论总结 2 老师巡回指导,学生不会的举手询问。考点 一:句子中有过去的时间状语in 1990 , two days ago ,last week, just now.Eg. There _(be) only one school in our hometown in 1982 考点 二:如何变成特殊疑问句。Where did you give the concert? 总结:疑问词+_+主语

9、+动词原形+? Eg. He did his homework last Monday._ _ he _ his homework? 考点 三:不定代词 sb, sth, nothing ,everything, nobody ,nothing everyone, everybody做主语,谓语用单数。Something_(be) wrong with my watch. 考点 四:形容词修饰不定代词,形容词后置。There isnt_ in the restaurant.A anything delicious B deliciousanythingCsomething deliciousD

10、delicious something 考点 五:不定代词可加动词不定式,不定式做后置定语。I really have something important_A do B to do C to doing D does自主学习(课后巩固)一 单选(7分钟)1. Who helped Li Lei with his English? _ ,he learnt it by himself.A Anybody B Somebody C Nobody D Everybody2. He takes little, but gives_A few B little C much D many3. Who

11、 cleaned the room yesterday? Tom _.A cleaned B does C did D is4. Do you like your parents? _ I do.A Of course B No problem C Sorry D No5. _students are reading English books and only a few of them are writing.A All B Most C None D Any.6. May I have a talk with you, Sir? Ive got_ important to tell yo

12、u.A nothing B anything C something D everything7. Please keep quiet,_! I have _ to tell you.A everything, anything important B anything, something importantC everyone, important everything D everyone, something important8. As volunteers, they should do_ to help the children in trouble.A nothing B anybody C something D somebody9. He turned off the lights and then _A leaves B left C leaved D leaving10. He cant hear you because there is _noise here.A very much B too much C much too D so many二 句型转换(5分钟)



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